View Full Version : Scavenger pump Question

23-02-2008, 10:17 AM
I got a VDO scavenger pump to help the oil flow from turbo back to sump. Now I've heard some guys run the pumps without the little filter in the front. Is the filter that restrictive it should be removed? Or should it be left in to protect the pump from all those little pieces of my motor which will inevadably end up in the sump?

23-02-2008, 12:00 PM
Ice IMO leave the filter in as it will protect your pump and stop unwanted bits geting into your sump, sure the pickup scree and filter will stop most it not all of the bits but every bit of protection helps.

23-02-2008, 09:09 PM
I take em out because it helps take some load off the pump,(the only pumps Ive ever heard of failing have had the strainer fitted ) & if there's particles in your oil big enough to jam the pump you got other problems.................