View Full Version : BANDITROD back in hostpital

09-02-2013, 09:46 AM
Hi All,
Passing on a message from Rod

"Hey mate just wondering if you are able to let the guys on ASF know that I'm not going to be back online till late next week ... I am back in hostpital with back fucked up again
Cheers Rod"

Not good news, hope all goes well and he is up a moving again soon

09-02-2013, 09:47 AM
Come on Rod, stop messing about mate. Get it fixed up and leave it fixed this time.

09-02-2013, 09:52 AM
hes fucked it again bending over to pick up one of his dwarfs get well soon mate

09-02-2013, 09:54 AM
Sorry to hear that mate. The things that you'll do to get pretty nurses to give you a bed bath. Hope you get well soon Master Blaster

09-02-2013, 10:02 AM
hurry up and get well ,plenty of riding to be done this year!

09-02-2013, 10:38 AM
That sucks!

Best of Luck!

09-02-2013, 11:42 AM
Rod's in Horsham hospital right now. If he heads down to the city I'll go see the BFG to see how he is

09-02-2013, 12:02 PM
you guys know what it's like when you are streetfightering a back - it's never finished:)

09-02-2013, 12:34 PM
He hurt his back while watching the misses "Wash his bike" I bet

09-02-2013, 12:52 PM
All the best rod

09-02-2013, 02:34 PM
Come on Rod, stop messing about mate. Get it fixed up and leave it fixed this time.its never been gixed mate and its not me messing about it's the insurance company fucking us around I have been waiting for surgery since early last year and it still hasn't been approved yet they are still reviewing it .....

Any hoo all I was doing was watching tv and I lost feeling in my left leg so I was taken to Horsham Hossie where they discovered that I have a disc still pressing against the nerve root that goes to my leg so they were going to transfer me to the royal melb Hossie but they reckon they don't have and spare beds so the best they cān do is get me in to see the neuro surgeon for 30mins on Tuesday morning I will be taken by road ambulance to the doc and then maybe rushed in for the op or they could send me home till a bed becomes available fucking sucks big time

09-02-2013, 03:01 PM
bung it on harder ,make noise tell them your in mass pain, then maybe just maybe ,youl get the op quicker

09-02-2013, 03:18 PM
I have been doing that for 2 years mate it doesn't get you anywhere

09-02-2013, 03:53 PM
Sorry to hear about that Rod but there's a whole lot of shit going down in public health care at the moment due to the recent $107 million federal government cuts to the Victoria health budget


I hope that this doesn't impact on you're care, fingers crossed mate.

09-02-2013, 05:25 PM
Queensland health system is fucked too Simon, best of luck Rod it sounds like you'll need it....

09-02-2013, 05:39 PM
Thanks for the well wishes guys I am pretty well on the verge of a nervous breakdown I am trying very hard to keep my shit together but with this shit going on and my Missus preggas and stressed to the max I am a bit fucked up I am using my phone to come on here but it's a pain in the arse so I prob won't be around much until I get this shit under control

EFE 1230
09-02-2013, 06:36 PM
that's fucked up Rod wish you all the best, you sure weren't watching your "little person" movies at the time and just got a little carried away eh?

09-02-2013, 06:47 PM
You're back is so full of gaids dude, get it cut out.

09-02-2013, 07:20 PM
Get well soon mate.

09-02-2013, 07:27 PM
Rod. Your a fucken ace cunt. Fucken ugly as a hat full of arseholes. But your Awright
My Missus is in Horsham as of 18:30 tonight. You need anything sing out for the next few days. Anytime of day.

09-02-2013, 07:31 PM
Thanks for the well wishes guys I am pretty well on the verge of a nervous breakdown I am trying very hard to keep my shit together but with this shit going on and my Missus preggas and stressed to the max I am a bit fucked up I am using my phone to come on here but it's a pain in the arse so I prob won't be around much until I get this shit under control
with my broken scaphoid, i was on light duties for a year and a half, then got fired 2 months before my first was born (a chef who can only use one hand isn't much good in a kitchen), then didn't find work in a new industry were i wasn't using my hands as much until she was 4 months old. We were down to our last few hundred bucks.
5 years later, Lily is starting school, my second is a year old, and it's all good again.
What i'm saying is, chin up, because it will get better. Not by magic, but by sticking it out. I reckon you're big enough (definately ugly enough) to tough it out.

