View Full Version : Meanwhile in Queensland

12-01-2014, 05:30 PM

I'll be the first to admit that I don't know the back-story to this, however, did you really need all those cops to just verify his details???

12-01-2014, 07:41 PM
It is a fact that "outlaw bikie gangs" are involved in organised crime.
If this was a traffic stopped aimed at, say, paedophile groups, then it would be applauded by all and sundry extolling the virtues of correct policing, however it isn't.
I'm not saying it is the right way to go about it, but I am saying that it is aimed at reducing said crime.

12-01-2014, 08:03 PM
The misfits aren't an outlaw club as I'm sure you'd know. If memory serves there is a misfits member that frequents this forum. I haven't been harrassed personally but know quite a few people that have.....

12-01-2014, 08:22 PM
It is a fact that "outlaw bikie gangs" are involved in organised crime.
If this was a traffic stopped aimed at, say, paedophile groups, then it would be applauded by all and sundry extolling the virtues of correct policing, however it isn't.
I'm not saying it is the right way to go about it, but I am saying that it is aimed at reducing said crime.

It is also a fact that the state police have criminals in they're own ranks , yet they seem very inept at finding them. Maybe a law that alows federal police to interrogate all state police without evidence or reason would sort that ? I'm sure the good police of queensland would have no problem with being inconvenianced out of work and investigated/photographed/asked inane questions for hours. Possably detained in lockdown 23 hours a day for being in groups of 3 or more in public.

While we are at it Politicians are also infiltrated criminals , better get them involved to. I'm sure if "The people" wish it they will have no problem helping out, after all we are whom they serve.

I also hear that cars will run on water instead of petrol , who knew.

12-01-2014, 08:58 PM
So it is all or nothing?

12-01-2014, 09:39 PM
Jamie Evans (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=199424260254060&id=100005594620613)

WTF. ....I just went on a ride on my Harley and ended up in Beenleigh. I needed fuel so I turned into a street to do a U turn back to the servo.....I pulled up at a bowser and all of a sudden there was a cop car with lights and siren pulled up behind me. They asked for my license and I asked if they could wait until I finished filling up. I went in and paid for the fuel and when I came back out was confronted with 5 cop cars and 10 cops which detained me for license, breath test and vehicle compliance. A 6th car turned up to issue me with a drug test.......all up I was detained for close on an hour....I thank all of the general public and the lady behind the counter as everyone was recording and gave me their names as witnesses. ...after all of this I was free to go with no infringements....Yeah Newman, law abiding motorcyclists have nothing to fear. ....FTP

13-01-2014, 01:55 AM
So it is all or nothing?

Whats good for the goose ......

These laws have fuck all to do with reducing ANY crime, crime in queensland has gone up since the laws were introduced FACT ! Media crap has explained that over 60 people have been incarcirated with these new laws (but no one seems to be able to substantate any of that bar a group of 5 from a pub and a group of 3 that were on holiday from Vic )

These laws were a knee jerk reaction from some gung ho polies a legal eagal to big for his boots and some pissed off cops that were scared shitless of a few big blokes dressed in leather.

Funnyest part about the initial fight/cops turning up was, when they called the next area up the road for backup the coppers wouldn't come to support em. Now we have a set of bullshit laws that don't even mention bikers, people being stopped and detained strip searched in the street photographed and questioned even if they don't wear colours/ride a bike etc. Shit several people have been detained for wearing a fucking T shit about a TV show !

13-01-2014, 12:51 PM
Omc's are all crims FACT, what a load of shit, you may as well say all cops are crims

Neo Dutch
13-01-2014, 03:17 PM
Old mate could have handed over his license when asked. Fairly simple.

As for the so-called Yandina 5, one of them was convicted for running drugs on behalf of a local group at the end of November.

13-01-2014, 05:06 PM
correct me if im wrong but this is the shit that is happening even know there suppose to be targeting the 1%ers, say i go for a ride meet red in nsw and we ride to meet jules in qld we all happen to be wearing a asf shirt and seem to be apart of a group , we get pulled for a "random lic check" we dont really know each other from a bar of soap bar talking over the net unbeknown to us red (hypotectical) has a criminal record and because we are a group of 3 or more and appear to be apart of something we all get taken for conspiring to do bad things even know we really dont ever "hang out" 6 weeks later out of the slammer we plead our case and get a sorry from the cops

13-01-2014, 06:00 PM
That's not really how it works Scotty. You need to be a member or associate of a club or organisation that the Queensland gumbyment has declared a 'criminal organisation'.

