View Full Version : A smaller spec in the universe

28-02-2008, 07:52 PM
As much as i've liked bikes i've also liked science.

No some or none one of you may have heard of the CERN project in europe.
Then in conjunction with us aussies and a bunch of other people have built the biggest particle accelerator ever. It is the most advanced machine ever created by humans to date.

This thing that has as internal temp lower than space and is 27km's round and over 100m underground is going to later this year smash some particles togeather.
Now 'wow' you might say and not think anymore about it but what might happen is that for a fraction of a second at least humans will create a black hole.

Well good question. But one thing that could happen is that buy measuring the particles that come out some may dissapear and ones that arnt ment to be there will appear.
If this happens we will have solid evidence that beleave it or not parallell universes exist as the black hole will allow matter to travel through it and back the other way.


Go there if your interested but I just felt like sharing this well to me monumental future happening with yall

28-02-2008, 08:08 PM
im sure a few people would have ex's that they could smash together and send them off into another universe!!

28-02-2008, 08:20 PM
wouldnt want to risk the black hole on that one

28-02-2008, 08:20 PM
Ive seen a couple of black holes that have had there fair share of someone smashing them. [:0] ;)

Jockney Rebel
28-02-2008, 08:24 PM
dark matter aint it ?

28-02-2008, 08:42 PM
I read a bit about it in Dan Brown's book "Angels & Demons".

Quite interesting, I must say.

28-02-2008, 09:43 PM
There's a doco being advertised on SBS at the moment (or was it ABC?) about the machine and the guys doing it.

28-02-2008, 11:01 PM
Shame it can't improve your writing and gramma skills. I mean you say you’re a scientist?
As impressive as it sounds, smashing a few particles together seems primitive compared to some of the science I’d imagined to be accessible these days and you say how big is the device required to do this?
Where is space travel, warp speed and inter-galactic travel? How about alterntitive fuels and solar energy for every household. Hell I’d just settle for heads up display bike dash. Enough said now beam me up Scotty.

28-02-2008, 11:38 PM
you certainly are an evil little bugger arent you karl:D;)

Jockney Rebel
28-02-2008, 11:48 PM
hud dashes? already here....just too expensive.
alternative fuels ?...hydrogen fuel cells,deisel from cooking oil,ion drive [bit dangerous that]but theorectically possible and should take us to 1/4 light speed[46500mps or 16,740,0000mph] but unfortunately without some form of inertial damping will spread you all over the back of the space craft,not to mention the navigational probs.
intergalactic travel? we cant even get to the other side of our own solar system ..the fastest a human has ever travelled is 25000mph[40000kph].so even if we master travelling at 1/4 light speed it will still take us 12 yrs to reach or nearest stellar neighbour alpha centuari

as for beaming you up....theres enough stored nuclear energy in the average human [at a moleucular level]to destroy a small country ,so youd have to contain that, whilst accurately mapping every atom in your body ,in 3 dimensions, at any given time, throughout the process of disintegration,and accurately rebuild it.
youd need a massive buffer[that wouldnt degrade] to store your pattern whilst in transit..solve all those and youd have the answer to perpetual life and the best form of travel ever invented ..oh and no need for a spacecraft at all..
but...i know that 2 gentleemen in a uni in england succesfully "teleported " a laser form one room to another a few years ago but thats a long way from even teleporting inanimate objects ...so maybe DHL will be sendin youyour bike bits in seconds soon
oh and btw ...Enstien was illiterate as far as spelling and grammer were concerned ...but he wasnt bad at maths apparently

29-02-2008, 05:09 AM
Enstien was kicked out of his maths class and told that he would never amount to anything :-/

29-02-2008, 11:46 AM
That particle accelerator is massive I wonder how much electricity it is gonna burn...very interesting, this project could well prove many of the theories of quantum physics...all of which is over my head.

Hydrogen (Water) fuel cells on the other hand is something I have played with...but so far all I've done is used the gas to blow up plastic softdrink bottles..Damn good for a laugh.
Anyone interested check out the forum here, you might just learn something:

scotty mac
29-02-2008, 11:49 AM
x2 [}:)]
quote:Originally posted by WATEVR

im sure a few people would have ex's that they could smash together and send them off into another universe!!

