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View Full Version : S.A. anti-bikie laws

uncle pervy
19-07-2008, 09:33 AM
I have just read the ozbike article on the new anti-bikie laws and to be honest it is a seriously disturbing developement.

Nowhere in the new legislation is the word bikies used, so it can be used to target any group.
Both the Law Society of SA and the SA Bar Association have called for it to be withdrawn.
Australian Democrats leader Sandra Kanck has also raised concerns about the Bill, which penalises people who associate with outlaw clubs.
The Serious and Organised Crime Bill has passed the Assembly and will now be debated in the Upper House where it is likely to pass with the support of the Opposition.
It will give the Government the power to jail a person for a minimum of five years if they have contact with bikers six times a year. The police will have the power to declare a bike club [u](or any other organization)</u> illegal. Anyone who makes contact with a bikie or a bikie gang at least six times a year will face five years in jail. This can include personal meetings, emails, text messages, faxes or phone calls.
Bikies and their associates can be issued with control orders banning them from having contact with specified people.
Anyone who has a criminal record who has contact with someone else with a criminal record at least six times a year will face five years in jail.
Any police intelligence used to issue control orders against bikies or anyone associating with them must remain secret.
Oh and they dont have to prove a case against you to have a control order placed on you nor do you have the right to appeal

Fight this now or we may find it's too late to save ourselves

19-07-2008, 12:07 PM
Does this contact count when the 'bikie' is a relo I wonder??

19-07-2008, 12:16 PM
and our gov hangs it on Mugabe for civil liberty issues...LOL... how long till we have a police junta...

21-07-2008, 06:11 PM
How paranoid are the oz government's becoming. If that gets passed in SA does that mean everyone you work with will go to jail because you ride a bike and of course every one on this site that associates and or lives in SA will have to go to jail as well and all the people that work in bike shops.

Fuckin crazy

old gsxrr
21-07-2008, 07:43 PM
wasn't that long ago i heard they were talking about it being illegal to be in a bike gang
so what determines gang from motorcycle club,innocent as bmw motorcycle club ,there should be australia wide notification of this proposed legislation and get protests and riders out in force

22-07-2008, 08:21 AM
Same thing that determines everything in this country. Some fat fucken parasite sitting in a chair in a big room with other fat fucken parasites making it up as they go along. As long as your a right wing, red neck, christian who is a member of Lions and goes to church every second sunday and preferably gets sucked off by the alter boys or your brothers 7 year old daughter.... you have nothing to worry about. Especially in SA! [:X]

If your an average bloke who likes a beer or 3 and a cone or 5, rides a bike and doesnt mind a rip up Newton Road on a Sunday morning... your a fucken terrorist and you deserve to have your doors kicked in by Star Force and be dragged off to have electrodes stuck on your balls until you admit to being a freak. [B)]

Adelaide used to be sooo cool... I swear to god it has become a fucken Police state... I cant beleive how much it has changed.