09-02-2013, 07:45 PM
Been there done that twice. No fun at all based on my experience. I really hope you turn out better than I did. They had 2 cracks at sorting mine out and failed both times. Now no docs want to touch me for go number 3. Last effort was to plate and bolt my spine together and was 99% guaranteed to sort it but it didn't. I was overseas at the time and had private health cover but could never afford it here in Oz.

I need some surgery now on my shoulders and I'm not looking forward to it one bit in the public system. I've been on the waiting list for almost a year and I just got an appointment to see the surgeon so I'm guessing it will be another year before I'm booked in for the cutting part. It's a disgrace the current state our health care system is in. Many third world countries have better health care than we do in a supposedly first world country.

Now I'm hooked on oxycontin and I think it's worse than the pain and it's really difficult to stop after years of taking them.

Getting dicked around doesn't help things either when your in a bad way. I totally understand how even small issues get amplified when you feel like shit.

All the best and I hope you get looked at soon.

09-02-2013, 07:54 PM
Thanks guys I appreciate all comments and I can feel the love cheers fuckers

09-02-2013, 08:10 PM
Been there done that twice. No fun at all based on my experience. I really hope you turn out better than I did. They had 2 cracks at sorting mine out and failed both times. Now no docs want to touch me for go number 3. Last effort was to plate and bolt my spine together and was 99% guaranteed to sort it but it didn't. I was overseas at the time and had private health cover but could never afford it here in Oz.

I need some surgery now on my shoulders and I'm not looking forward to it one bit in the public system. I've been on the waiting list for almost a year and I just got an appointment to see the surgeon so I'm guessing it will be another year before I'm booked in for the cutting part. It's a disgrace the current state our health care system is in. Many third world countries have better health care than we do in a supposedly first world country.

Now I'm hooked on oxycontin and I think it's worse than the pain and it's really difficult to stop after years of taking them.

Getting dicked around doesn't help things either when your in a bad way. I totally understand how even small issues get amplified when you feel like shit.

All the best and I hope you get looked at soon.

Your story...tell it walking.

Big fella you'll be alright. Alot of us behind you and the family

09-02-2013, 08:33 PM
Stop pushing stuff up your bunghole and bruising your spine you massive gaylord.

One Guy One Jar was so 2007

09-02-2013, 08:34 PM
Cheers Aido your a top bloke mate

09-02-2013, 08:34 PM
Lol large

09-02-2013, 08:37 PM
You got a bed no.? Ward? Or have they just stuck you out in the back shed under covers like a long forgotten project?

09-02-2013, 08:47 PM
Yeah mate I'm in yandilla ward room 37 bed C at the Horsham hossie

EFE 1230
09-02-2013, 09:13 PM
It's a disgrace the current state our health care system is in. Many third world countries have better health care than we do in a supposedly first world country.


:p I'll just bite my tongue and agree with this statement as any comment I make would probably be removed.

EFE 1230
09-02-2013, 09:19 PM
Your story...tell it walking.


I think Rodney would appreciate hearing about other peoples experiences, at the very least he now knows he's not alone.

09-02-2013, 09:27 PM
Well mate, I haven't got any first hand understanding of what you're going through, but I hope the docs can fix your back soon.

09-02-2013, 09:28 PM
Qld health is selling the nursing home my mother is in................

Well she'll probably only be there another day or two.

Fuck qld health, fuck everything at the moment.

Sorry Rod, nothing to see here, carry on.

09-02-2013, 09:31 PM
One more thing.
Bored staring at the ceiling givus a call 0488 443 101 or text and I'll call you back.
Anytime. Any topic.

09-02-2013, 09:56 PM
Will do cheers mate I might stir you up 2murra

09-02-2013, 10:25 PM
Your story...tell it walking.

Big fella you'll be alright. Alot of us behind you and the family

I'm only barely walking and that was the point of telling my story. I wish I'd had a few more people tell me their stories before I jumped in boots and all and had spinal surgery for what sounds like a similar problem. While spinal surgery in many cases is a 100% cure, it sure as shit wasn't in my case and I'm no lone wolf either.

If things don't turn out like it's supposed to it can change your life in ways you can't begin to imagine. In hindsight, I should have spent more time investigating other possible less drastic solutions before I gave the surgeon the go ahead. I also understand what it's like in this situation where the pain is so unbearable you will do almost anything to just make it go away.

If I've offended anyone by telling my story in hope of giving some insight into what the possible outcome may be then so be it.

Since my first surgery I have met and become friends with a few surgeons (not my spinal surgeon). What they have to say about spinal surgery and lots of other surgery too for that matter goes something like this. "if it's not life threatening, consider surgery as the last resort".

