View Full Version : directions pls

20-06-2013, 11:05 AM
Only new here, can somebody point me in the right direction to previous threads on how to fit a r6 tail onto a gen1 busa?

20-06-2013, 12:12 PM
No, but I'll point you to the 'Hi, my name is etc' section

20-06-2013, 01:21 PM
welcome convert , but ya may need to introduce urself in the forum mate ??

20-06-2013, 07:27 PM
like thishttps://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/179521_346707035400027_2010335148_n.jpg

20-06-2013, 08:03 PM
That's my best mates bike. Ben did the work.
Toby bought the seat and subframe, and Ben worked his magic.

21-06-2013, 07:48 AM
That is exactly what I am after, that bike is wicked.....

21-06-2013, 09:37 AM
Are you doing it yourself, or getting someone else to do it?
Ben is Ben shaw from extreme creations, there's a link at the bottom of the page. I'm guessing there was some modifications to the mounting points of the r6 subframe to get it to match up to the Busa's.

21-06-2013, 11:01 AM
Grinder and hammer ????

21-06-2013, 11:14 AM
Maybe if you are a plumber hahahahahaha

21-06-2013, 12:23 PM
Grinder and hammer ????

and cable ties, don't forget the cable ties.

21-06-2013, 02:23 PM
and cable ties, don't forget the cable ties.

Cable ties god how could I forget.... Half my bike is held on with them :-)
Dan sux a cock

21-06-2013, 03:40 PM

21-06-2013, 03:49 PM
I should have know better dan Im used to dealing with turds lol

21-06-2013, 04:19 PM
Cheeky fucker lol

21-06-2013, 11:20 PM
Chewing gum and duct tape, and if the budget allows maybe some lock wire.
At least I don't have to worry about paying someone to polish it, that's my trade and I have my own polishing shop...lol
That's why I am painting it black pmsl

22-06-2013, 05:15 PM
Still no introduction what a cock.

22-06-2013, 05:40 PM
Why is you cunts so upset about introductions?
He has a Spewzuki and wants to graft on a subframe from a Yamahahah.

22-06-2013, 10:30 PM
What else do you fuckers want to know?
I am in brissy, I don't like being called a cock and can react pretty bad to being called a cock.
All I wanted was some advice so I can get my bike back on the road and start riding again. I almost died last yr after a shit day on the busa, now it's time for the busa and I to come back with a vengeance.
Oh yeah, you can call me convert, the dip shits can call me sir....Xx

23-06-2013, 05:37 AM
Your on your own from here.

23-06-2013, 07:16 AM
From this time forward he shall be known as cock.......

23-06-2013, 08:36 AM
Really great with help and advice you guys, to hung up on introductions, didn't realize this was a dating site......
With this much love I starting to think that some of you should be on harleys....

23-06-2013, 08:54 AM
This place is a community of like minded people most of who are friends, when you make new friends you introduce yourself which you got asked to do twice out of politeness.
Third time I called you a cock and what do you know an introduction of soughts was gleaned and your personality shines through COCK.
If information is what you are after take your arrogance and use fuckin google if you want to join the streetfighter community get some fuckin manners admit you were being a fucktard and we will move on.

23-06-2013, 09:16 AM
Replacement Pete or troll ??? God help us

23-06-2013, 09:18 AM
Oldskool you are a true cock, with some assistance a thanks would of been given and willingness to introduce myself properly as I would of felt welcome and also a willingness to befriend those that chose to help. A bad start maybe, but if you want to be like those well we don't need to communicate, maybe oneday we can communicate face to face in an old school fashion as your name implies.
Sorry to the others, but until I get to know ppl I am not really wanting to say a great deal about myself on a forum, until that is that I have made friends and met. Some ppl are shy on a forum and in real life, some don't want their life publicised due to ex wives that are still trying to bleed them dry.
Sorry to offend......

23-06-2013, 09:25 AM
Doesn't need to be your life story:rolleyes:
I'll do one for you.

G'day lads, convert here, live in Brissy, ride a Busa, look forward to joining in.

23-06-2013, 09:29 AM
Ok I will run with that......
Hi guys, convert here, live in brissy, was riding my busa till I wrote and myself off, looking forward to joining in and seeing what some of you guys ride, hoping for a meet and a ride oneday.....

