View Full Version : Another bloody Busa

02-10-2015, 08:43 PM
I sold my last 'fighter a couple of years ago and thought I'd start another project some time. But never really got the urge until this years AFR when I turned up on a not fighter (again). Well I got the urge and a couple of months ago I picked up a '03 Busa cheap. I did a few runs at the drags (It's a fucking Busa FFS) and started collecting bits for the build, but for whatever reason I kept procrastinating.
Then along comes Muz and starts to organise NFR for November. So I thinks to myself, "Self, pull your fucking finger out!" and I decided to get into it.
First up, get the behemoth onto a work stand

http://i547.photobucket.com/albums/hh450/rusty996/IMG_0145_1.jpg (http://s547.photobucket.com/user/rusty996/media/IMG_0145_1.jpg.html)

Then start undressing it and I couldn't resist having a trial fit of the tail I'd picked up from Kev
http://i547.photobucket.com/albums/hh450/rusty996/IMG_0147.jpg (http://s547.photobucket.com/user/rusty996/media/IMG_0147.jpg.html)

But I kept going and this is where I'm at
http://i547.photobucket.com/albums/hh450/rusty996/IMG_0150.jpg (http://s547.photobucket.com/user/rusty996/media/IMG_0150.jpg.html)

So this isn't going to be a high dollar build, nor a particularly involved or stylish build. Just a bike that's going to be ridden and enjoyed. Hopefully it will be done for NFR!

02-10-2015, 09:17 PM
So far,so good!!

02-10-2015, 09:24 PM
Holy cow man you dont muck around puttin me to shame man . Any tips or secrets

02-10-2015, 10:11 PM
Holy cow man you dont muck around puttin me to shame man . Any tips or secrets

hahaha yeah, keep drinking and don't look at the clock.

I really hope this thing knows how to go back together because I'm in above my head!

02-10-2015, 11:16 PM
Bahaha okay good luck then . You can use mine as a guide for what bolt goes where

03-10-2015, 11:00 AM
I've got a black swingarm now. But Photobucket is being a cunt and it's a sunny day and I'm going for a ride and then I'll come back and get some more done and hopefully put some more photo's up

03-10-2015, 05:10 PM
Another topic I'm going to enjoy....

03-10-2015, 10:17 PM
Glad to see those parts being used russ

See ya at NFR

03-10-2015, 10:33 PM
Si sounds like you need a busa !!!

04-10-2015, 02:53 AM
keep the pic's comin mate...
seat unit looks good on her.

04-10-2015, 06:31 PM
I can't post pics because photo bucket has decided the pics aren't there. I can look at them but photo bucket can't see them.
I give up.
If you want to see photos, they're on Faceplant

04-10-2015, 11:56 PM
You can get the facebook photo details and post them using the image insert thingo

05-10-2015, 08:54 AM
I'll post them later. I'm just sick of not knowing what the fuck is going on with this computer. Sometimes it's easy to post pics and sometimes no matter what I do, I can't get the fucking things to work.
Being a cranky old man goes with having a short temper and intolerance for technology

05-10-2015, 04:19 PM
I feel ya pain brother ,but thats what kids are for .

06-10-2015, 10:38 AM
Si sounds like you need a busa !!!

How'd ya guess?

06-10-2015, 07:35 PM
Good stuff russ.

23-10-2015, 07:20 PM
It kind of looks like this at the mo'

http://i547.photobucket.com/albums/hh450/rusty996/IMG_0161.jpg (http://s547.photobucket.com/user/rusty996/media/IMG_0161.jpg.html)

I got a GSXR front guard but the mounting points were way off. So I decided to have a go at modding the original. I marked it where I thought it should be chopped and cut it up with a jigsaw to look like a sportier version
http://i547.photobucket.com/albums/hh450/rusty996/IMG_0176%201.jpg (http://s547.photobucket.com/user/rusty996/media/IMG_0176%201.jpg.html)

The wrinkly bit was from a heat gun I used to shape it a bit, but I'll fix that before paint.
http://i547.photobucket.com/albums/hh450/rusty996/IMG_0175.jpg (http://s547.photobucket.com/user/rusty996/media/IMG_0175.jpg.html)

This is how much I chopped off the fucking thing!

Tony Nitrous
24-10-2015, 12:02 PM
Mine is a cut down stock guard.