I don't know the full medical history and maybe this is the last resort. I just don't want anyone else to end up like me and others have because I was too shy to speak up!


09-02-2013, 10:31 PM
If I've offended anyone by telling my story in hope of giving some insight into what the possible outcome may be then so be it.

Fuck 'em if you have mate.

09-02-2013, 10:38 PM
fuck whats the worst that can happen, they remove your spine and you end up looking like this


but seriously you'll get through, i know you've got some good mates around you and theres plenty on here that would offer you a hand if required, don't be too proud to ask. Heres to a speedy recovery from whatever it is they do to your arse.

09-02-2013, 11:00 PM
Thanks for you input mags I to an suffering from failed back surgery and cheers mike

10-02-2013, 06:40 AM
Good luck mate. Hope it all gets sorted.

Dunno how it works there, but here in Syd, if the food is pissing you off, ask one of the nurses nicely to put you on a kosher diet... sounds dodgy/weird, but the kosher food is brought in by external catering companies and is a SHITLOAD better than the standard hospital food. It doesn't involve changing any of your personal records or declaring yourself as that religion, it's just on the diet request forms.

10-02-2013, 08:45 AM
Chin up mate it'll all work out. But seriously how good is the bedside manner of some of these poofters? I got pathology results from Sydney on Friday, doctor highlights the bit that says I could have skin cancer and hands it to me to read. Gotta go up to Sydney next week now, pain in the arse.

I'm sure you'll come good mate you have a funny way of landing on your feet.

10-02-2013, 09:06 AM
Well, here's my story as well for what it's worth. Fairly similar to mags actually.
They fucked up my first surgery, ended up paralysed, they went in again and fixed that part, but fucked something else up.
For me, surgery was a last resort, having done the research on alternative courses of action I had decided against it, but seeing as I would just collapse randomly, it was dangerous and had to be done.

My advice re the surgery, if it is 100% necessary , is to do some research on the surgeons and hire the very best. Even if it means selling the bikes, mortgaging the house, getting a big credit card, whatever, do whatever it takes to hire the best surgeon.

Post operation I was off work for a year, and, like mags again fell in to the opiate abuse routine (oxycontin, fuckin evil stuff that, tramel, you name it), coupled with loads of analgesics, and it totally fucks with your head, makes you lethargic, can't think straight, and one of the worst things was the constipation. May sound funny, but it's not, not shitting for 2 weeks is no fun whatsoever, and actually adds to the pain. After about 9 months of that I tried Pot, and in my case, it worked better than everything else put together. (plus I could shit again). I then attended a pain management clinic, which not only gave some good advice, but brought me down to earth, as there were many people a lot worse off than myself. I also saw what it was doing to my family, kids seeing me in a constant stupor, wife was treating me like an invalid etc, it was probably a worse time than the original injury.

My advice on post op, Stop taking the drugs they give you as soon as you are discharged from hospital, smoke a bit of pot to get you through the worst, make sure you attend a pain management clinic, as they can give some good advice specifically targeted to your injury. Do not, under any circumstances, have spinal cortisone treatment. It left me with Arachnoiditis.

Nearly ten years on, and I am completely drug free, don't even smoke pot anymore, and I have learned to live with the pain, even though it is constantly there.
As time goes on you learn what you can and can't do, what fucks it more, and what eases it, and when to stop what you are doing and lie down.
The fuckers told me I was disabled, and to go on an disability pension, which pretty much makes me unemployable, hence the self employment.

Advice? don't let the fuckers grind you down, no matter what, think of your family, and remember there are people a lot worse off than yourself.
Good luck mate, I'm sure there are a lot of people willing to give a helping hand when needed.

10-02-2013, 09:14 AM
Mate, hope all goes well and you get it sorted soon.

10-02-2013, 10:57 AM
Well, here's my story as well for what it's worth. Fairly similar to mags actually.
They fucked up my first surgery, ended up paralysed, they went in again and fixed that part, but fucked something else up.
For me, surgery was a last resort, having done the research on alternative courses of action I had decided against it, but seeing as I would just collapse randomly, it was dangerous and had to be done.

My advice re the surgery, if it is 100% necessary , is to do some research on the surgeons and hire the very best. Even if it means selling the bikes, mortgaging the house, getting a big credit card, whatever, do whatever it takes to hire the best surgeon.

