View Full Version : new twin a must fighter

12-01-2008, 09:50 PM
check this bad boy out!!!

this is what our kids kids will be fightering!!

Jockney Rebel
12-01-2008, 10:44 PM
i want one of them mate .....but i dont think itll go too well without the plastic lol

13-01-2008, 12:34 AM
put a busa engine in it then it will fly

13-01-2008, 05:44 PM
I remember seeing the Molner Sky Car with the 4 Rotax motors in it on display . I was blown away at the time and it was something that was so futuristic that it was almost not real. Things like this are the stuff of pure fantasy and leaves me wondering whether things like this will truly be the wave of the future.

14-01-2008, 09:28 AM
the problem that i see is that people are getting lazier/dumber/less willing to put them selves at risk

so i doubt that the general public could ever be persuaded to do the required training and then assume the risks associated with flight in order for the idea to "take off"

most people would rather drive their SUVs with only themselves in it then get a bike license FFS

14-01-2008, 01:45 PM
I could not have said it better myself Fimp. The side affect of the whole Safety Movement is that we wrap ourselves in cotton wool. Kids afraid to play in the dirt because of the germs , ridiculous speed restrictions on major interstate roads(fuck I miss the AutoBahns) and various other media scare issues really shit me. It's like the fable of the mother that was worried her child might get cold so she keeps adding cover upon cover to the child until it dies under the weight of blankets. My mate has a shirt that says it all " I can remember when Sex was Safe and Motorcycles were Dangerous" . Pretty fucking sad that.