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View Full Version : Mick277

22-03-2013, 08:08 PM
G'day everyone I'm looking to be a bike mechanic in Canberra and I just want to know how I would go about starting
Starting work
Learning the trade
And other things

If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated

Not sure i should post this here but I thought it would be worth a try

Thanks .. Mick

23-03-2013, 12:51 AM
Trying is the first step mate. All we need now is the ACT guys to tell you where to start.... Come on girls, give the guy a lift up.

23-03-2013, 07:50 AM
welcome mate. Just find some places you want to work and go and ask them for a job. i reckon in a lot of places actually physically going in and saying "hi i'm blah blah i want a job doing this because i'm passionate about it" is the way to go. Worked for me.

23-03-2013, 09:05 AM
Forget job agencys except as a last resort , sure register but forget them ever bothering to help.

Next use your feet knock on doors , even offer a days free work so they can see what your like. Show up dressed as you would work or a little better dressed. Don't use your phone at all when in the premisis, better yet turn it off. Especally if your doing a days free labour.

Take in photos of any work you may have done that correlates with what they do, Ie if you have a modified bike take in some detailed photos with what you've done to it yourself written on the back, Along with your resume. Photos or even better a lump of metal you've welded (if you can and it looks good) nothing to big just some tidy scrap with a few well marked out holes and another bit welded to it.

Your trying to impress apon them you have some skills but are keen to learn , not its a look at what i can do. Be honast and up front, even if there isnt a position avalable , if you show the right hootspa they will remember you later.

I'm doing the very same atm , just walked out of work Wed no dole (dont belive in it) need a job asap , dropped my resume off at at least 30 places so far. Got 1st interview monday morning at a place that wasnt even looking for a worker.

23-03-2013, 10:29 PM
Ty this helps alot .. Altho i dont have a bike as i am new to it all but a very keen bean
Ill have a talk with some of the places in my area .
At school i was the best welder in the class ( not going to say that to the employer)
But will try dig something up cheers heeps for your imput
Im on my way :D

Also best of luck to your interview

23-03-2013, 10:31 PM
IM also probly going to do some welding corses at CIT always loved welding
Cheers and good luck

.. Mick

23-03-2013, 10:33 PM
Im never going on the dole i feel that if i do go on it id be fucked and
Nevry get off it like most of the lazy fucks my age

23-03-2013, 10:34 PM
Never >_<