I've been pulled for speeding while wearing an ASF and a SFOC patch and it wasn't even mentioned........

13-01-2014, 06:27 PM
No worries we never hear the full story here in the west just enough that the media and social media play on and red I wasnt picking you for the hypothetical criminal record its just because your in vic its a given haha only joking

13-01-2014, 07:15 PM
The underlying issue most people have (apart from the harassment) is with the stroke of a pen the government can classify any group as a criminal organisation. So anyone is fair game that the government decides to go after, from the local CWA to student unions to OMCs.....

13-01-2014, 08:37 PM
guilty before proven innocent is just not right no matter what you think of 1%ers.
Its that simple!

13-01-2014, 08:56 PM
correct me if im wrong but this is the shit that is happening even know there suppose to be targeting the 1%ers, say i go for a ride meet red in nsw and we ride to meet jules in qld we all happen to be wearing a asf shirt and seem to be apart of a group , we get pulled for a "random lic check" we dont really know each other from a bar of soap bar talking over the net unbeknown to us red (hypotectical) has a criminal record and because we are a group of 3 or more and appear to be apart of something we all get taken for conspiring to do bad things even know we really dont ever "hang out" 6 weeks later out of the slammer we plead our case and get a sorry from the cops

You'd accually be close , even though I don't have a record as such now. I had to do alot of explaining over 3 months to get a Military pass of all Aus bases on Aus soil (can't get one with a record technically) BUT I have worked along side several 1%ers over the years and do so now. I would def come up as a known associate even though I've not been to a club house in 11 years. I rub sholders with numerous club members out of work just out in public through the fact we live close by.

I plan to travel up to Queensland for a bike show in late 2014 , on a bike that will be very similar to a HD chopper (at least to a queensland coppers eyes anyhow) and though I wont be dressed as a gay pirate , my attire will hightly likely be close enough for the queensland filth.

If 2 others with similar ASF shirts were with me I'd be supprized if we all didn't get a few days in the cooler for escaping the Vic weather in the colder months.

13-01-2014, 09:51 PM
Neo....He was asked to produce his license whilst filling the tank...he said he would finish filling and pay the cashier and then be happy to ( thus keeping cashier and waiting drivers happy).

13-01-2014, 10:25 PM
I thought he conducted himself with dignity. I would have done worse than that.

No Human Being likes to be talked down to....and shouldn't be!

Either way, we all breathe the same air and dent the Doulton the same way as every living Human on this planet (Those who have a Doulton)

Unless I've actually committed an offense I should be treated with the same dignity as any other animal on this planet until proven otherwise and vice versa.

To quote Zac De La Rocha, "Fuck you I won't do what 'ya told me!"

Neo Dutch
14-01-2014, 01:57 PM
Neo....He was asked to produce his license whilst filling the tank...he said he would finish filling and pay the cashier and then be happy to ( thus keeping cashier and waiting drivers happy).
If he wanted to prove some point, he wouldn't have put on an attitude, and keeping the cashier and others waiting will give him some witnesses and hurry the coppers along.

Tony Nitrous
14-01-2014, 04:58 PM

Tony Nitrous
14-01-2014, 05:28 PM


14-01-2014, 05:46 PM
That's an interesting Tony

Neo Dutch
14-01-2014, 07:07 PM
Tony makes sense.

Tony Nitrous
14-01-2014, 10:05 PM
Sat here with a pretty smart lawyer (ex-uni lecturer and is invited to sit in and
advise on a government conference etc) just showed it to her.....

She shook her head, laughed and said "good luck with that!"

15-01-2014, 06:05 PM


Neo Dutch
15-01-2014, 07:12 PM
Why? VVMC is not a banned club, and at least 3 fellows in that pic are ex RAE.

15-01-2014, 07:49 PM
the cops did raid their clubs house tho ....well they went there to see that no 1% hide amounst them falsely and to make better
bonds lol after the abc turned up that is, you know the abc the fed gov wants to take away for their left veiws :-)
My obejections to these laws have nothing to do with them being agaisnt bikies......
they are fascit laws and imo that hasnt gone so well for anyone in the past......

