View Full Version : KTM help needed

kiwi kdx
23-03-2013, 06:54 PM
Ok so i got my new pride and joy/daily commuter 04 KTM640 SMS with 13000km on Tuesday....
I have changed the gearing from 17/38 to 17/40 as I was just too high.

I got home from my commute today(45km) 1/2highway 1/2 urban, got off the bike and heard the deth rattle!
Tick tick tick from the bottom end! FUCKEN FUCKETY FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!

So my question is in 04 were they still using the cage type big end?

And if anyone has had one of these rebuilt, how much am I up for?

23-03-2013, 07:22 PM
can ask on supermotoaus if you like..

23-03-2013, 09:24 PM
I seem to remember that the last of the problem LC4 singles were 2002-2003 and the black motors so yours should be ok. It might be something simple so give Bruce (mechanic at TM Virginia) a call on Monday when you get to work.

kiwi kdx
23-03-2013, 09:29 PM
Oh well that sounds positive , lets hope so.
Still i think ill trailer it there just to be safe.

I wonder if my lack of will power to not power mono
Away from every set of lights contributed.......?

25-03-2013, 11:10 AM
The KTM actually sounds like it has a bag of nails rattling inside the engine on a good day.

kiwi kdx
25-03-2013, 07:04 PM
yeah but this is deff a new one, even my mrs came out to the shad and asked whats wrong with?

kiwi kdx
26-03-2013, 07:07 PM
Ok so started her up today and my mstery noise is gone....

So maybe it just picked up a bit of swarf out of the sump????

Ill give it a service this weekend and go from there i guess.

26-03-2013, 07:34 PM
has it got a rattly part somewhere that isn't even engine related perhaps? i'de just check over all your bolts and whatnot just in case it's something stupid like that.

kiwi kdx
26-03-2013, 07:46 PM
Nah I've had a check over everything it's inside somewhere........

Could be the cam chain tensioner too, just won't know till I open her up.
Either way goodbye $$$$$

26-03-2013, 08:41 PM
it could be the auto decompression.
it only operates under a certain rev range, and makes a loud clacking kinda noise.

kiwi kdx
26-03-2013, 08:57 PM
Is that the same click u get when u turn the engine off?
Would that cause the bike to stall?

27-03-2013, 08:45 PM
yeah, when you hit the kill switch, the last couple of revolutions of the engine.
not just a click, but sometimes it was a scarily loud clacking. It never made it stall, because it was only when i killed the motor.

kiwi kdx
29-03-2013, 11:58 AM
Right I gave her a service today, popped both engine side covers off and no sign of any rubbing anywhere, end float on the crank is little to none by feelometer, the balance shaft up the front was like throwing sausages down a hallway but in guessing that is because the clutch cover has an outer bearing in it to support the shaft.

The oil was not too bad and what I would call minimal swarf on the magnetic plug:

So I took it for a 62km ride on the freeway and around a few industrial areas on the back wheel and then took a video of how it sounds, so.......is this just a normal noisy 640???

29-03-2013, 12:17 PM
Thats minimal swarf ? I know fuck all about KTM powered bikes , But I don't like the look of that sump plug.

kiwi kdx
29-03-2013, 12:59 PM
I wassent overly surprised for a bike that was last serviced i dont know when.
But maybe im being optimistic?

Any other opionions on the swarf on the plug?
Remembering thats a M10 thread your looking at.

29-03-2013, 04:21 PM
The 600 motor out of "Betty" had done over 300,000 km when I rode it to NFR12, oil didnt have that much crap in it before I left.

And I didnt ride her home as she ate 2nd gear on the loop ! I'd be checking the donk hasnt had any recent work done on it. But I really dont like the mix of slivers and chips on that plug.

30-03-2013, 03:47 PM
I owned a 2007 LC4 640 and it sure didn't sound like that. Maybe that model was noisier but it doesn't sound good to me. Plus one on the metal filings on the sump plug being a cause for concern.

02-04-2013, 01:30 PM
Mine was almost that noisy, but hard to tell from a video. If it was noisy with no filings, i wouldn't worry. Noise and filings would make me nervous.

kiwi kdx
03-04-2013, 08:43 PM
Yeah it's just a waiting game really, I'll do another oil change in a few weeks.
But I got the KTM service manager at work to take a listen, he thinks im a paranoid freak!
So i showed him the pic of the plug and he just said what r u worried about?
But I also found out today that I can do my oil changes for free at work
(And that all my bike gear is a tax write off now as its considered personal
Protective equipment and work related) so I'll just service it once a month I reckon.
Anyway if anything does happen I will just rebuild it coz Fuk this thing is fun to ride!

Hooligan how did u go from this to a versys???

04-04-2013, 11:36 AM
I do about 20000 or 25000ks a year for work, which with a big single would be a rebuild every 18 months or so. My boss asked if he should buy the 640 off me as a company bike, my inner child thought that would be fucking awesome, but the reality of having it off the road fairly regularly to rebuild would be a pain in the arse.
So he gave me a budget and I bought something else, the versus isn't anywhere near as fun, but is much better than it should be for the price. It wheelies easily, corners well, has abs, and doesn't look as stupid with a top box as the motard did.

kiwi kdx
20-04-2013, 06:43 PM
Well I have just done another service and I'm pretty happy with the magnetic plug this time!
2500 km since last time and there is a tiny amount of swarf, i think it's still cleaning out what was in there last time.
Also checked the valves, inlets were loose and exhaust tight......
Re adjusted and threw In a new plug and she's running like a Fuken dream
And has quietn'd down a shit load!
So Reckon the bike missed its 10,000km service. Good thing I'm n top of it now
It also has a new set of plastics and a 03 EXC450 rear guard so it's looking good too.

21-04-2013, 06:16 AM
Really important to service the earlier LC4 620-640 motors regularly as they weren't as robust as the 690. Sounds like your on top of it now.

kiwi kdx
21-04-2013, 06:35 AM
yeah i sure am and it only works out at $53 a service so pretty cheap too
though i may look into buying oil in a 20L to make it even cheaper.
im on the hunt for a spare 640 engine now as i feel i need to open one up
and play with the stuff inside maybe see if i can get it towards
700 cubes????

21-04-2013, 07:12 AM
I'd want a spare after the noise and metal coming out of it. Good to see its settled for you though.

21-04-2013, 08:12 AM
Plenty of info on mods for the 640 here. Some of its for the Adventurer not SM but both bikes very similar.

kiwi kdx
21-04-2013, 11:26 AM
ive been reading a bit of that stuff, first up on my list is to get rid of the emmision controll shit!

kiwi kdx
21-04-2013, 02:25 PM
ive been reading a bit of that stuff, first up on my list is to get rid of the emmision controll shit!

kiwi kdx
25-04-2013, 09:38 AM
goodbye emission controll 2nd and 3rd gear power restricting crap!!!!!!!!!!