View Full Version : Message from England.....

09-09-2008, 04:55 AM
Hey up lads !

The Busa has`nt had much time on the road due to breakages and the weather.
Summer failed again [xx(] It was wetter than ever, so wet is was the most dire, dire, direness of dire weather direable ! On the scale of dire it was the topmost direness. OK ?

Just don`t come here its been like November all year.
Why do Brits spend so much time in the pub ? Coz theres fuck all else to do except watch the bike racing with a beer in your hand !


09-09-2008, 06:18 AM
That's why we're all down here [8D]

09-09-2008, 04:10 PM
Exactly mate.

09-09-2008, 05:11 PM
Mate i know how you feel.

10-09-2008, 12:55 PM
Come on mate - it's not like the busa has a tractionissue ;)

10-09-2008, 07:28 PM
quote:Originally posted by zx12argh

Come on mate - it's not like the busa has a tractionissue ;)

Whats traction ? :D

Nahh had a couple of breakages which have kept the Busa off the road.
Cooked my 2nd clutch a few weeks back, rebuilt it, then 1st ride out with a mate on his well tidy 7/11 fighta and the Busa spat broken bits of blower pulley wheel on the tarmac as we were hanging round a traffic island. Feck !
Modifying the pulley wheel and sorting a new lock plate for it to overcome the problems... hopefully. Its the pulley wheel on the end of the crank that died.
Got a new pair of Dragons on it and aint even bedded em in [xx(]

Sat the bike at a rock steady 180 this year, piss easy, Ohlins damper wound up tight and sat their perfect, nicely cocooned in the Busa air void at high speed [8D] F`nuts [:o)]

10-09-2008, 07:34 PM
Its kinda fucked up that you guys are having the worst drought conditions for decades while we`re having monsoon conditions the last 2 years at least. Heavy, heavy flooding in the UK again this year over summer and its been cold too. Temperatures have hovered around at best 18 deg C during the day, only on a coupla days has it strayed into the low 20s.
Some parts of England are still badly flooded today.

10-09-2008, 08:05 PM
HOS - We're not having a drought. The imbecilic Left Wing Government we have had for over thelast 10yrs at state level has failed to provide adequate water storage facilities ie; Dams where it actually rains. They stopped one on the advice of our now PM in the late 80's early 90's to save some frogs mate.

It rains. The government is just too stupid to realise we know it rains and it isn't a drought and it's their lack of forward planning which is causing our water shortages. (Well the ones down south anyway.)

Jockney Rebel
10-09-2008, 08:23 PM
..and amazingly... hos ....they dont do water recycling here...weird

10-09-2008, 08:27 PM
They do in Brisbane has been happening for yrs Jockney. Ipswich's treated effluent just happens to enter the Brisbane river about 8k's upstream from where Brisbane Water pull drinking water out of the Brisbane River.

And it's about to start in Qld. I'd say the other states won't take too long to follow suit. Be a much better idea if they were to build some decent desalination plants and use the waste water to salt farm and export it, but since the Governments don't do stuff that's sensible it'll never happen.

10-09-2008, 09:33 PM
Desalination? We are about to build a desalination plant in Victoria just south of Phillip island on a beautiful piece of coastline at a cost of ( pre the usual blowout ) 4 billion dollars that will use a fucken shitload of coal burning electricity to run instead of building a dam in Gippsland on the Mitchell river that floods almost every year, the last couple have washed down more water than Melbourne uses in a year, the cost? 1 billion dollars and fuck all running costs compared to the "GREEN" option of desalination. Ahh, are you not glad you voted for the Labor party????

Jockney Rebel
10-09-2008, 10:54 PM
..i know this sounds a bit yuk ..but if you live in the east of london your drinking water has passed thru 7 people before you get it ..the treatment plants service 11million people half the population of this entire country...its cost effective,[cost of building a plant is nowhere near as much as desalintion] and has been online for 40yrs ,it works its [relativley]cheap and it grows as the population grows ..job done

10-09-2008, 11:11 PM
We got De-Sal in WA and we getting more, everyone will in the end cos the fkin twats cant get there arses in line to get the water down from the Ord.......

