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View Full Version : Are Motorcyclists Getting Dumber?

01-02-2013, 08:11 PM
I am not sure if it is just me but there seems to be a major increase in the stupidity level of riders these days.
Of course there have always been the dimwits that wear a singlet, footy shorts and thongs for protective gear (I am a big fan of seeing idiots wearing a t-shirt and gloves. I guess it is so they can still change their own dressings).

I have seen a few things lately that have really made me wonder.
I saw a guy today riding away from the shops on his bike. He did not have a backpack or any luggage space so he thought it was a good idea to hang his bags of groceries off his left handlebar. He made a very sketchy righthand turn probably because all the bike wanted to do was go left.

Today again, I was riding home in an absolute torrential downpour. Luckily I had seen the forecast and packed my wet weather gear but I rode past a guy that didn't think that far ahead.
He decided to clad himself in bubble wrap, fucking bubble wrap, to stay dry and possibly also offer some sort of crash protection...

The best I have seen was another gronk going home after a trip to the shops. He had his shopping bags around his neck and hanging behind him like a pseudo backpack. Who the hell thinks to hang shit around their neck to go for a ride?

Is it just me? Are riders getting dumber or are dumb people learning to ride?

01-02-2013, 08:14 PM
It's just Darwin's theory at work.

01-02-2013, 08:50 PM
Gold coast is great for this shit. The best ones are board shorts. Yea, that's it, board shorts; no shoes, not gloves, no shirt, but the $50 easter egg helmet will save them (a fine - not the head).

I was once that twat by the way (circa 1991). I had nothing but my bike and nowhere to live. A mate said I could stay at his place if I brought a doona over. You can guess the rest.

01-02-2013, 08:52 PM
With the prices of fuel, parking and peoples general tight assness, motorbikes are unfortanally becoming more mainstrain increasing the amount of idiots.

there is fucking scooter chick here that hoons around in tights and ballet
style shoes.

01-02-2013, 09:04 PM
He decided to clad himself in bubble wrap, fucking bubble wrap, to stay dry and possibly also offer some sort of crash protection...

ahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahaha!,ooppss i think a little pee came out.

01-02-2013, 09:16 PM
When I started riding bikes it was a serious game for serious players and I liked that.

But fads and the cheapness of bikes (Even though owning a bike nowadays is as expensive as a car if you ride it enough) makes stupid shit pretty mainstream.
But I will say when I used to ride the old road / slab and waterfall natio I never had a close call. Nowadays riding either of those roads is fucking suicide for all the squids tearing around un trained and ill prepared

01-02-2013, 09:36 PM
There's a knob end a few streets up from me who rides his ZX9 in thongs. He nods to me every now and again when we occasionally cross paths - I usually just shake my head at him. Sometimes my helmet just shimmies up and down because I am pissing myself laughing.

01-02-2013, 09:45 PM
Fucking haters.

Nothing better than a ride to the shops on the tard/trailie with t shirt/shorts and runners on...

or don't you guys remember riding your 10 speed/PK Ripper to school?

01-02-2013, 09:47 PM
I was to poor to have a bike to ride to school... Bastard

01-02-2013, 09:53 PM
Whats red and black , limps and will never be as pritty as it once was? The dumb fuck who used to ride his nice shiney green kwaka speed machine (in shorts a singlet and thongs) past me and snicker at me in my leathers on 40 deg days on my old black black kwaka.

I dont know what happened but the other day I took a shitter bike out to streach her legs and ended up at my fav cafe, low and behold he was there no bike and not much skin lol woops.

02-02-2013, 07:21 AM
I saw a good one last year .. kid wearing a lid, jacket, glove ( just one) shorts and runners on his something something 250.... texting away at 70 kph ... Re-tard

02-02-2013, 08:28 AM
I bet he wasn't as chilled as this dude....


02-02-2013, 09:15 AM
Always been a certain amount of knobheads riding motorcycles and its never going to change. They usually end up riding a V twin piece of shit if they survive long enough. Been riding for 40 years and the stupidity of some fuckers still amazes me. Of course we would never do anything like that :rolleyes:.