It doesn't need or use the lower mounts.

http://s27.postimg.org/48pn4bc03/image.jpg (http://postimage.org/)

Only real thing is it sits wide of the tyre and the internal gap is a bit bigger than would be ideal.
I guess that's what you were trying to fix.

There are GSXR guards that go straight on but I can't remember which ones.
A common swap on Busa forums.

24-10-2015, 08:21 PM
I'm going to try and reshape the lower front part to protect the bottom of the fork. It should also close up the gap you mentioned

08-11-2015, 10:16 AM
Less than a week til NFR 2015 and still a bit to do.

http://i547.photobucket.com/albums/hh450/rusty996/IMG_0219.jpg (http://s547.photobucket.com/user/rusty996/media/IMG_0219.jpg.html)

It will be Tuesday before I can get back into it. But by then I'll have the seat back from Kev and everything should be ready to go together. "should"! Still have to rego it and put some miles on it to see if it will go OK before we leave on Friday.
So, fingers crossed!

08-11-2015, 07:36 PM
You build a dirt bike with a coffin side car.........we have confidence

09-11-2015, 09:29 AM
Fuck yea. Me likey.

09-11-2015, 08:03 PM
I'm a little nervy, I've only done about 150kms on the GSXR since I bought it so hope it goes ok lol. I just did all fresh fluids plugs etc chain and tyres are new so shooould be ok. Just hope my fiddling hasn't caused any issues. Hope the Bus meets the Gix on friday all good Russ.

11-11-2015, 08:35 PM
Im in the same boat Gitzy. Road it today up the mountain near my place and found a couple of issues. The speed sensor wire rubbed on the rear disc and broke. Fixed that. Got a bit of a leak on the banjo bolt on the right caliper. I'll fix that tomorrow.
Worst thing is not enough room between the tank and the bum pad. My nads were squashed! So the bum pad comes off and Ive got a bit of thin foam that I'll stick on there for the mean time.
Interesting ride though. Accelerating in third means very bump is a whoolie! I think I'm going to like it

15-11-2015, 05:41 PM
Well after this years NFR, about 1,400 k's, I'm convinced that the rear shock has lost its ability to absorb shock. It's without a doubt the worst thing I've ever experienced and almost had me throwing it off the road and hitching a ride home.
So, what shocks do people use/recommend? I'm not after a MotoGP replica, I'd like a smoother ride where the road bumps aren't transferred through my spine, neck and skull!
Alternatively, is the original shock serviceable?

16-11-2015, 07:01 AM
Well after this years NFR, about 1,400 k's, I'm convinced that the rear shock has lost its ability to absorb shock. It's without a doubt the worst thing I've ever experienced and almost had me throwing it off the road and hitching a ride home.
So, what shocks do people use/recommend? I'm not after a MotoGP replica, I'd like a smoother ride where the road bumps aren't transferred through my spine, neck and skull!
Alternatively, is the original shock serviceable?

you can try and adjust it first

16-11-2015, 07:14 AM
It didn't seem to be this rough when I first bought the bike.
I know fark all about suspension set ups, so forgive me if this sounds like a newb question. Would losing the bodywork, original exhausts etc, lighten it up enough to make that much difference?
I was going to try losing a bit of preload and see if it made an improvement, but I just assumed that it had gone off(?)

16-11-2015, 07:43 AM
It didn't seem to be this rough when I first bought the bike.
I know fark all about suspension set ups, so forgive me if this sounds like a newb question. Would losing the bodywork, original exhausts etc, lighten it up enough to make that much difference?
I was going to try losing a bit of preload and see if it made an improvement, but I just assumed that it had gone off(?)

play with it before you go spending money....adjust the spring too and this could help you...I'm no expert but i do this until it feels right....

16-11-2015, 09:59 AM
Apart from the shock how was it since its transformation

16-11-2015, 12:49 PM
I'll have a fuck around with the shock, "whats the worst that can happen", right?!
There's some stuff that I rushed to finish in time that I'll go back over and get right, like brackets and wiring.
I need to see about getting the ECU flashed or a power commander. I goes like stink but I get the feeling that it's a little doughy and could be crisper. Though I haven't spent any real time on an IL4, all of my road bikes before this (i.e.: not many) have been/are twins. I may be way off, but I've got a guys number who is apparently a wiz on Busa tunes and I'll talk to him and see what he reckons.
The riding position is fine. Just got to do something with the shock and maybe the brakes (I've been riding a BMW for so long now that I'm used to good quality braking and the stock Gen1 brakes are not top shelf!)
But over all, I'm loving it!

