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View Full Version : Martin from the beer tour

04-07-2013, 08:59 PM
Just to update you guys
Martin went under the knife last week

His words...

Hi friends,
I am back in the land of the living.
I came home from RPH on Sunday after open heart surgery for a bypass and replacement aortic valve. Janis took me in on Thursday 20th. After the operation I was sent back to theatre from ICU to be reopened to due to excessive bleeding. In the process I had a partial lung collapse and am still exercising to regain full lung capacity. I had a rough time of it with breathing in particular on moving from ICU to the ward.
On Tuesday last week, just after the surgeons had moved on to the next patient on ward rounds I had a heart stoppage – couldn’t have chosen a better team to revive me. As a result I was sent for an echocardiogram during which my heart stopped twice – funny thing was I could feel it happening to me this time (light headed, dizzy, spinning, falling sensation – no lights and tunnels!). The decision was made to insert a pacemaker.
On Wednesday the pacemaker was inserted under local anaesthetic with a lot of pushing and prodding and now I have this thing in my chest just watching and waiting. If ever the heart doesn’t fire off an impulse in time the device will kick in and keep me alive.
I received the most remarkable care in the wards from a United Nations of nursing staff. After ten days at the RPH spa resort I was sent home where I am under the loving care of family and friends

I have sent our best wishes to him
and also asked when the feck he can drive a bus again ;)

05-07-2013, 04:34 AM
Fucken oath, so they streetfightered his heart, that's fucken devotion man!

05-07-2013, 11:03 AM
Full on. Best wishes to the bloke.

05-07-2013, 08:38 PM
Fucken oath, so they streetfightered his heart, that's fucken devotion man!

lol :)

rock hard
17-07-2013, 08:23 AM
You couldn't find a nicer bloke than Martin he was alwas smiling at some of the antics of the WASF crew so i hope all works out for you mate hang in there

22-07-2013, 07:31 PM
Here hopin Martin has a speedy recovery! best wishes mate