View Full Version : What's the go with the Vic "motorcycle safety" ?

21-01-2008, 11:17 AM
Hello everybody!

Wot's the go with the Vic "motorcycle safety" levy?

Late in 07, the sleazebags announced that due to the overwhelming success of the "safety initiative" that it would be in place forever but as of Jan 1 08 that they would be changing it to "make it fairer" for multiple bike owners.

I got the reg renewal for the Daytona last week and the levy has been removed but there's still no mention anywhere (I can find - tried their website & google) of how they will rape us instead.

Being a cynic, I reckon they're gonna pick up on the suggestion to make it licence based surcharge (this was also put forward by a riders lobby group as a way of encouraging people with licences but no regular ride to give up their bike licence, can you believe that?). I bet they've done their sums and worked out that if they do this they'll catch all of the sub-125 riders who are currently exempt and make more money.


21-01-2008, 11:44 AM
move to a third world country?

21-01-2008, 12:45 PM
Become an asian indian,pakistani or any kind of muslim and you dont have to abide by anyones rules :D

21-01-2008, 05:17 PM
Is it because Im black?

21-01-2008, 06:28 PM
You can guarantee they'll find some other way of getting that money from you mate. As you say, it's just waiting to find out how and when! They would have calculated the revenue from it last year and allocated that amount into this years budget so it will be somewhere.