16-11-2015, 02:48 PM
them 6 pots are complete shit on the busa....I fucked mine off
and done the brembo upgrade on them.

16-11-2015, 09:19 PM
set the rider sag front and rear, that'll tell you a lot. It will feel harsh if there is not enough sag.
start with 30mm at the rear, and then aim for 35mm at the front. Try and keep within 5-7mm front to rear for balance.

Sag is the foundation, compression and rebound are built on that.

You can get a decent measurements by yourself with some ingenuity. Google suspension set up on fz09.org, the MT09 has really shit suspension, so i have learnt a bit setting up my 09.
From stotec moto on FZ09.org (he worked with penske to get a drop in shock for the MT/FZ) although he's talking about a penske shock just pay attention to the setting sag/rebound/comp parts...
The black collar under the spring (with the drilled holes) is the preload collar. Technically, there is also one at the top of the spring. The red knob is rebound and the black knob on the reservoir is compression. With that in mind, I recommend doing the following...in this exact order.

1. Get a helper or two to set rear sag and put on all of your riding gear. Yes, even the helmet.
2. Unload the suspension (either have your friends lift the rear of the bike or pivot it up with the sidestand). Make a reference measurement to determine your unloaded length. I recommend using a point on the tail section in line with the axle and a corresponding point on the axle/swingarm. Write this measurement down (I prefer to work in metric, but English is OK if you're good with reading the tape and converting). Let's call it X right now.
3. Sit on the bike with your feet on the pegs. This is where friend #1 comes in. Sit like you would normally sit.
4. Have friend #2 slowly lift the tail section up and gently let it lower under your weight. Re-measure the distance between the same two points. Record this as X1.
5. Have friend #2 slowly push down on the tail section and let it gently return. Re-measure the distance between the same two points. Record this as X2.
6. Average X1 and X2; call it X3. These numbers shouldn't be drastically different. If they are, take your measurements again. The difference between X1 and X2 should be a few mm and no more.
7. Time for some arithmetic. X-X3=rider sag. Shoot for ~30 mm / 1.181". Add preload to reduce sag and remove to increase. The leverage ratio of the stock linkage and swingarm is significant.
8. Once you get 30 mm, I recommend setting the front sag. The process is identical, but your X1 and X2 will be further apart due to seal/bushing stiction. Shoot for around 35 mm to get you started.
9. Now that you've gotten the proper sag, you won't be fiddling much with preload unless you feel the need to change how fast the bike steers. Remember, adding preload doesn't make the spring stiffer. The only way to make a stiffer spring is to alter the material, increase wire diameter, and/or reduce the number of coils.
10. Set rebound on both ends of the bike while in the garage. You're looking for a smooth controlled 'return home' when depressed. A few mm of overshoot is ok, but it should settle back. You don't want either end to rocket back up and top out or oscillate. Conversely, you don't want too slow of a return without overshoot. Getting this right takes experience, a keen eye, and a delicate touch. Once you get both ends right, depress the bike in the middle - left hand on the handlebar, right hand at the seat/tank junction, and right foot on the peg. Push down in the center of the bike, where your body's center of gravity would be. You want both ends of the bike to return at the same speed. Make adjustments as necessary to get this right.
11. For someone new to the world of suspension tuning looking to learn, I recommend setting the compression adjustment to full soft.
12. Go for a ride. Take note of what the bike is doing. Bring the tools you need to make adjustments on the road!
13. Start adding compression. On a Penske, I work in 4 click increments since there is a lot of adjustment. Ride some more.
14. Continue adding compression in 4 click increments until you feel harshness; back off 2 clicks. Ride again and take note of performance. You may need to adjust +/- a click.

Some ROUGH guidelines:
A. If either end of the bike feels nervous, add rebound damping.
B. If either end feels sluggish and doesn't respond fast enough to the road, reduce rebound damping. Same thing if you find the suspension 'packing'. Packing occurs when the a series of bumps causes the suspension to ratchet down with each successive bump. With too much rebound damping, the suspension never fully returns to it's rightful starting point, so travel is limited for the next bump.
C. If you feel the bike is squatting too much, add compression. Just be aware that this will also reduce bump compliance (unless you have a shock with high speed compression adjustment - 8987).
D. If you find you're breaking traction at low wheel speeds, reduce compression.

The static tuning you did in the garage will get you about 80% of the way to a good setup. The remaining 20% takes time with the tools on the side of the road. I make a day of it on personal setups.

