View Full Version : RIP contour helmet cams

07-08-2013, 11:21 PM
http://www.vitalmtb.com/news/press-release/Contour-Closes-Seattle-HQ-Ceases-Operations,842?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+VitalMtbSpotlights+%28Vital+M TB+Spotlights%29

kind of in shock, got a roam2 last november and as far as im concerned its fkn great

oh well, off to buy lots of mounts from ebay!

08-08-2013, 08:08 AM
It's a bit sad, 2 of my friends worked for them and both had no idea this was coming.

08-08-2013, 09:25 AM
Bet the top level people all cry poor as they drive home to they're million dollar homes

08-08-2013, 10:24 PM
Bet the top level people all cry poor as they drive home to they're million dollar homes

Hey Red with all due respect, too many scotches/wine/beer but .................................................. .................................................. ..............business at the moment sucks and I have, and are going through possibly the same scenario as you are just indicating as being a doddle to the company directors as going away driving their Porsches ........... sorry but this isn't always the case ............ maybe it is in this case?????..........but business needs to make money to cover what governments make us comply to.... anyway just think about someone else as I'm sure you do :)

08-08-2013, 10:45 PM
I also run my own business , Not a Business that turned over 27 million last year granted. I know all to well about people walking away with nothing but debt and issues in business both big and small.

Personally lost all my hard earned entitlements From an ass that shut up shop over a weekend and we all showed up to work on the monday to see the sheriff asking for keys to get into the shop with the owner (of the building) . When the workers know F all about it till they're told sorry on monday I'm very dubious, Hence the comment.

08-08-2013, 10:53 PM
I also run my own business , Not a Business that turned over 27 million last year granted. I know all to well about people walking away with nothing but debt and issues in business both big and small.

Personally lost all my hard earned entitlements From an ass that shut up shop over a weekend and we all showed up to work on the monday to see the sheriff asking for keys to get into the shop with the owner (of the building) . When the workers know F all about it till they're told sorry on monday I'm very dubious, Hence the comment.

Hey no stress as I said too many scotches etc but there is a lot of business bashing at the 'mo and I just get a bit jaded 'cos I pay a shitload of tax.... whne whine etc and jsut ama bit pissed about the Australian way of business bashing and hey...... I'm employing people and don't seem to get anything out of my business other tahn keeping people in a job....s rorry too pissed shouldn't be asying fucj ALL !

09-08-2013, 08:24 AM
lol No stress here bloke , know exactly where your comming from. Good mate nearly went under a few months back , offered me a job when things were looking grim for myself (even though he was already pushing it up hill) I declined and continued to push though with my own shit. I got fed up with asshole owners of business in the local area screwing over there workers and started up my own deal.

Another aquantance I worked for (as contractor) , Mother of night club owner (real boss of the club) runs a local retail business and she is looking at going on the bread line atm. Things are real grim here in Shep atm unemployment is stitting around 26% and the major seasonal employers (fruit industry growers and canning) has taken a big hit. Coke bought the local factory and is running it for maximum profit (as it should) prob is there is no money in canning so 40% of the fruit trees in shep are ment to be pulled out before spring.

Even the people with stable jobs here are really shitting them selves, No one is spending on anything but essentials. Anything "extra" is purchased on line or elsewhere. Local retail has gone into a tail spin, with over 120 shop fronts empty in the cbd in the last 8 months. 4 more shut up shop last week. But local council spent 1.7 million on the drive way to K mart and a round about.

I have been slowly ramping up a recycling business purely to employ myself, somewhat insulating myself from the local issues.

12-08-2013, 12:47 PM
councils have to on the take with those sort of things

we are the same here, try to put up a little shed and i get smashed with heritage shit
poor local shops closing down and moving elsewhere cos the council make them arrange their resturants to suit what they think is "heritage" (true story)

yet i read in the paper the other day that there is approval going through for a aldi in the middle of town (which includes flattening several old, actually heritage IMO, buildings)
pack of corrupt assholes the lot of em!

meanwhile the people i work for a laying people off cos the "only" made several billion dollars last year...

anyways, im still gutted about the contour thing
i think they were onto a real winner
there are obviously more people than me who think that a helmet cam isnt worth jack unless its slightly aerodynamic and doesnt have to be put in a plastic bubble to go out into the real world
business people just see "only" 20something million as not worth their time when the competitors doing 500mil
im sure if they gave away half of the units like gopro seem to do they would have more dominance but it seems like its all too late

you never know either, sometimes the people in charge just have no idea how to run a business and the sudden success just kills them

14-08-2013, 07:14 PM
check out the replay XD1080 if you want a more aerodynamic helmet cam that doesn't need a case for normal conditions.

14-08-2013, 10:49 PM
that looks great
gopro have done it again cos i had never heard of it!

15-08-2013, 07:53 PM
check out my youtube video's for some examples of it (most riding videos on there are from the xd1080) http://www.youtube.com/user/SIVARTorTRAVIS/