02-02-2013, 09:34 AM
Always been a certain amount of knobheads riding motorcycles and its never going to change. They usually end up riding a V twin piece of shit if they survive long enough. Been riding for 40 years and the stupidity of some fuckers still amazes me. Of course we would never do anything like that :rolleyes:.

Yup, bet i couldnt find one fucker that commented in this thread that hasnt done something stupid on a motorbike........

02-02-2013, 10:05 AM
nemo go buy some boots lol

02-02-2013, 02:26 PM
Ok Jesus.

I have Alpinestars weather boots, but scraped the sides off them the same as my sneakers, i need them expensiveones with slider doovers or higher pegs...

02-02-2013, 02:42 PM
Ive seen a few were the passanger was wereing just a helmet, shorts, thongs and texting!

02-02-2013, 03:51 PM
Ok Jesus.

I have Alpinestars weather boots, but scraped the sides off them the same as my sneakers, i need them expensiveones with slider doovers or higher pegs...

On that cb you will have the same prob I had with the zephyr
It's real easy to hit pegs when you learn to push on a bit
At a track day a bloke worked me though keeping the the bike more upright
by moving my body weight on the side works very well

03-02-2013, 04:45 PM
Ive seen a few were the passanger was wereing just a helmet, shorts, thongs and texting!

That stuff really shits me - riders wearing t-shirts and things is one thing but letting someone on the back dressed the same is plain out fucked.

03-02-2013, 07:17 PM
I'm with you, back in the '80s I used to ride the Harris in to Roebourne to pay the rent with nothing but shorts, thongs & a Tee (always worn helmet LOL!) commonly temperatures were around 40+ degrees sometimes it felt like my skin was being stripped off but I am a Ranga.

Fucking haters.

Nothing better than a ride to the shops on the tard/trailie with t shirt/shorts and runners on...

or don't you guys remember riding your 10 speed/PK Ripper to school?

03-02-2013, 09:19 PM
I'm with you, back in the '80s I used to ride the Harris in to Roebourne to pay the rent with nothing but shorts, thongs & a Tee (always worn helmet LOL!) commonly temperatures were around 40+ degrees sometimes it felt like my skin was being stripped off but I am a Ranga.

Its still fuckin hot in Roebourne and Wickham is just as bad. Seems to be mostly Harley's up here now. Last sports bike I saw was Matty Ducatis R1 at Point Samson. What happened to the Harris.

04-02-2013, 11:18 AM
Just about finished a revamp, had some distractions along the way.

Currently fitting Gixxer Injection to the old boiler GSXR and have one more sensor to complete but as I said have had some distractions with other bikes and life shit!

I started a repost in Your Ride section just recently with a couple of pics.

Its still fuckin hot in Roebourne and Wickham is just as bad. Seems to be mostly Harley's up here now. Last sports bike I saw was Matty Ducatis R1 at Point Samson. What happened to the Harris.

05-02-2013, 01:24 AM
Here in Bali, Dumb is normal...which is fine by me,nothin wrong with a chic in a bikini on 2 wheels.Especially when they stack and left lying in the gutter with a bleeding flange and 1 less tit.Makes me wanna have rough sex with my fist.

05-02-2013, 06:39 AM
Did it once ,work boots shorts and a tshirt hit the deck at about 90km/h ,nothing like the smell of burning flesh ,never again,in Adelaide it seems to be more scooter riders wearing thongs ,

05-02-2013, 02:17 PM
I always find chicks on scooters wearing their nice office cloths funny.

Ages ago I passed a scooter chick on the S/E fwy at a flat out 80kph, with her mini skirt folded all the way up in the wind.
Traffic was bad cause everyone was trying to get a look.

Mr Ed
06-02-2013, 09:17 PM
Noticed one of Adelaides law enforcement officers today, motorcycle rider - in a fuckin cotton shirt. These are the wankers who are going to pull us over and lecture us on fuckin road rules??? He wasn't JUST wearing a shirt, obviously, but no gloves or jacket. There I was in my Joe Rocket, dragging jeans, boots and gloves, and this fucker, well, just wound me up. Peelers, sanctimonious twats. Rant over.