View Full Version : Subframes?

11-09-2008, 03:50 AM
Does anyone have any advice at all on how to make new subframes? I want to put a short tail on my bike, aboout the same size as this:


And have been told I'll need to put a new subframe on the bike.

I have literally no idea how to go about this, so any helpo appreciated



11-09-2008, 12:24 PM
What bike is it going on mate? Probably your best bet is to start buy trawling through the random streetfighter bike pics and checking out similar bikes. There's a thread or two as well on talented blokes making thier own subframe. The next thing I would do is try a mock up in paint or photoshop of the tail on the bike so you can roughly see how much room you've got to play with. If you can stick with the stock mounts - will make it easier to engineer. Otherwise if you relocate and go pretty much nuts - just depends how far you want to take things.

A few guys make a rectangulay frame (looking from the top of the bike) then brace the bottom using rose joints for a bit of adjustability. Check out exbens build of Venom - that should get you started.

11-09-2008, 03:43 PM
my TLR thread has some pics of the one i did
not too hard, the trick is trying to fit everything into such a small space

i took my subframe off, used tape to the tap at the front and a piece of string from the rafters in my shed to get the height i was after

11-09-2008, 09:19 PM
Yea, most important questions here are - what bike do you have and what tail end plastics are you going to use?

12-09-2008, 04:42 AM
I'm not even sure what bike I'm getting yet. Just found out the new test has been put back in the UK so should have a little more cash to spend now.

Thinking about it more I might just get that place you mentioned in Gloucester to do it.

12-09-2008, 05:31 PM
That would be the easiest (but not cheapest) way of doing it mate. It will be a piece of piss for Mark and the boys to do.