15-01-2014, 08:57 PM
Exactly right ozzy.

16-01-2014, 10:43 AM
Show me where in these new laws the word CMC ,OMC or even bikie is

16-01-2014, 11:38 AM
love the cop who says "have i threatened you?"

then for the next 5 minutes stands casually within taser range with his hand on his belt!!!

16-01-2014, 02:37 PM
All the bullshit on bikies and these new laws and whether the guy was right or wrong aside, seriously, cop to perp ratio, how many police are required to licence check one fucken guy? Are the Qld police so fucking poorly trained they cant carry out a roadside checks without there being a small "gang" of them?
All I saw in that video was half a dozen patched up gun toting arseholes.. and a motorcyclist..

16-01-2014, 03:22 PM
Sorry but thats what ya get for riding a harley,seriously sucks though good to see he didnt get angry with them ,thats what they would have wanted ,they probably shit themselves he phoned his mates while paying for fuel.

Jockney Rebel
16-01-2014, 11:31 PM
newmans pet dog the new AG of qld has threatened to arrest any VVMC memebers if the y march in their colours and under thier banner during the anzac parades ..now he technically cant arrest them becuase thier not mentioned in the list of clubs ..but by stirring them up is probably hoping to instigate a response giving the police an excuse to deem them as such thus closing another door to the 1 %s from infiltrating a social club [his words not mine ] but the most insidous part of all this is that this legislation is merely a smokescreen to divert your attention away from the recently introduced employment heqalth and education bills while yer all tralking about this stuff your missing the point ...this legislation allows the govt to as quoted " turn ANY organisation legal or illegal into a criminal organisation overnight ..you can derive anything you like from that but just think about the implications of that

17-01-2014, 04:00 AM
All Coppers Are Bastards, as true as it's always been, they are the same the world over. I will never trust them, and if I saw one trapped in a burning car I would ride past and leave them to burn. If I see one getting a kicking I'll film it and laugh every time I watch it on youtube. I have no respect for them whatsoever.

Neo Dutch
17-01-2014, 01:45 PM
the new AG of QLD has threatened to arrest any VVMC members if they march in their colours and under their banner during the ANZAC parades ..

This has already been denied by the Premier, the Police Minister and the Commissioner.

17-01-2014, 02:19 PM
All Coppers Are Bastards, as true as it's always been, they are the same the world over. I will never trust them, and if I saw one trapped in a burning car I would ride past and leave them to burn. If I see one getting a kicking I'll film it and laugh every time I watch it on youtube. I have no respect for them whatsoever.

Tell us how you really feel.

17-01-2014, 03:35 PM
why hasnt newman gone mysteriously missing yet ??? that is the real question here

17-01-2014, 05:56 PM
why hasnt newman gone mysteriously missing yet ??? that is the real question here

Because political assassination is a yanky thing.

17-01-2014, 06:47 PM
Because political assassination is a yanky thing.

Yes....but we have already had John Newman MP........afew more wouldn't go astray?

17-01-2014, 07:25 PM
Anyone heard from Donald Mackay lately?

17-01-2014, 07:31 PM
Mackay owned a furniture store, he may have had political aspirations but never got too far. I think you'll find there were very few aussies involved.....

Maybe Newman could go for a swim ?

Neo Dutch
17-01-2014, 07:42 PM
Maybe the mods could lock this thread before anything more inflammatory is said.

17-01-2014, 09:36 PM
Personally I think we should remove all polies nuts before elected , just to remind them how much worse it could be if we really got pissed off with them for fucking everything.

17-01-2014, 09:49 PM
Mackay owned a furniture store, he may have had political aspirations but never got too far. I think you'll find there were very few aussies involved.....

Maybe Newman could go for a swim ?

I heard he ended up under the bowling alley in Leeton...

17-01-2014, 09:53 PM
Mackay's whereabouts is Australia's version of Jimmy Hoffa...... Thing is if you do some research Hoffa's final resting place and his killer can be found..... ;)

Jockney Rebel
18-01-2014, 03:07 PM
This has already been denied by the Premier, the Police Minister and the Commissioner. like i said in the text ...its a contrived attempt to elicit a response

24-01-2014, 04:37 PM