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View Full Version : My 'Oh shit' moment

27-10-2013, 04:08 PM
Sal and I went to the dam today in the 4WD to have lunch and let the dog have a swim. (One of his fav things)

On the way home we stopped at the building site to see how the new place is coming along.
I noticed some oil on the back wheel and thought the hub had just chewed a seal.

How wrong I was.

I nursed it home as it wasnt far and this is what I got.


Oil on rim when I got home.


The entire axle came out in my hand. All the bolts had sheered off but were still in their holes holding on with the aid of some hub gasket.
How this happened I dont know as im pretty good with maintenance.

The oil was clean and the axle spline was un damaged so im just going to rebuild it.

But we were doing 100km/h on the hwy with 2 full diesel tanks so I think I should buy a lotto ticket

27-10-2013, 04:37 PM
Sadly mate those studs are reasonably well known for snapping. There is an easy up grade though, drill the holes the studs live in so you can cut a 10mm thread. All the guys running cruiser diffs in competition scenario's are doing this with great results...

No point buying a lotto ticket, you've used all your luck...

27-10-2013, 04:43 PM
I dont push my truck that hard at all I'll just rebuild it for the minute as I need it back on the road.
Good to know its a common thing though. Im going to strip clean and rebuild both hubs

27-10-2013, 05:18 PM
Praise the Dude!
He is looking out for you, man.

27-10-2013, 06:04 PM
Yeah man!
Joints and white russians for everyone.

The Dude abides man

27-10-2013, 07:01 PM
And bowling.

27-10-2013, 07:41 PM
Just don't mention the Eagles or nihilists

27-10-2013, 10:16 PM
Pretty common prob on the cruisers fair enough the axle will come out but the hub will stay put . All in all not a great feeling seeing your axle walking its way out . 100 series studs and redrill to suit will resolve future problems