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09-12-2008, 08:46 PM
Love that front fender


10-12-2008, 05:51 AM
Thats a nice looking bike Jon ... well done

10-12-2008, 06:01 AM
Cheers Ivan, just want to get it finished matey, but I'm not sure how long I'll be out of work so I better hang on to my money for a while. At least untill after Christmas anyway.

10-12-2008, 05:33 PM
That's a real pro looking build mate! Proportions look factory. Nice work.

10-12-2008, 05:36 PM
mate thats fucking top work well done..... all the hard work is worth it in the end isnt it mate

10-12-2008, 05:59 PM
Fark xmas Jon, seize the day .I even like it with the flairings aswell mate. Now that the front guard is done ;)what have you in mind for the headlight[?]

10-12-2008, 06:28 PM
Nice work Jon, looks good in primer too eh, what paint scheme you going for?

10-12-2008, 09:21 PM
Thanks fella’s, kind words indeed. [:I]

Az, I'm thinking about going with the less is more route. I'm thinking about a dark Burgundy pearl with just minimal decals. I have got some nice detailing bits and bobs from ebay to go on after the paint is on but you'll have to wait and see when its done, because its difficult sometimes to describe the picture in your head.

I'm looking forward to seeing the end product too Rod, and it will get done. I'm quite a driven person I won’t be out of a job to long and I'll be able to chuck some more money at it soon. [^]

As you say GIX11, the proportions do look good and I love the lines of the seat where they run into the tank, mind you it was a lot of fucking about trying to get the seat angle right. I had it hanging off the roof of my workshop with bits of string to get it right (Real pro technical stuff) LOL [:o)]

I also want it to look like it rolled off the factory floor like it, and don’t want it to look cobbled together.

You know I quite like the spastic plastic too Dave and with your top tip on the front fender mate I think it looks the bollocks. I’ve been on a few of the U.K. Blade sites bigging you up and recommending the conversion. Its so simple to do but looks as Si said "Factory to the build". :)

Lastly I hope it gives some of the other guys on here a push to rip the fuck out of their old GPZ or FZR, because if a fuck wit like me can do it, with no mechanical training, but the ability to read a manual, punch up a web page, and take advice from people that know what they are talking about, then I am convinced that anyone can do it. :D

You are a top bunch of blokes on here and an inspiration to us all, but its starting to get a bit gay now so I’m gonna fuck off and look at me spanners and sockets, and I’ve got pins and needles in me foot too. [8D]

That wasn’t a whinge JackTar, just an observation ha ha. ;)

Cheers Lads,

Jon. :D

22-12-2008, 05:39 AM
The tank protector I made from fiberglass a couple of weeks ago, I was going to attach as a retro fit and paint black, but I decided it might look better if it was glassed to the tank so it looks like it is part of the tank and not a tank protector.

22-12-2008, 05:42 AM
So thats what I did and I think it looks better this way than a retro fit. The tank looks like it was always that way and the seat fits right nice to it.

22-12-2008, 05:44 AM
I think its also improved the flow of the seat line with the tank too, although I have to admit I didnt plan it that way.

22-12-2008, 05:47 AM
Then washed off some of the dust and crap thats been building up over the last few months

22-12-2008, 07:59 AM
Great work mate - you are really having a few wins with this build.

22-12-2008, 08:45 AM
Cheers matey, it is taking shape quite nice init.

22-12-2008, 11:51 AM
Looks damn good mate, top work! Though it'll be better once you get the donk cleaned up and ditch the tupperware!

22-12-2008, 07:39 PM
Ha ha, I see your point mate.

25-12-2008, 05:45 AM
Have a good Christmas lads, best wishes from England


09-01-2009, 02:54 AM
I'm a bit torn over dumping the front plastic, Its not really my cup of tea old chap, but I dont want to dump it for the sake of it.

What ever I replace it with has got to look as good or better.

I have been looking at scooter front ends and I quite like the front from a Piaggio


09-01-2009, 02:56 AM

I quite like the look of that

09-01-2009, 02:59 AM
I think if I chopped out the top of the plastic where the rad on the scooter went


I might be able to cut in, say an R1 screen or something.