29-02-2008, 12:06 PM
I'm hearing you, Weaselman. It's the by-products of these experiments that will make their way into society.
Didn't laser technology make it's way into CD players from some geek messing around with concentrated light? I think he was scoffed at too.

Alternative fuels etc won't happen until oil is on it's way out and the combustion engine is too expensive to run. 50+ years of engine refinement, R&D etc as apposed to starting from scratch? Only profit and loss will talk.
Ecomomics makes those decisions for us.

I reckon batteries are under the same influence. Battery power and storage would be a great area to explore more and make commercial.
What about harnessing lightning?

29-02-2008, 12:06 PM
quote:Originally posted by evilkarl

Shame it can't improve your writing and gramma??? skills.

Pity about that stray letter.
Must have got smashed in cyber space!;)

29-02-2008, 12:24 PM
quote:Originally posted by Bear

What about harnessing lightning?

How would you get the bridle in its mouth?

29-02-2008, 12:38 PM
yer i saw a bit on that at work last night on the telly when i was supposed to be workin. very interesting, trying to make dark matter and mapping it.

29-02-2008, 12:44 PM
I've seen the inside of a few black holes.

29-02-2008, 01:03 PM
Just the other night while reading "A Breif history of Time" I noticed Stepehen Hawkings birthdaye and the fact that he is now 66 years old. He cant be with us for much longer and it is actually amazing he has lived this long. What the hell will we do without him. If anyone needs to have thier head frozen in anticipation of saving that brain, its him. So much knowledge, so fragile.... soon to be lost.... like teardrops.... in the rain...

Took me years to get over Carl Sagan... I dont know how Im gonna cope with losing Stephen.

None of this is tounge in cheek by the way I love science. My bookshelf right next to me has an eclectic collection of books ranging from Barry Sheene's Biography to all of James Gleick's Chaos works, lots of Dawkins and im currently trying to wade through Origin of the Species by a little bloke called Dariwin or something lol. :)

I have always maintained that once you wake up in the morning and feed yourself and pull some jocks on, what else is worth thinking about than the big questions. ? Nice to see Im not alone among riders with tiny brains and big ideas ;)

29-02-2008, 01:10 PM
I have been to alpha centuari they grow mushrooms there on mushroom trees they do [:o)]

19-03-2008, 03:31 PM
quote:Originally posted by evilkarl

I mean you say you’re a scientist?

I believe he said he was interested in science, not a scientist. I know plenty of English teachers who cant spell to save their lives, depressing but true.

I cant handle the CERN project, it just makes my feeble little mind boggle with unimaginable chaos. I understand the entire premise and recognise the brilliance of the idea, but I just cannot make myself believe any of it is possible. Parallel universes? Split Second Black holes? Cripes.

Jockney Rebel
19-03-2008, 04:20 PM
well we all come from a parallel universe?,,,we re mainstrem motorcyclings crack whore sister..apparently

19-03-2008, 04:25 PM
just got streetfighters mag too huh jim

19-03-2008, 06:28 PM
uh oh, plagiarism on the forum tsk tsk Jim :)

Jockney Rebel
19-03-2008, 07:09 PM
as a budding writer i have to plagiarise how else will i get published ?
anyway sitting on this rock spinning at 1000MPH orbiting a star 96,000,000 miles away ,in a planetary system on the outer edge of one of many galaxys which is several hundered light years across..kinda make s you feel small eh ? andy

19-03-2008, 07:20 PM
im waiting for a big pink foot to squash you after that one

19-03-2008, 07:23 PM
What happens if that black hole swallows the earth?

19-03-2008, 07:24 PM
either you'll never know or you'll get spat out in a parralell dimention... ohhh

19-03-2008, 07:33 PM
quote:Originally posted by Large

What happens if that black hole swallows the earth?

Exactly my fear! Cripes! [?][?]

20-03-2008, 05:26 PM
he's not the messiah! now piss off

20-03-2008, 09:32 PM
he's just a naughty boy

21-03-2008, 07:16 PM
Fuck you guy's are out there. My moto is "Every Day above Ground is a Good Day" ,and they consider motorcyclist's insignificant. SHHHEEESSSSHHHH ;)