23-06-2013, 09:41 AM
Oldskool can be a cock but in this he is not...
You come here and want us to tell you how to get shit done
We are a group of like minded people and fuckng some of us
have hard won the understanding, information, contacts and skills
to build custom bikes and as such don't like being fucked up the ass
with out at least buying us dinner 1st....
You will find we will happly move on and happly help you once the taste of your nuts
is out of our mouths

23-06-2013, 09:49 AM
Oldskool can be a cock but in this he is not...
You come here and want us to tell you how to get shit done
We are a group of like minded people and fuckng some of us
have hard won the understanding, information, contacts and skills
to build custom bikes and as such don't like being fucked up the ass
with out at least buying us dinner 1st....
You will find we will happly move on and happly help you once the taste of your nuts
is out of our mouths

Shit Lynton, I don't think we all need to know about what you got up to last night:p

23-06-2013, 10:06 AM
Oldskool you are a true cock, with some assistance a thanks would of been given and willingness to introduce myself properly as I would of felt welcome and also a willingness to befriend those that chose to help. A bad start maybe, but if you want to be like those well we don't need to communicate, maybe oneday we can communicate face to face in an old school fashion as your name implies.
Sorry to the others, but until I get to know ppl I am not really wanting to say a great deal about myself on a forum, until that is that I have made friends and met. Some ppl are shy on a forum and in real life, some don't want their life publicised due to ex wives that are still trying to bleed them dry.
Sorry to offend......
Face to face I'll have something oldskool for you, more than one ex-wife shows your caliber.
Try reading what I wrote as an adult and not a 12 year-old.
"Call you Sir" what a fucktard.

23-06-2013, 10:10 AM
Apology accepted mate, in the past we have had blow ins come and get what they want then just leave without even giving members on here a thank you or acknowledging the assistance given. So hope you understand why some of us ask new members to introduce themselves. Just a courtesy we insist on.

23-06-2013, 10:11 AM
Shit Lynton, I don't think we all need to know about what you got up to last night:p

Have a got some story's for u tony bwahaha

23-06-2013, 11:09 AM
Tell 'im the one about the breathing garbage looking thing strapped to the table....

23-06-2013, 11:22 AM
I think I need theropy are that one Dan lol

Tony Nitrous
23-06-2013, 11:36 AM
Just spotted this thread.

Hi convert, welcome.

Top marks for for owning a Busa and living in Brissy.
Hope to see you about on it.

Not so good with your social skills.

Stick with it, if you can contribute without firing up
you'll find there's a lot of good info and smart folk on here.

I'll give you 6 out of 10.
Has potential but could try harder.

* FARK! Where's Davo when you want him......

23-06-2013, 11:58 AM
What else do you fuckers want to know?
I am in brissy, I don't like being called a cock and can react pretty bad to being called a cock.
All I wanted was some advice so I can get my bike back on the road and start riding again. I almost died last yr after a shit day on the busa, now it's time for the busa and I to come back with a vengeance.
Oh yeah, you can call me convert, the dip shits can call me sir....Xx

Welcome aboard mate I have a few busa's my self and I can not wait to see what you bring to this forum ,

Cheers big kev

23-06-2013, 02:28 PM
One thing that I can contribute is a wealth of metal polishing and electroplating info, I also have my own polishing shop, so if you need to know anything or want some work done just ask.......

23-06-2013, 02:30 PM
One thing that I can contribute is a wealth of metal polishing and electroplating info, I also have my own polishing shop, so if you need to know anything or want some work done just ask.......

Shoot up some details bloke

23-06-2013, 02:35 PM
Since I officially shut the doors when my wife left and tried to take me for everything, it's a cash in hand type thing, more than happy to barter parts and or help in doing mods.
Any questions just ask.
If you want work done just pm me......

23-06-2013, 05:11 PM
whats the best metal to use for home diy electroplating of cast iron ?

23-06-2013, 05:58 PM
Anything cast really dosnt like being plated, but after polishing you will want to hot it with cynide copper, then build it up with a good cost of acid copper before you lay on the nickle and chrome. What home electroplating kit do you have and power supply??
Plus what are you trying to plate and how large??

23-06-2013, 06:51 PM
Contributing is good...do that.
Your a cock....
Oldschool is not a cock...he is a sloppy well used vagina that represents a wizards sleeve that oozes all sorts of dribble.

23-06-2013, 06:58 PM
Make my own kit , need to plate a single air cooled cylinder and liner. Don't care about colour/look and will avoid something that looks pritty at all costs. Purely a heat transferance/anti rust deal. Bike will be on the salt flats flat out for 7 min a few times. Was thinking copper plating But I read its tricky to get it to stick to cast iron.

23-06-2013, 07:38 PM
Yes it is tricky, as anti corrosion goes you should consider zinc playing, not sure how it would go with hear transfer tho, but don't think it will retain hear. Zinc when plated is a silvery colour, to get the Goldy colour from it, it is immersed in a dye.

But remember that zinc is a sacrificial coating, meaning that it will corrode before the base metal, often leaving a whitish powder not unlike battery acid....

01-07-2013, 03:41 PM
Hey Convert, welcome aboard mate.