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View Full Version : Carbs Pissing out Fuel

13-10-2008, 09:08 AM
Hi All,

The RG of doom now has big, happy sparks going on
put a new stator in it to sort that out

but it still wont start
i suspect it has something to do with the fact that when you put the petcock into the "RES" position

fuel just dribbles out the carbs, and makes a big mess on the floor

that hardly seems normal to me :(
anyone got any theories?

ps- i'll take some pics of it tonight, i'd really appreciate some help on this. Annes L's are gonna run out before the bikes even running [:0]

13-10-2008, 10:05 AM
If the carbs have floats/needles/seats it could be crap in/on the needles, stopping them from closing

13-10-2008, 10:31 AM
quote:Originally posted by Large

If the carbs have floats/needles/seats it could be crap in/on the needles, stopping them from closing

If your carbs don't have these, then that's your problem....:D

Seriously though, you need to pull then apart and clean / check the float valves and float height. And if you can put in an inline fuel filter, that won't hurt.

Other things? Make sure your coils are going to the right cylinders (I was over at a mates place who had an RD250 that wouldn't start, I swapped the coil leads over and bingo...)

And make sure the fuel is fresh. 2 strokes don't like old fuel.

13-10-2008, 10:41 AM
Nah, you're all wrong....
What you need to do is attach the spark plugs to the float bowls......
Then connect the plug leads and then crank it over...that'll work for sure [B)]

13-10-2008, 10:52 AM
quote:Originally posted by sharky

Nah, you're all wrong....
What you need to do is attach the spark plugs to the float bowls......
Then connect the plug leads and then crank it over...that'll work for sure [B)]

sure! (right after i insure it LOL)

thanks blokes
anyone got a how-to on that sort of thing?

ive only ever done jets on the SV

i'll check the spark plug leads too, but either way i should be able to sit it there with the fuel on and not get a big poodle at my feet yeah?

thanks again

13-10-2008, 11:19 AM
Should be bowls at the bottom of each carb. 4 screws and they come off.

then you'll see some floats and if you look carefully at them, as the go up with the fuel, they should close a rubber tipped needle thingy that blocks off the fuel inlet.

If you've got a manual it should show you a blown up pic of the carbs, or go to keihin/mikuni websites for diagrams.

Post up a pic of your poodle

05-11-2008, 12:06 PM
well, i pulled it apart, cleaned the carbs etc etc

no luck, still pissing out fuel

been calling workshops to get a pro onto it
but they either give me some BS about not working on bike "pre 1988" (honestly, one did that WTF its a 2 stroke like all the dirtbikes they fix FFS)
or theyre just too damn busy...

there is one shop that im takin it to this arvo to look at (just to cast his eye over it)
but i dont like my chances of getting a rebuild kit for the carbs
i cant even figure out there fuckin model


Jockney Rebel
05-11-2008, 07:20 PM
before u do all that conard check the diaphragm in the fuel tap ..if its a vacuum tap that is

05-11-2008, 08:10 PM
got the exact problem too on the RD.. been told to check the float level and jet things..