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View Full Version : 1000rx ?

24-07-2006, 04:49 PM
Hi, introducing myself in here with a question.

I'm looking at a gpz1000rx in the next few days. Price is right, 3500 just wondering if anyone has experience of these things. Model specific shit to look for. I'm pretty much expecting a rebuild in the next 12 months. Anyone fightered one?

Little bit bout me,
Im a wanker
I know it
Attempts to point it out to me will be understood
Had bikes since i was 7
Started building whats now called streetfighters back in 1988 when they were just called weird. Usually associated with my lack of finances and skills at crashing while trying to do dumb shit in front of my mates. My first attempt was a rd250 with a 350 conversion, motocross bars and spray can matt black. Not a very auspicious beginning. I have always had a thing for two strokes. Though i registered a drag bike just for kicks once. An 1100 turbo kat that we yet again crashed.
Had a holiday from bikes lately, divorce etc. My last bike (post divorce, cash flow inspired) is here; http://www.thatp1g.com/bikes.htm

I only found this place while searching for a new bike and I'm only staying because - this looks like a nice place to crash.

24-07-2006, 05:18 PM
Welcome aboard Thatp1g, sounds like you should fit in nicely. I see in the photo of the RGV that you have a company car. lol.

24-07-2006, 05:26 PM
We have another member (and a few floaters) that have the same company car. As mentioned before somewhere else - welcome aboard mate. Where are you located? As for the 1000RX, I had a ZX10 '89 model with a ZZR 1100 engine in it which I had to rebuild. That's how I learnt it was the same engine as the GPZ and consiquently you can drop a ZZR 1100 motor into it if you can find one. Heaps of torque mate, but get ready for some groovy corner antics. She's long!

Tony Nitrous
24-07-2006, 05:32 PM
Hi Thatp1g

I always liked the 1000RX,
Rode a couple but never owned one,
ended up with a ZZR1100C3.
Thought the RX was the best looking of the
GPZ900R/RX/ZX10/ZZR family tree.
It looked squat and tough,
Always remember the front end wasnt what I liked ?
Did it have the "trendy at the time" 16-inch wheel ?

Its a big 4 cyclinder Kwak, how bad can it be ;)


24-07-2006, 06:23 PM
Thanks fellas, company car isnt important... just good to get out of the way early on in a forum. Theres a bunch of us ride bikes.

I thought the rx may be worth a look simply cause of the heritage and the very quick updates, zx10,zzr's would mean theres a bunch of relatively easy mods in the financially accessible future.

considered a zzr as well but they seem to be shitting themselves en-masse at the moment. means there will be a lot of rolling motorless wrecks ...

26-07-2006, 12:38 PM
The 1000RX's are a bit of a slug in the handling dept mate, they were a porker aimed at the sports/touring market. drop the motor into a GPz9 frame and then take it through the twisties. The 16" front wheel comes into it's own as soon as you piss of the clip-ons.

Gix, is the ZX10 a spar frame? I thought they were still a cradle jobbie.

26-07-2006, 12:57 PM
We are talking about the '89 ZX10 here aren't we Chalky?


Twin mounts at rear of engine, and my brain forgets the front mounts! I remember the back because my frame was cracked at the mount and I had to get it welded.

26-07-2006, 01:12 PM
Yeah the 89, keep forgetting that Kawasaki has been regurgitating it's designations. I was wondering if the engine mounted from the head or the crankcase.

PS shirts turned up Monday, thanks for that mate.
I keep emailing him, but John Howard doesn't seem to interested in modelling the shirt, whilst monoing a Trumpy Rocket 3 though parliament. Bit of a wowser methinks. [:0]

28-07-2006, 04:43 PM
Picked bike up today.
Not what I expected. It's in surprising nick.
So it will remain a commute/weekend adventure with the missus deal for now.


29-07-2006, 10:17 AM
Does look surprisingly good condition. Guess it's because it's the red one. Black ones went faster!

29-07-2006, 11:08 AM
whats doing with the swing behind the bike?looks like a custom modification.
nice purchase tiger.

29-07-2006, 02:07 PM
I didn't want to mention that Davo. A bit too S&M looking like to be asking questions....

29-07-2006, 03:00 PM
Swing is the only thing I can get my knee down on.

31-07-2006, 10:32 AM
I forgot to add; I believe it is an import which explains the low mileage and nick. mph speedo and compliance/mod plate on side.

How do I tell if it's been euro restricted to 100horses without putting it on a dyno