What do you guys think, any idea's?

10-01-2009, 06:40 AM
sorry mate not my cup of tea.
i think they are too big and don't look the part.
but that's only what i think it's up to you and the end mate.
i'm after getting a headlight fairing from germany
and it only cost something like 150 euro's to the door.
it's like the one the spart666 has on his gixer.

10-01-2009, 07:56 PM
Its difficult to guage size when its just a photo on the PC, you might be right there Dave, perhaps I'll keep looking mate. What ever goes on it has to be right or not at all.

11-01-2009, 06:50 AM
Nope, you're right mate it would look cak, I'll stick with what I got for now although I am thinking of making the little side panels I made a permanent part of the tank. Yip, I'm gonna.

11-01-2009, 10:49 AM
Hope the new year is proving more prosperous for you Jon that tank mod is exactly what I was hopeing you would do . as for the front end I had a helish time trying to come up with something the only one I really liked of the shelf and still one day might try is this one ;)


11-01-2009, 07:23 PM
That looks cool mate, You're right its a propper fucker trying to get the right thing.

11-01-2009, 07:52 PM
very nice mate looks great so far

porky gsxr
12-01-2009, 03:17 AM
fuck me, wot a hardcore project!!!!!! rob told me to check this out,glad i did. youre doing a pukka job mate, cant wait to see it about. lots of love porky

12-01-2009, 03:40 AM
Hey Porky, how you doing mate. It must be 10 years. Pop round for a beer some time. Uncle Brian said you still have a Gixa mate, and Rob was saying its well arse up in the air ha ha. I bumped into Ada in the petrol garage a while back on his Wheet-a-bix Gixa with his daughter on the back. Good to hear from you matey. Oh and get some pic's of your ride on here mate. They are a top bunch of lads on here and a fuckin good crack, visit the terrorist free zone mate, it will have you in stiches.

porky gsxr
12-01-2009, 03:58 AM
definatley up for a beer and a nose at youre creation, im well impresssed. you gotta lose the plastic mate it would be criminal to cover up all that hard work!!!

12-01-2009, 04:22 AM
I have to get some stainless down pipes and get the engine painted before I loose the spastic plastic mate, the zorsty bits are rusty as fuck, and although the grunt is not in bad nik I still want it painted first. Rob gave me Barry's mobile number and I sent him a text asking if he was up to do the paint job on my Blade, but I've not had a reply yet. Give Rob a call and get my mobile number then give me a call and we'll arange a time mate.

I have been doing a bit more to the bike today and I'll post some more photos in the next day or two.

13-01-2009, 05:42 AM
quote:Originally posted by CBRRRT


Quite pleased with the little infill panels too. I think when the bike is painted they will tie in the tank to the seat unit quite well.

Remember those little infill's I made from the broken side panel?

13-01-2009, 05:46 AM

Yeah, the're the ones.

Fuck me you've got a good memory, give yourself a pat on the back. [^]

13-01-2009, 05:50 AM

Well to mock up the little dears I blu-tacked them to the bolt that holds the sub-frame from rocking, not the best way to mount them but only temporary.

13-01-2009, 05:57 AM
I tried all sorts of ways to mount them, I made little L shape brackets to fix them down to the sub-frame, but always the angle they sat was wrong.

I welded them to the seat plastic, and they snapped off really easy, so I decided to leave them for a while and get on with other things untill the old grey sludge came up with something better.

And last weekend it came through, the old grey sludge not the ruby murry I had the night before, well it did actually, but it more followed through than came through after a coffing fit.

13-01-2009, 05:58 AM
So this is what I came up with

13-01-2009, 06:03 AM

I found with the blu-tack I could get the infill's to sit at just the right angle, so I mixed up a dolop of fiberglass compound and daubed it on the petrol tank just behind where the panel wills sit.

I sanded the tank back to metal and roughed the surface first so the compound got a good key, then applied a little to the back of the panel to make sure it had got a good contact, then pushed it on to the blu-tack.

