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View Full Version : Overall disc width

07-05-2008, 06:38 PM
If anyone out there has a '89 GSXR-1100 with a std front end could I possibly get the outside to outside disc width and inside to inside disc width....My discs don't seem to be sitting centrally to the caliper...The calipers I've got are from an RF900 (year unknown) but I've been they are a drop in replacement for the originals.....Yeah and to throw another spanner in the works I've got bandit discs as well...Got told they are supposed to be the same as the '89 GSXR-1100 at least dimension wise.
There's always something eh ? But shit happens

Cheers guys

07-05-2008, 07:21 PM
I measured mine on the bench. Inside to inside disc is 129.7 mm and outside to outside disc was 138.5 mm. Although these were the measurements, the discs do have some wear and tear

07-05-2008, 07:32 PM
Thanks mate

FUCK FUCK FUCK.......I'm about 7mm out, twas an 89 model ?

07-05-2008, 09:47 PM
I had the same problem(Assuming you meen 7mm to wide for your application) I got around this by using rgv discs that bolted straight on and reduced o.s to o.s measrurement to aroung 130mm, allthough they are slightly smaller diameter than gsxr. This didn't bother me as I had to make caliper hangers anyway
hope this helps

14-05-2008, 06:21 PM
yeah its an 89, 1100k

14-05-2008, 06:25 PM
Thanx man...got it all sorted.....someone had ground off, at an angle, the inside of the left hand fork leg, throwing everything out, but once again Ben to the rescue with a new spacer for me.

19-05-2008, 06:03 PM
yes it was an 89, gsxr 1100(k)

19-05-2008, 06:06 PM
oops, maybe i should read the whole page. Glad you got it sorted