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View Full Version : No power at all???

01-11-2008, 07:47 PM
hey guys,
i got a problem, my other bike which is a little honda cbr250rr 99 model has a problem. i was riding on the highway and i went to turn my blinkers on and when i did, the bikes electrical power started fluctuating and it stopped the engine. ok so my indicator unit was making stupid noises and as i left the ingition on, it just started to die, (my gagues and lights would just go spaz). ok so i replaced the indicator unit and still nothing. its not the battery, so do u think it could be the rectifier under the seat? or any other thoughts would be great.

i.e. this bike is quite modified electrically (streetfighter) and the gauges i was talkin about are Acewell digital ones.
Thanks guys

01-11-2008, 08:54 PM
The rectifiter regualtor is quite prone to frying itself, but due to what you say about modified electrics it could be a fried wire or a connection is fried.