13-01-2009, 06:04 AM
Looks a bit of a mess but it will clean up when its gone off a bit.

13-01-2009, 06:07 AM
Both sides need doing but I thought I would wait untill the first side had gone off before I did the other so it did'nt get nudged out of position.


13-01-2009, 06:10 AM
Anyway after 3 cups of tea and a cucumber sandwich with the crusts cut off, I did the other side, wot wot.


13-01-2009, 06:12 AM

Hopefully they should be the same both sides.

13-01-2009, 06:15 AM
I reinforced the back of the panels with a bit more fiberglass compound just to add a bit of strength.


13-01-2009, 06:16 AM
Bah ha ha ha, look.......... you can see its hole

13-01-2009, 06:22 AM
Time to start filling.

I like to use a mixture of cream cheese, Vim and V05 hair gel.

I prefer Philadelphia cheese because I do, but you can use what ever you like, coz I dont care.


13-01-2009, 06:24 AM
smooth out the filler with your finger, and its nearly ready to give a coat of primer.


13-01-2009, 06:29 AM
Once you've given it a lick of paint you will see the head of your robo-bat transformer start to take shape.


Its important you follow the instructions to the letter if you dont want the Deceptorcons to bubble what you are up to.

13-01-2009, 06:31 AM
There, nearly done.


13-01-2009, 06:33 AM
Now all you have to do is fit it back on your bike, and when your mates come round pretend that's what you were gonna do all along.


13-01-2009, 06:33 AM
Ur a mad bastard Jon! Love ur work mate, keep it up!

13-01-2009, 06:37 AM

"Yer, well, I was doin fings on me bike wiv spanners and stuff an I fort it wood look fakin gud wiv bits stuck on it like a womings piss flaps, Ditn I".

13-01-2009, 06:40 AM
Cheers Fight fan, gota have a bit of fun mate. lol

13-01-2009, 07:51 AM
it looks great now its back on the bike mate, top job, well done

13-01-2009, 08:02 AM
Thanks mate, I nearly chuck them away because I could'nt figue out how to mount them. Worked out ok in the end.

13-01-2009, 11:46 AM
brilliant mate!

love your work (bikes and writing :D)

13-01-2009, 01:24 PM
Very interesting as always Jon. The big test will come when the bike actually gets ridden as you'll be surprised how much things move and stress under the forces of riding. The first ride should tell if they're going to be keepers. Either way, as always, ingenious and excellently delivered mate! Cheers.

13-01-2009, 04:20 PM
I know your thinking of turfing the fairings but for mine old blades are the toughest looking faired bikes ever.
I say leave it cus its butch as.

But thats my view.

13-01-2009, 06:56 PM
Very nice Jon,i too like your work mate.

13-01-2009, 07:15 PM
Cheers Fella's


Ting is mate, if I cant find something tat lokks as tuff as te fairing, it stays.

Glad you are enjoying the thread lads, and GIX11 I have it on good authority that cream cheese vim and V05 hair gel is the mostest strongest tuffest flexablest and stickyest substancest known to man, coz the voices in my head said so.

Joking aside mate it has been on my mind too that the glass compound might seperate, but I have been watching a program on Discovery called Chopshop and they use it on their cars and as long as they key it to the metal it holds up fine. But as you say mate, time will tell.

Oh and fimpBikes, I have the attention span of a gold fish, so if I dont make it interesting enough for me to do, then I think its not interesting enough for anyone else to read. thanks for the kind words mate.

crash test dummy
14-01-2009, 04:45 AM
quote:Originally posted by CBRRRT

Cheers Fella's


Ting is mate, if I cant find something tat lokks as tuff as te fairing, it stays.

Glad you are enjoying the thread lads, and GIX11 I have it on good authority that cream cheese vim and V05 hair gel is the mostest strongest tuffest flexablest and stickyest substancest known to man, coz the voices in my head said so.

Joking aside mate it has been on my mind too that the glass compound might seperate, but I have been watching a program on Discovery called Chopshop and they use it on their cars and as long as they key it to the metal it holds up fine. But as you say mate, time will tell.