17-11-2015, 05:23 AM
^^ Great how to. A few weeks ago I knew zero about suspension. Once I had paid for the ZX10 shock for the mt09 I made a massive effort to educate myself so that when I did get it I could make the most of it. I followed a procedure similar to above but not as accurate and the results were fantastic. The whole experience was a lesson and I reckon I now know about 2% of all there is to know on the subject of suspension, but enough for me at the moment. when I get the forks redone I'll go through the whole procedure again, really try to fine tune the bike and hopefully learn a lot more

18-11-2015, 05:43 PM
Get a set of Gen2 forks and calipers, the difference is night and day. I used the adaptors with some radial calipers initially as I had the calpiers laying around, that made them 80% better but the front end conversion is the go. If you like I can see if I can find the caliper adaptors and then you just need to get some calipers off a wrecker or somewhere to try it. Steel lines too.

When I stripped the busa back I found it was a bit harsh too but I put on some flash triple clicker thing filled with witchcraft and voodoo. It's now on the MT09.

Tony Nitrous
18-11-2015, 06:15 PM
^^^ What him said ^^^

I have braided lines, good fluid, good pads and good condition 6-plop callipers on my Busa.
Calling them "average" would be being kind.

My B-King (very similar to a Gen-2 Busa) had 8 year old rubber lines, and old standard
pads and fluid. It's off the scale compared to the Busa. Bloody excellent.
Seen a few Busa's and Kings crashed because inexperienced riders grabbed a big handful of brakes.

If I was offered a dirt cheap front end of a Gen-1 I'd walk away.
I've had a brand new Gen-1, 2nd hand Gen-1 and now a rebuilt brakes Gen-1,
They weren't great when they were new and that was 16 years a go !

22-11-2015, 10:11 AM
Nudie, PM sent

22-11-2015, 06:10 PM
Nudie, PM sent

Oh boy do I have some reading to do!

Thanks mate

23-11-2015, 04:33 PM
So I am now a little motivated to sort the suspension on my bike, it has been a while since I played with suspension and it desperately needs something done, Great info. LOVE this build

23-11-2015, 05:23 PM
^^^ What him said ^^^

I have braided lines, good fluid, good pads and good condition 6-plop callipers on my Busa.
Calling them "average" would be being kind.

My B-King (very similar to a Gen-2 Busa) had 8 year old rubber lines, and old standard
pads and fluid. It's off the scale compared to the Busa. Bloody excellent.
Seen a few Busa's and Kings crashed because inexperienced riders grabbed a big handful of brakes.

If I was offered a dirt cheap front end of a Gen-1 I'd walk away.
I've had a brand new Gen-1, 2nd hand Gen-1 and now a rebuilt brakes Gen-1,
They weren't great when they were new and that was 16 years a go !

Tony are the callipers on your B-King the black Tokicos? I've been unsuccessfully searching for the Busa brake upgrade, but all I can guess is they mean the Tokicos and not Brembos. Apparently you can get an adaptor to fit the radial Tokico caliper from the Gen2 onto the Gen1 forks.

24-11-2015, 12:26 PM
You've been busy!

24-11-2015, 04:37 PM
You've been busy!

You've been absent!

25-11-2015, 12:19 PM
You've been absent!

Sheesh, A bloke is either too busy at work or too busy when there is no work getting to the same point you first started which was you are to busy to do anything but work, AAAARRRGGGHHH!

Oh well I am booked for the PI Classic, leaving Syderny 19th Jan Woo Hoo!

25-11-2015, 07:20 PM
Sheesh, A bloke is either too busy at work or too busy when there is no work getting to the same point you first started which was you are to busy to do anything but work, AAAARRRGGGHHH!

Oh well I am booked for the PI Classic, leaving Syderny 19th Jan Woo Hoo!

Luke (LKC73 on here I think?) and his mate are going down for that! Tony is racing a RGV250

26-11-2015, 07:09 AM
Oh well I am booked for the PI Classic, leaving Syderny 19th Jan Woo Hoo!

That's awesome! You will probably be a couple of days ahead of us on the road, but we'll see you there!

28-11-2015, 11:52 AM
Luke (LKC73 on here I think?) and his mate are going down for that! Tony is racing a RGV250

From Sydney?

I'm taking a couple of days more to get there as I have freeloaders (Sandgropers) that would like to take it a bit easier and check out the highlights!

Will be heading back through the Cooma area some way leaving PI on the Monday.

