View Full Version : cdi - slabby vs slingy - for the suzi gurus

23-04-2008, 10:59 AM

dropping a slabby 1100 into 750 slingy frame with slingy wiring harness - understand that I need an 1100 cdi due to higher rev limit on the 750 cdi causing things to go boom but the question I have is are the slabby/slingshot cdi's the same (fitting wise?)

was thinking about grabbing one of the hyperpak CDI's to suit the slabbie motor but not sure if the harness mounts are the same or should I be looking for a 1100 slingy cdi?

Appreciate your help


23-04-2008, 03:16 PM
I'd run with the cdi to suit the lump and then work out a suitable mounting arrangement

23-04-2008, 03:55 PM
yeah got no problems with that but not sure sure if the pins on the slabbie cdi match the connection where it plugs into the slingy wiring harness

so what's your thoughts fellas? is the pin arrangment on a slabbie cdi the same as a slingy cdi that is can they be swapped between models?

23-04-2008, 04:48 PM
apparently they are different mate,i emailed the lads at hyperpac about it a while back and the unit theyre sellin only suits the slabbie.

23-04-2008, 05:46 PM
the slingy cdi has 2 multi connectors on then end that the loom plug into. the slabby has a short loom comming out of the ignitor box. different but if you no the pin outs then one could be adapted to the other easy enough.

23-04-2008, 07:05 PM
ah ha so they are different - thanks the advice fellas

has anyone run a slingy cdi on a slabby motor (both 1100's of course) and encountered any probs?

understand what you say Deano about the pins but I am an electrical numpty on that kind of stuff and more than likely to cook something

23-04-2008, 07:57 PM
its easy mate. both bikes need the same info from and sidnals to the ingitor box

you should have the following pins on both boxes.

coil 1,3 (white or black/yellow)
coil 2,4 (white or black/yellow)
tacho (black/red)
switched power in (orange i think)
negitive (black/white)
signal from ignition pick up 2 wires (green and black)

and i think thats it. all you got to do is match these wires up srom the slabby box to the slingy loom and away you go

23-04-2008, 08:29 PM
shite you make it sound so easy mate :D

24-04-2008, 09:32 AM
quote:Originally posted by Watto

ah ha so they are different - thanks the advice fellas

has anyone run a slingy cdi on a slabby motor (both 1100's of course) and encountered any probs?

I used to run a 750WP cdi with my '87 1100 with no probs.