Oh and fimpBikes, I have the attention span of a gold fish, so if I dont make it interesting enough for me to do, then I think its not interesting enough for anyone else to read. thanks for the kind words mate.

hay bud. your bladeyam fighter looking good.. sexy bit of plastic work.. iv got my 350 in bits trying to sort that cluch prob out.

14-01-2009, 04:54 AM
Anything I can do to help Rob just give me a call mate. I see you got Porky to get his arse on here, good move mate. If you are still off pop round and have a cuppa mate. Oh and its a CVR1 LOL

crash test dummy
14-01-2009, 05:36 AM
cvr1? i thought you mite give it a mad name. bein mad as a hat.

crash test dummy
14-01-2009, 05:39 AM
i said to pork, you were being dr frankinstine. and buildind an awsom bit of hand work... ITS ALIVE>>>>>>>>

14-01-2009, 05:48 AM
Well its the CVR1 or my little pony lol, I dont think its gonna have a name untill it breaks down then I'll think of a few mate.

crash test dummy
14-01-2009, 06:27 AM
yer i no that feelling. im back at work now.. should be able to get all te bits for mine.

14-01-2009, 06:37 AM
Glad you're back at work mate, I'm climbing the fuckin walls at the moment, every day I think I'm going a little bit madder. I'm even applying for jobs in Iraq, must be fuckin desperate mate ha ha.

14-01-2009, 08:26 AM
Hi bike lookin fantastic work you have done is wow even looks ace with fairing on ever credit to ye fella bits added to the tank best build post i have ever read had a 99 blade once

14-01-2009, 09:26 AM
Thanks Paul, hows it going mate? How is the B12 going, I brought one last year and added loads of bolt on's but I really wanted a project to take a hack saw to and it would have fucked the warenty as I got it from new. There is a photo of me and my boy on this thread with it somewhere. It was loads of fun to ride and my boy was always asking me to take him out on it. My wife was dead against it. My wife works 3 nights a week, and me and Nick would get showered before she went off to work then plot up infront of the TV, as soon as she was out the end of the road we would quickly change in to our SF gear and go out on the bike for a blast.

I loved that bike so much I had the big S and knuckle duster tattooed on my leg, fuckin nob, ha ha.

One of my wifes friends told her she had seen us out and the shit hit the fan LOL, she's cool with the whole thing now though ha ha, but at the time I ended up sperm bound for a good couple of weeks. Oh well I am always in the shit mate its only the depth that changes lol.

How did you get on with the 99 mate, I have had a few bikes over the years and the Blade is by far the best ride I have had, and for a 12 year old bike its so flickable, I love it and aint got any plans to out it.

Are you from east london mate, coz I'm out on the coast in a small town called Harwich about 20 miles from Colchester, perhaps go out for a rip in the summer or meet up at the Ace.

Thanks for reading my thread mate, talk soon.


14-01-2009, 09:36 AM
Ow look there it is!


Tuff, but not as tuff as yours mate. Your B12 looks harder than a 1970's Millwall skinhead in a pare of 18 hole ox blood Dr Martins. WANT SOME???:(

14-01-2009, 10:14 PM

14-01-2009, 10:15 PM

14-01-2009, 10:17 PM
Them big clumpy horrible mirrors are next on my hit list, they look kak, I dont like where they are mounted, the rubber stems on em never sit right.......They have got to go.


15-01-2009, 12:23 AM
Hello Mizz Datona, I really like your mirrors darlink, I have some kittens and a big bag of candy in my shed, would you like them? You would, then come with me pumpkin.......


Mow ar ar arrrr!!!


crash test dummy
15-01-2009, 02:22 AM
good move to get rid of that bandit he he.. only to come up with this. iv never read anthing so funny, keep it up bud. if you went to iraq they would run saying mad man..i think ther need a lot of rendering.

