View Full Version : AFR09 - april fools run 09

29-10-2008, 08:24 AM
Whats the deal with it??? i know its gonna be cold for us over in the land of the free...but we def. have some interest sparking.

anyone have some details for me to spread to my fellow fighterers?!

Ahh, here it is: www.aprilfoolsrun.com.au

29-10-2008, 04:08 PM
I'd say it's gunna be at casino(the town) again (its up the top of NSW) so dont worrie about a jacket cause it'll be friggin hot. I'm sure it'll be around April some time.(yeh ok that was stupid)

29-10-2008, 04:37 PM
scotty, customfighter is a seppo and thus april is cold

customfighterer, try pm'ing Gix11 or Quickdraw or Exben they are the guys in the know.

29-10-2008, 04:46 PM
Hey Ad.
As per the email mate, it's on the 3rd 4th and 5th of April 2009. The UK guys are getting theirs underway already and the Kiwis are ready for another one over in New Zealand, so it's up to the Yanks to get it sorted this time! (and maybe the Germans hey??)

If it's cold arrange an indoor event mate. We used to do the NEC bike show in the UK every year and that was in November/December, You rode out together in the cold and then had the show indoors. If you're starting small just find someone with a big property and a fuck-off-large shed! - Just don't try getting too big too soon! It would be good to see the American AFR make it into the stories next year as well. Go for it mate. If you need a hand with anything or advice just let me know.

29-10-2008, 05:56 PM
I bet the poms wish they had theirs indoors last year !! poor bastards.

29-11-2008, 06:49 AM
so what are we to do?? assemble our bikes and get drunk together??? or is it supposed to be an actual RIDE??

29-11-2008, 07:37 AM
I would say make it whatever suits your locality, if your in 1ft deep snow a ride may not interest many.
First fools run i went to was a ride to a gathering , a bike show at a friendly dealers showroom and lots of drinking and socialising in the evening .
second was trailer the bike and compete in the event, and lots of drinking and socialising in the evening...

Jockney Rebel
29-11-2008, 07:43 AM
the third one will be trailer to event, blast the fuk out of the competition on a 1/4 mile ,ride out ,and then lots of drink and socialising ,,see if ya can find afriendly airstrip thatll let u throw the bikes down it for the weekend thats ....what we did that ll get the ball rollin

01-12-2008, 11:46 AM
i've forever been trying to get access to an airstrip for wheelie practice and fuckin off. . . MAYBE something in line for the coming years tho!

01-12-2008, 03:00 PM
If'n these other countries can get a live audio-visual feed/stream of their gathering to the internet, we can do a live cross type of thing via a simple A/V program such as Messenger.

It'd be cool for each group to have a roving camera wander about for a few mins and show other countries what is going on live.

Hook the camera up to a laptop that's wireless to a network online and you could go for a big wander around the site.

01-12-2008, 05:06 PM
quote:Originally posted by Bear

If'n these other countries can get a live audio-visual feed/stream of their gathering to the internet, we can do a live cross type of thing via a simple A/V program such as Messenger.

It'd be cool for each group to have a roving camera wander about for a few mins and show other countries what is going on live.

Hook the camera up to a laptop that's wireless to a network online and you could go for a big wander around the site.

This has been mentioned before mate, only problem is the extreme time zone differences which is what crushed the idea last time.

01-12-2008, 07:35 PM
Yeh I can understnad that. What about overlaps? ie. cross to the Poms at night here and their morning?
Just throwing ideas out there. :)

01-12-2008, 09:07 PM
Anything is worth a shot if we could co-ordinate it. All ideas are appreciated!

Jockney Rebel
01-12-2008, 11:09 PM
pity we dont have concorde anymore we could chuck stu init and send him to ALL the afrs lol

10-02-2009, 06:08 AM
can some one send me a plane ticket would rather go to this one
been told im not welcome to the uk afr (this is not a rant ),so ive been told
in advance thanks

16-02-2009, 08:02 AM
Anyone looking for info on AFR09 please go to the dedicated website: www.aprilfoolsrun.com.au


16-02-2009, 08:44 AM
Is there another price for non competitors.

16-02-2009, 04:49 PM
Hey Chris, check this topic mate: http://www.streetfighters.com.au/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=14294

20-02-2009, 01:39 PM
Hey fools i live south of Casino at Grafton.Just wanna know if there is anything i can print off and stick up around the place at the bike shops or whatever to let the local nuts know the fools run is on again at Casino.I went last year but forget how much it was to get in at the gate.Can anyone help me???[8D]

20-02-2009, 03:52 PM
Juganaught, email me mate and I'll sort out some posters for you to stick in the shops down there. Click my username and follow the link.

Cheers mate

20-02-2009, 05:30 PM

My holidays finish on the 29th of march.

I will just have to book in advance for next year now.

20-02-2009, 05:40 PM
Come down for the weekend mate or do you work weekends - is that the point?

20-02-2009, 08:57 PM
I know i'm a bit of a slow learner but what do i need to pay?

Can I pay when i get there?

I've booked everything so wouldn't want to miss out because I haven't paid!!!

Shut up Mel !!!

23-02-2009, 10:06 PM
Hagaar: www.aprilfoolsrun.com.au

All you need to know is there mate.