28-11-2015, 11:53 AM
That's awesome! You will probably be a couple of days ahead of us on the road, but we'll see you there!

If we get our shit together on the Tuesday early enough will call past and grab those Rearsets on the way and say g'day!

30-11-2015, 04:02 PM
No worries. If you don't make it, I could bring them with me and hand them over at PI

04-01-2016, 09:30 AM
So this happened

http://i547.photobucket.com/albums/hh450/rusty996/IMG_0313.jpg (http://s547.photobucket.com/user/rusty996/media/IMG_0313.jpg.html)

I'm guessing the joining link let go under *ahem* hard acceleration. Busted a heap of stuff in there, but I don't have time have a good look just yet. Can see the clutch rod sheared off, actuator cover broked, water pump broked, shifter housing broked. There's more but fingers crossed, the engine case is alright!!!
I'll post pics when I finish work in a couple of days

04-01-2016, 10:44 AM
That sucks big time.

04-01-2016, 10:45 AM
You were running a proper link, not clip yea?

05-01-2016, 08:43 AM
You were running a proper link, not clip yea?

Yes it was a riveted link but as it was gone completely, I suspect that the pins weren't peened over enough. If it just snapped, I'd expect to find the halves still on the chain.
Oh well, time to start hunting for engine bits.....

05-01-2016, 09:08 AM
What a fucker! I always go crazy town with peening those pins (well, not ot the point where they are so thin they're useless, but you get the idea) as I'm paranoid of this happening.

06-01-2016, 03:37 PM
Last one I did i actually had the vernier out as if you go too far you tend to thin it out and can actually weaken it. Too little or too much can both be bad.

07-01-2016, 12:26 PM
So the water pump casing is kaput (though the innards are OK)

http://i547.photobucket.com/albums/hh450/rusty996/IMG_0317.jpg (http://s547.photobucket.com/user/rusty996/media/IMG_0317.jpg.html)

The gear shifter cover now has an inspection window
http://i547.photobucket.com/albums/hh450/rusty996/IMG_0325.jpg (http://s547.photobucket.com/user/rusty996/media/IMG_0325.jpg.html)

and the little star thing on the end of the drive sprocket is missing two teeth

http://i547.photobucket.com/albums/hh450/rusty996/IMG_0314.jpg (http://s547.photobucket.com/user/rusty996/media/IMG_0314.jpg.html)

Plus the clutch push rod is in three pieces and I had to push out the broken part from the right hand side.

07-01-2016, 06:10 PM
That sucks.

07-01-2016, 07:51 PM
Buy a Busa they said, be fun they said, mate that just hurts. Hope it's not any worse than that :-(

08-01-2016, 08:52 AM
Wow, and you didn't get anything on your ankle? How do you boots look?

08-01-2016, 12:14 PM
thats just fucked up mate...coulda bin worse tho

08-01-2016, 07:13 PM
Yeah I've still got my fingers crossed that nothing else is buggered. No Si, nothing on my boots.
Going to pay more attention to chain condition from now on. I tend to lube and adjust it, that's it! But I'll be having a better look in future.
Hagar is chasing some bits for me, so I should know next week how long it will be off the road.

At the mo', I've got 4 bikes and 3 of them are in pieces

11-01-2016, 10:54 AM
Yeah I've still got my fingers crossed that nothing else is buggered. No Si, nothing on my boots.
Going to pay more attention to chain condition from now on. I tend to lube and adjust it, that's it! But I'll be having a better look in future.
Hagar is chasing some bits for me, so I should know next week how long it will be off the road.

At the mo', I've got 4 bikes and 3 of them are in pieces

I know the feeling, haha

04-03-2016, 04:16 PM
Well I got it back together and celebrated with a bit of a ride

http://i547.photobucket.com/albums/hh450/rusty996/IMG_0395.jpg (http://s547.photobucket.com/user/rusty996/media/IMG_0395.jpg.html)

So I took it for a quick swim and a run up Mac Pass.
Got back home and can't find anything missing or leaking out. Time for a froffy!

05-03-2016, 09:57 AM
class busa mate,

07-03-2016, 09:05 AM
Good news Russ.

07-03-2016, 10:48 AM
Nice spot for pics that. Well done Russ looks tough as.

08-03-2016, 06:54 AM
like this a lot, not only does it look sweet but it rides on water too...quality !

09-03-2016, 08:38 AM
I was told that if you put enough air in the tyres, all bikes will float. True story!