15-01-2009, 06:20 AM
Glad you are enjoying it mate and as they say on here "Welcome to the madness"

I was out there a few years back mate, I got pissed one night and shagged the police cheifs daughter, the cunt went mental and tried to blow my head off.

I legged it down the street and bumped into this guy with a black beard running too, I guess he had fucked some one as well.

Anyway I hid down a hole for a week or more with this other hairy cunt that didnt speak a word of English and played rummy and 3 card brag.

Every time I won he gave me an old map that said W.O.M.D. SITE'S, what ever the fuck they are.

I ended up useing them as bog roll.

Then one day some Yanks turned up and dragged us both out of the hole and asked me loads of questions about the other guy.

Mate, what the fuck do I know about him other than his breath stinks and he cheets at cards.

I never did find out what they did with the other guy, and I dunno what he had done mate, he might have been a right horrible bastard to work for, who knows, but out side of work he was ok.

Oh and another thing the fuckin Yanks would'nt let me keep the funky orange boiler suit they gave me to wear.

Tight cunts.


Still, cant grumble mate, we did get to go out and play in the sand every day.

15-01-2009, 07:21 AM

16-01-2009, 04:06 AM
how would i do this conversion on a FZ6

porky gsxr
16-01-2009, 04:10 AM
you should be going fast enough not to worrie wots behind you!!! mirrors are just extra weight!! :D if its not needed for m.o.t's leave em off!!

crash test dummy
16-01-2009, 06:41 AM
you know we spoke about your clutch leaver. iv been told it mite be ok for your mot. A mate said as long as it not sharp on the ends.. if you get that chain link tomoz ill come round and put it on..

16-01-2009, 07:01 AM
Cheers crash, I'll give you a call matey.

16-01-2009, 07:23 AM
quote:Originally posted by ST31TH

how would i do this conversion on a FZ6

What conversion mate, the seat and zorst, the single sided swing arm, the front fender. Tell me what you are after and if I can help mate, I will.

The only thing I would say, and this sometimes put's people off, is to read all you can, talk to people, find out if there is an FZ6 forum and if some other clever cunt has done the same as you want.

Use your own head to problem solve, because unfortunately there is no manual.

I'm from England mate and I looked at loads of Streetfighter sites before I decided to join this one, and it was no accident mate. Just take a look around at what some of the guys are doing on this site, its real innovative stuff.

By design or default mate you are defiantly in the right places to get questions answered, you just have to ask.

If you are thinking about changing out your swing arm, the first thing I would do is measure the width of your old one, and look at the shock mount, and see what comes close to it.

I have posted enough photos on this thread about the early VFR arms mate, ignore the fucking about I sometimes do and see if you can get your head around the basic methods of what I have done.

If I can be of any help to you mate then click on my profile and send me a personal massage and I will email you with any information I have and perhaps point you in the right direction.

Don’t ignore ebay, as I got just about everything to do my bike from there. Don’t bid on the most expensive parts because you think you wont get the bit you want. Bid on slightly damaged stuff at a cheaper price and do a bit of work on the part yourself.

Learn how to repair a seat unit today and use the skills you have acquired to build a killa front nose fairing tomorrow.

If you have read my thread most of what I do is trial and error, so get your spanners out and get stuck in.



16-01-2009, 07:35 AM
quote:Originally posted by porky gsxr

you should be going fast enough not to worrie wots behind you!!! mirrors are just extra weight!! :D if its not needed for m.o.t's leave em off!!

You ya mad cunt, I remember going flat out on the way to Ipswich, and thinking I was right on the edge of my performance envelope, and you come past me and waved like you were just nipping out for a packet of fag's.

I need my mirrors to make sure you aint sneaking up behind me, and to give me time to pretend like I aint really trying anyway. lol

Anyway, I thought you were coming round for a beer mate.

I saw your old chap this afternoon at Robs helping him put his clutch back in. He made me chuckle, def not into streetfighters is he, ha ha.

16-01-2009, 09:22 AM
ebay, Hongkong, R1, PAYPAL, £11.95, job done.



18-01-2009, 02:54 AM
Hi all, I need some more advice.

