View Full Version : A Sparky, a Fitter & a Boilermaker walked into a bar... NFR 15

15-11-2015, 02:37 PM
A Sparky, a Fitter & a Boilermaker walked into a bar, sat down with beers and talked about NFR's past, the ones where 30 or more bike's were present. Unfortunately this year was not one of them.

Anyway, got home a few hours ago and thought I'd let you all know that even though there was only a few of us we still had a ball.

Friday morning saw Rachel and myself meet up with Russ and Gitzy at Bungendore and the 4 of us made our way to Cooma without getting too wet along the way. Friday evening was great, Erno turned up at around 4 then tillerrider and his better half swung by the pub to join us for dinner not long after. Unfortunately Jason couldn't ride with us on Saturday, but it was still great he managed to join us for a beer.

Saturday morning Gitzy had to part ways with us to head back to the central coast for other commitments.
I have to say my hat goes off to the man for turning up. He rode 600km's to meet up, spin stories for a night then ride 600km's home again with out even clapping eyes on a fun road.
Anyway... after Gitz left us, we had pretty shitty start to the ride. It was overcast, showering, & felt like 2°C. By the time we stopped at Jindabyne we were all frozen and running to the ski store to by extra layers of clothing, but within half an hour the weather gods smiled on us and we had sun shine. Once the sun came out the ride was amazing as always. We stopped in Khancoban for lunch at the pub and continued the ride incident free until about 80km out of Cooma where we got pissed on for 10 minutes but was all good once we were back the pub after a hot shower and a cold beer in hand.

All in all it was a Fun ride even with only 4 bikes making it out on Saturday. I want to Give a massive thanks to those who did make the effort and are keeping NFR alive, also for keeping me company at the pub, would of been a bit boring having beers with myself.

Next year we need to start organising early, this ride is too good to let die. Unfortunately it looks like I will be overseas for work this time next year so ill miss out, but with the right amount of time to prepare I'm sure we could get at least 15.


This is where Russ hit a bit of gravel and puckered his arsehole that hard he took a bite out of the seat

15-11-2015, 04:49 PM
Im home safe as well and I have to echo Muz's sentiment. NFR really is a good, fun weekend!
A couple of pics for yous.
Saturday morning getting the whole gang organised

http://i547.photobucket.com/albums/hh450/rusty996/IMG_0234.jpg (http://s547.photobucket.com/user/rusty996/media/IMG_0234.jpg.html)

First stop, Jindabyne for warm clothes. Global warming made it farken cold riding!
http://i547.photobucket.com/albums/hh450/rusty996/IMG_0235.jpg (http://s547.photobucket.com/user/rusty996/media/IMG_0235.jpg.html)

A quick stop for a look at Cabramurra, the highest town in Australia (elevation that is)
http://i547.photobucket.com/albums/hh450/rusty996/IMG_0243.jpg (http://s547.photobucket.com/user/rusty996/media/IMG_0243.jpg.html)

Another great weekend with great people. How about we try and make it bigger next year? Start saving your sheckles and book some leave, it's worth it!

P.S. Gitzy you're a star! Well done for your effort in getting all the way there just to be a part of it for a night!

Mr Hyosung
15-11-2015, 04:58 PM
Well done lads and ladies, keeping the dream alive

15-11-2015, 09:36 PM
Lol start of a cracking joke that title..

Top write up guys, I really was happy to be a part of it, had a great night and will be there next year for sure. Shame I missed the loop it really is a great ride. Can you believe I only took 3 pictures I must be slipping in my old age.:p

http://i1359.photobucket.com/albums/q786/gitzyfighter/ASF Rides/NFR 2015 Cooma/20151113_154312_zpsfuajk7kq.jpg (http://s1359.photobucket.com/user/gitzyfighter/media/ASF Rides/NFR 2015 Cooma/20151113_154312_zpsfuajk7kq.jpg.html).

15-11-2015, 10:17 PM
I really hope I can actually get out on the bike next year for a ride again

16-11-2015, 10:56 AM
Ditto what Mr.Hyosung said!

17-11-2015, 05:09 PM
Cheers again for the weekend guys/gal..
And Gitzy you the man:D

17-11-2015, 05:27 PM
Good on you lads for keeping the dream alive.

I'll do my best to get there next year.