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View Full Version : 1988 zx10 ? good bad or otherwise

11-03-2014, 12:10 AM
So i have a oportunity to get my hands on one as a new trench wench 2 . 130 hp heavy but still less weight than the gsx11g and more hp as well as chain drive so i can play with gearing . Downside is 18" rear rim but mx paddles will fit then but not overly wide though a quick search finds zzr rears can fit . Other than that im not up with kwakkas

11-03-2014, 09:36 AM
it would want to be cheep lol
ill ask a few questions
i like the gpz, steel frame and a motor that sky is the limit

11-03-2014, 11:15 AM
As per my Fagbook post to you:

They were a great motor. I had one. The engine itself was the same cases as the GPZ1100RX and the ZZR1100 as well which means you had a lot of scope for spare parts. They ran a lot of plastic and a small 160 back trye. They were a heavy beast but the stripped down version I had made that power fun.


11-03-2014, 11:17 AM
The gear box in the one in the photo was actaully from the "then" landspeed record holder in the UK. Those things shifted!

11-03-2014, 12:07 PM
If they're anything like the C1 ZZR then 2nd gear will be a weak spot and if they run low on oil #3 rod bearing has a tendency to give up (keep the oil above the sight glass).

Other than that it's a Kwaka so it's bulletproof......lol....

11-03-2014, 01:54 PM
gee Si if thats you in the first pic mate you really have let yourself go havent ya hahaha , cheers for the info fellas but turns out its not as good as he was telling me on the phone went had a look today whilst out that way for work , hasnt run in many years has no key , carb inlet rubbers are cactus , still its cheap if you have one already


11-03-2014, 05:33 PM
This will become a collectors item I say buy restore and store.