View Full Version : How to plastic

25-06-2008, 07:04 PM
Now that i have been busted for my bobber tail, i want to make my own tail, so i looked up how to make plastic, as apposed to fibreglass due to my lazy arse / total inability to fibreglass / dirt poor student wages.

And found this


would this work in large applications like a tail or mask in your most expert of opinions?

Billy Bob
25-06-2008, 08:06 PM
Bloody interesting, could make some very nice moulds, dont know how strong it would be for a tail though.

26-06-2008, 06:54 AM
Mmmm...Now if you use petrol and not acetone you have a very effective explosive...But I didn't tell you that;).

APE Dustin
27-06-2008, 04:20 AM
This could be useful, I want to make a ram air system for my SV

30-06-2008, 02:53 AM
ah we used to make poor mans napalm out of that, half a jar full of petty can disolve a whole styrofoam fruit box.
At work I used to get huge foam blocks and stack em longways and pour a bit of acetone on it and watch it eat all the way down. Sometimes I had fuck all to do hehe.

I dont know how it would go trying to mould something out of it like a tail or something would be interesting to see how tough it is when its spread out thin..