Crash test dummy offered to put my chain back on for me as I don’t have the equipment or the noodles how to do it. I thought I would get everything mocked up so all he had to do was rivet the link back in. No No No!!!!!

First I removed the speedo coupling from the front sprocket cover, then the sprocket cover its self. I threaded the chain through and pulled it to the rear sprocket and wrapped it round.

Problem one; Chain too short.

Solution; Add a few links? Can links be brought by length and is it ok to do this as there will be two riveted links in the chain, or do I need to spend another 100 quid on a new chain?

Problem two; Chain don’t sit right in the sprocket. Is it the chain that’s wrong or the sprocket.

porky gsxr
18-01-2009, 07:08 AM
i take it you got blade front sprocket and vfr back? if its the rear not sitting right check the pitch!! its basiclly the size of youre chain and then see if it matches the sprocket. my gixers pitch is 520 so should be sum numbers like that youre trying to find. more advise.......never listen to rob.....lol

18-01-2009, 08:54 AM
As long as u rivet the chain should be no worries to lenghten and yes, you can buy the chain in lenght (no. of links required)

18-01-2009, 10:48 AM
quote:Originally posted by porky gsxr

i take it you got blade front sprocket and vfr back? if its the rear not sitting right check the pitch!! its basiclly the size of youre chain and then see if it matches the sprocket. my gixers pitch is 520 so should be sum numbers like that youre trying to find. more advise.......never listen to rob.....lol

Its a VFR rear and a CBR front but the links wont sit in the U's between the teeth. The sprocket from the CBR says 45 and the VFR sprocket says 43 on the side. I would have thought it ment that the 45 sprocket was just a bit bigger dia. The cahin has 525 HID on the side of it if that points to the problem.

Any Idea's?

18-01-2009, 11:18 AM
all i know is mate that it will be either 520,525, or 530 pitch

porky gsxr
18-01-2009, 08:29 PM
quote:Originally posted by CBRRRT

quote:Originally posted by porky gsxr

i take it you got blade front sprocket and vfr back? if its the rear not sitting right check the pitch!! its basiclly the size of youre chain and then see if it matches the sprocket. my gixers pitch is 520 so should be sum numbers like that youre trying to find. more advise.......never listen to rob.....lol

Its a VFR rear and a CBR front but the links wont sit in the U's between the teeth. The sprocket from the CBR says 45 and the VFR sprocket says 43 on the side. I would have thought it ment that the 45 sprocket was just a bit bigger dia. The cahin has 525 HID on the side of it if that points to the problem.

Any Idea's?
cbr sprocket has 45 teeth vfr has 43teeth!!! the chain pitch/size is 525. now find out the pitch of uncle brians chain see if the pitch marries up!!! i take it the chain u brought is for blade?

18-01-2009, 09:58 PM
Cheers lads, I'll nip over and see Uncle Brian and have a look at his, but I've just been down the shed and took off the VFR sprocket and sat it on top of the CBR jobby and lined up the teeth on one side but as they go round they drift by a fraction of a mm untill about half way round they are well out, so I thought if I look on the net for a VFR Sprocket with a 525 pitch it might be ok, Ill let you know.

18-01-2009, 11:48 PM
Firstly mate you are an inspiration. Sold an R1 a couple of years ago and have been messing about with Supermotos since. Was thinking about another sports bike - Read this yesterday and bought a blade today.. Right, spanners out!

About your mismatch sprocket problem try these boys...
They will make you a sprocket, any pitch, any configuration of mounting holes and centre hole and all for less than £40...

Just for reference, the first 5 in 525 refers to the pitch in eighths of an inch. The 2 and 5 refer to the roller diameter, again in eighths = 2.5/8 = 5/16 about 7.94mmm.