As far as the UK goes,
Its wet, Its always been wet, and it will... forever be wet
sorry, but as the above mentioned thats why we are down here
if its any consolation it does rain here, its just warm thats the only difference :D

11-09-2008, 11:27 PM
haha i love it how the government says desal plants are green. fuck me dead and call me charlie, how much electricity does it take to get the salt out? not to mention all the movement of water that needs to be done. stupid bastards.

i'm with evryone else, recycled all the way.

as for poor HOS. sucked in! hurry up and move over here[8D]

12-09-2008, 12:09 AM
Yeah if they were smart which they're not they could use nuclear power. Who cares if no-one wants it?

It's cheap, clean and highly efficient. Oh and we get 3 eyed dogs, cats and fish if it goes all

chernoble on us! That's gotta be a bonus. Nope seriously though if the Qld government built a pipeline from the Burdekin Damn

down to Wyvenhoe/Somerset in a straight line it would gravity feed as the Burdekin sits 800m higher than they do. When it rains the

spillway has enough water to fill the sydney harbour 4 times going over it in a 24hr period. So no pumping costs due to the wonderful

effects of gravity once they build the pipeline it's a case of job done. Saves Damming the Mary.

But none of this talk is fixing your bike is it?

12-09-2008, 06:09 AM
message from northern ireland. same as england[V]

12-09-2008, 07:27 PM
quote:Originally posted by pt

haha i love it how the government says desal plants are green. fuck me dead and call me charlie, how much electricity does it take to get the salt out? not to mention all the movement of water that needs to be done. stupid bastards.

i'm with evryone else, recycled all the way.

as for poor HOS. sucked in! hurry up and move over here[8D]

Well plans are afoot mate ;)

Almost 7 years after my big smash I finally started back at work this year late Spring. Byt eh time we hit July the economic recssion had started to hit hard and the building industry is now dead on its feet. So I got laid off my job in July after getting to the point of partnership and signing the lease on a new business premises, the other guy decided not to go ahead....wanker..... no balls.

So been there and done it in the late 80s recession.
Decided for a career change.... yeah the old fuckers back at college :)

Going into an allied profession to be a "commercial energy assessor"
New EU law means all commercial building in UK have to be energy rated. So far they have only recruited 20 guys to cover all of UK in last 12 months.
So on a "supply and demand" basis theres a lot of work and some big bucks to be earned.
If I do this right, I`ll be retired and out of here in 5 years.

As long as I do`nt "off" the Busa again or do summat shtoopid ! lol

Tony Nitrous
14-09-2008, 04:12 PM
quote:Originally posted by Jockney Rebel

..and amazingly... hos ....they dont do water recycling here...weird

They do, LOT'S ! but they are trying to use it for industrial
use and keep the "good stuff" for domestic.

We use ten's of thousands of Ltr's of recycled water every day.
We stopped useing the little water truck's as they only fetched
3,000 Ltr's at a time and ran out in minutes.

All our Guy's have sat recycled water tickets for Gold Coast /
Brissy / Ipswich / Caboolture etc. Each area has different levels
of quality. I think they use a smaller net to get the lump's out.

Council stopped us using Hydrants or pulling from the Creek's
and Dam's a while back.

My F@ckin' HUGE kiwi / Maori Labourer pulled the wrong hose off
last week and got a face full !! 'recon's it's not that nice..:D

25-09-2008, 09:13 PM
Hello HOS small world lol

27-09-2008, 12:48 AM
quote:Originally posted by masterofinsanity

Hello HOS small world lol

Its an incredibley small world in bikes [;)
It seems quite incestuous at times ? :D

Cool site here, make sure you check out the fighters on the photo and the build sections ?

I am not a member here because I have a nice plastic tupperwear bike, but they humour me its ok.... [:o)]