Post operation I was off work for a year, and, like mags again fell in to the opiate abuse routine (oxycontin, fuckin evil stuff that, tramel, you name it), coupled with loads of analgesics, and it totally fucks with your head, makes you lethargic, can't think straight, and one of the worst things was the constipation. May sound funny, but it's not, not shitting for 2 weeks is no fun whatsoever, and actually adds to the pain. After about 9 months of that I tried Pot, and in my case, it worked better than everything else put together. (plus I could shit again). I then attended a pain management clinic, which not only gave some good advice, but brought me down to earth, as there were many people a lot worse off than myself. I also saw what it was doing to my family, kids seeing me in a constant stupor, wife was treating me like an invalid etc, it was probably a worse time than the original injury.

My advice on post op, Stop taking the drugs they give you as soon as you are discharged from hospital, smoke a bit of pot to get you through the worst, make sure you attend a pain management clinic, as they can give some good advice specifically targeted to your injury. Do not, under any circumstances, have spinal cortisone treatment. It left me with Arachnoiditis.

Nearly ten years on, and I am completely drug free, don't even smoke pot anymore, and I have learned to live with the pain, even though it is constantly there.
As time goes on you learn what you can and can't do, what fucks it more, and what eases it, and when to stop what you are doing and lie down.
The fuckers told me I was disabled, and to go on an disability pension, which pretty much makes me unemployable, hence the self employment.

Advice? don't let the fuckers grind you down, no matter what, think of your family, and remember there are people a lot worse off than yourself.
Good luck mate, I'm sure there are a lot of people willing to give a helping hand when needed.

some of the best advise i have seen.........
you know my story rod, just remember you are not alone and remember it can always get worse but will always get better

10-02-2013, 12:04 PM
Yeah Rod, take it easy, pace yourself....... etc etc, I have no idea of the issues but we are all thinking of you.

10-02-2013, 12:45 PM
They can rebuild you Master Blaster!
If not we will kill every motherfucker in that meat moulding factory to learn them good.

10-02-2013, 12:56 PM
Get out in that getup Rod and we can forget the mankini !!

10-02-2013, 04:01 PM
Thanks for the advice guys it's a bit hard to read it all cod I'm on my phone so I will read it all when I get upt of here which won't be till next week or the week after I'm not sure yet

10-02-2013, 07:57 PM
Fuck mate, chin up, I'm sure those cunts will get it right and have you up and about again in no time..

10-02-2013, 09:26 PM
Get well soon rod.

11-02-2013, 09:34 AM
Bad news Big fella! Hope it gets sorted for ya ASAP!

11-02-2013, 11:25 AM
Best wishes mate, hope its sorted soon

11-02-2013, 11:40 AM
Cheers guys I'm getting flown to melb in the morning so ill let you all know how I go

11-02-2013, 12:36 PM
get a carbon fibre back put in then get ben to machine you up a window section for it so ya can show it off

good luck cobber

11-02-2013, 12:39 PM
That would be cool

13-02-2013, 07:02 PM
Rod has asked me to post this for him as he is still in hospital

'Ok so the results are in and they I have good news and bad news the bad news is that from a surgical point of veiw there is nothing they can do ...now the good news is that I am still planning on the spinal cord stimulater but we have been waiting a long time for the approval from Cgu insurance and we are not even sure that is going to work' -Rod

13-02-2013, 08:01 PM
Wow, that news sounds like it kinda cancels out hey? At least the insurance fuckwits that everyone pays so much money to each year are coming to the party. With a bit of decent funding behind you, hopefully the docs etc will take this more seriously (as it is obviously very serious) and give you the best treatment necessary mate. You're a strong bloke for being so relaxed and down to earth with such a life changing injury that would shatter most people's will mate. I take my hat off to you and really wish you all the best. Hopefully this is the one that fixes you up properly and we'll see you riding that Turbo'd Bandit by the end of the year.

13-02-2013, 09:36 PM
Si, the insurance haven't agreed to pay for the surgery as yet. Rod and his Mrs are still chasing them. It's apparently workcover that needs to approve the surgery and they're being cunts about it

14-02-2013, 01:43 AM
fuck dude sorry to hear about your health going south after you seemed to be recovering and fighting your way back..

heres a "little" something to help you with your stiffness *winks*


14-02-2013, 09:21 AM
Thanks guys ..... What jules said is spot on we still haven't got the approval yet we have been waiting for 9 months for that at this stage I have no feeling in my left leg and I can't move it so we are hoping to get the surgery ASAP I am heading back to Horsham today and a big thanks to jules for dropping off some much needed supplies for me yesterday i was very happy to see a familiar face so thanks again mate

14-02-2013, 03:55 PM
hope you get sorted soon mate know the workcover shit