19-01-2009, 04:02 AM
I've been called a few things over the years mate but never an inspiration. My wife says sometimes I leave her with feelings of despiration ;)

Top man on the Blade front though matey, what are you gonna do with it? any ideas yet? there is so much stuff on here to drool over its hard to make your mind up. [:p]

What part of the UK are you from fella, Darn sarff, or opp nurth. lol I see you have the one post matey is this your first time on here? they are a great bunch of lads and laddet's mate and a real good laugh so expect to get torn a new arse hole every now and then ha ha, but its all in jest so dont take it to much to hart mate. [B)]

Thanks for the fantastic link mate I'm gonna contact them tomorrow. Porky gsxr was round mine this afternoon and we pretty much came up with the idea that I would have to source a sprocket from somewhere, and you have saved me a whole lot of leg work mate, thanks for that too. :D

Anyway mate welcome to the madness, and get some photos of your ride posted coz as they say on here without photos, it never happened.

Cheers new mate,

Jon. [8D]

19-01-2009, 04:11 AM
Mate that link is the bollocks, I'll be on to them tomorrow clutching the phone in one hand and my credit card in the other. Thanks mate.

19-01-2009, 04:21 AM
Glad to help. Originally I'm from ooop north but I've been darn sarf for 15 years. For the CBR the VFR SSSA conversion is a definite. Do you know if the 800 arm fits? I really like what you have done so far it looks totally factory with the tupperware still on. I fancy something similar but may try an MV Agusta seat. The ZXR6R front guard is a fantastic tip, so nice one to you and huey for that. I'll start posting piccies as soon as I do anything.

19-01-2009, 05:33 AM
The VFR 800 arm will go in but you have to do a bit of engineering to shoe horn it into place mate.

The MV rear end would look killa mate, is it something you have seen or is it from your own head? I'm looking for a rear master cylinder res for my blade mate, they are a cool little rectangle with a cover on them with a little obbs window. I like it an um avin it lol.

Yeah mate top marks and all cretit to Huey for the front fender jobby, and its piss easy to do, an if there is one thing I likes, its piss easy ha ha.

Dont forget to start with a before pic mate, its good to see progress.

Any help I can give you mate just ask, and I'm sure the other lads and Laddets on here would do the same.

19-01-2009, 05:36 AM
Here is a link to someone on here that did the 800 conversion mate



19-01-2009, 05:42 AM
I do like a bit of engineering :) I've got a decent little machine shop going on in my shed. I'm OK with a lathe, got a half way decent milling machine and can argon and argon CO2 weld a bit too. Although if its easier to start with the 94+ 750 swinger than that's where I'll start - no point in making it extra difficult. Ill definitely get a before pic up. If there's anything I can help with then let me know too.

19-01-2009, 05:45 AM
Cheer mate, top man.

19-01-2009, 08:23 PM
Hey Michel, I just sent the sprocket guy an email asking him if he can do the do, I'll let you know how I get on mate, thanks again.

crash test dummy
19-01-2009, 10:51 PM
quote:Originally posted by porky gsxr

i take it you got blade front sprocket and vfr back? if its the rear not sitting right check the pitch!! its basiclly the size of youre chain and then see if it matches the sprocket. my gixers pitch is 520 so should be sum numbers like that youre trying to find. more advise.......never listen to rob.....lol
thank good mate. you nearly sounded like you new what you were going on about..

crash test dummy
19-01-2009, 10:59 PM
thers a bloke who makes our sprocks for our race bikes len coopper. ill tex ya his number.

20-01-2009, 05:39 AM
Since I got made redundant in December, I've been sitting around drinking a bit too much beer, smoking to much and quaffing down the odd or not so odd bar of chocolate.

My wife has been giving me a bit of grief over the weight I have put on and made me an appointment to see the doctor

When I got there he had set up a little demonstration.

He had four jars, and four worms.

In the first jar he dropped a worm that was full of alcohol

In the second jar he dropped a worm in a smoke filled jar

In the third jar he dropped a worm in chocolate sauce.

And in the fourth jar he dropped a worm in good clean soil.

Within minutes the worms were all dead with the exception of the fourth worm he put in the soil.

He looked at me and said “Now what does that tell you CBRRRT”

I had a little think about it and replied

If I drink lots of alcohol, smoke lots of fags, and eat lots of chocolate I won’t get worms? [^]