View Full Version : Tail mock-up opinions

28-08-2008, 06:38 PM
Ok so i had a couple of seconds at home to fab up a tail (out of cardboard and masking tape) What do you guys think ???




28-08-2008, 06:50 PM
It looks boxy :D

If I had the skillz to make my own, it would look like a KTM RC8 tail, then I would have sex with it and we would be very happy.

I like how the line of the undertray follows the chassis.
Overall, it's good I think.

28-08-2008, 06:55 PM
Doesn't look strong enough to hold your weight, probably shouldn't get it wet either.

On a serious note, I rekon it would look better if it was a bit more rounded.

28-08-2008, 06:59 PM
I personally think a little larger(wider/longer) and nice rounded edges., a little hard with cardboard tho :)

Nice hoola hoop too, how many spins can you do?:D;)

Those RC8's are sex on wheels aren't they Rocket.

Was having a squiz at one yesterday at the local Duke/KTM <s>ripoffmerchant</s> dealer, wanted to <s>tip it over</s> scream just outta spite of me not having enough disposable income to EVER afford one;) but damn they are one hot bit o' machinery, bet it'd fighter nice too

28-08-2008, 07:33 PM
to small and a bit to square like ya back tyre ;) get into some corners dude [:p]

28-08-2008, 08:32 PM
i think it looks good mate
too me it's a good size
but just as the lads said round it off a little
and it will look sweet.

28-08-2008, 09:03 PM
I reckon a bit wider just behind the seat area, and round it off.

I'm lovin' that exhaust system.

28-08-2008, 10:07 PM

I reckon rotate it a bit and lift it a bit too as per photo^^^. Just my opinion.

P.S. Is that your number on the tank from AFR????

28-08-2008, 10:33 PM
silly question here sorry after you mock this tail piece up with cardboard and tape then what how do you get it to the glassing stage or do you have to make it again out of hd foam just curious if i new how id give it a go to fuck my standard on off

28-08-2008, 11:34 PM
Its a Yamahaha it looks about right.

29-08-2008, 12:29 AM
quote:Originally posted by oldskool

Its a Yamahaha it looks about right.

Thats not nice, atleast it isn't a stunnedsuzi

29-08-2008, 07:22 AM
I like it as is but will it be big enough for your arse? does look a bit slim

29-08-2008, 09:35 AM
Yeh 1st think I thought was RC8! That'd be look i'd prolly go 4 too! Pretty tidy for a quick mock up man, it could be very cool!

29-08-2008, 09:37 AM
Q: I like it as is but will it be big enough for your arse? does look a bit slim

A: I weigh in at 70kg and thus am quite the skinny runt

Q: silly question here sorry after you mock this tail piece up with cardboard and tape then what how do you get it to the glassing stage or do you have to make it again out of hd foam just curious if i new how id give it a go to fuck my standard on off

A: I put spray bog and smooth it out and sand it back then glass it, but im trying a new trick with this tail, cross fingers it will work.

Q: Is that your number on the tank from AFR????

A: Yes

Q: to small and a bit to square like ya back tyre get into some corners dude

A: theres no chicken strips and the sides get their workout but i also commute the other 4days of the week of a fair distance and are a little soft and square off far to quickly.

Q: If I had the skillz to make my own, it would look like a KTM RC8 tail, then I would have sex with it and we would be very happy.

A: If I had the skills i would make it RC8 like aswell, but i can only work with what god gave me :( . (maybe next time :P )

And about the boxy comments i plan on fixing that with the bog.