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21-12-2007, 02:53 PM

I'm a born and bred streetracer to the extent that if I haven't got my knee down by the end of the street and been chased by the cops every ride I've wasted my day.

I have three bikes- MV312, 1098 and 848 Ducatis and matching leathers and helmets for each bike. Sometimes I mix and match my kneesliders for a different look.

I can't see why anyone would take the fairing off a bike as it makes them yucky and ugly and very hard to match to your leathers. My mum says streetfighters are nasty and obnoxious and no beter than outlaw bikers, but I'm willing to give you a chance to repent and hopefully put your fairings back on and generally tidy up your scruffy appearance.

See you on the road soon.


21-12-2007, 03:10 PM
quote:Originally posted by Streetracer


I'm a born and bred streetracer to the extent that if I haven't got my knee down by the end of the street and been chased by the cops every ride I've wasted my day.

I have three bikes- MV312, 1098 and 848 Ducatis and matching leathers and helmets for each bike. Sometimes I mix and match my kneesliders for a different look.

I can't see why anyone would take the fairing off a bike as it makes them yucky and ugly and very hard to match to your leathers. My mum says streetfighters are nasty and obnoxious and no beter than outlaw bikers, but I'm willing to give you a chance to repent and hopefully put your fairings back on and generally tidy up your scruffy appearance.

See you on the road soon.


lol.... maybe your mum is right... maybe you should stay away from us streetfighter lot. Being you come across as a mummy's boy pansy type.. I will help you be where you may be more welcome...


Im sure you will find a few other plastic lovers who appear to be closet freaks there.


21-12-2007, 03:16 PM
Hey there streetracer .. your profile says your homepage is www.gheylovinducatisowners.homo
Im not sure if i wanna look as my dick is just at normal size so i never had to spend up big on a bike .. but good luck to ya , hope your mum goes easy on you with the strap-on

21-12-2007, 04:10 PM
Hmmm. Good work whoever this is, you used another email address to catch me out. I could chase it up but I really can't be bothered as the entertainment factor is high.

21-12-2007, 04:20 PM
Hmm maybe mum was right and streetfighters are the Trabants of the motorcycle world and their owners all three toothed Ukranian peasants.

No need to be offensive chaps, I just feel that if I state my view early there's no confusion down the track.

Now, who's put their fairings away in bubblewrap waiting for the day they can reinstall them and take some pride in their appearance? Who wants to be noticed by the ladies? Who want's to look like their favourite racer? (btw mine is Sete Gibernau-he was robbed by that foul monkey/beast Rossi)

21-12-2007, 04:22 PM
Hello ghayboy. Tell your mummy tonight when she tucks you in, not to forget to help you with the removal of your extra large vibrating butt plugg. But you may need to remove your matching leathers first, Sweet Dreams Captain D1ck Licker.

21-12-2007, 04:29 PM
You are fully GAY GAY GAY.
If you own a ducati you must have a small peepee. Arnt they just another version of the "red convertable sports car variety PENIS EXTENSION"??!! And matching leathers ?? You are whey far over the femine side to even attract the "gay ladies".
Dont forget your matching lipstick.....

21-12-2007, 04:40 PM
Welcome Streetracer ;)
You're fitting in just fine already, as a matter of fact, you're my favourite [u]member</u> (I fuckin crack me up)
I'm in the process of De-STREETFIGHTERing my bike as we speak so I can be more like you. [:I]
I wish I could afford a Ducati. [V]

21-12-2007, 04:54 PM
quote:I wish I could afford a Ducati
Ya half way there mate...you got most of the bodywork.:D

21-12-2007, 05:16 PM
Shit i knew there was something missing from my monster.Where can i get this plastic of whitch you speak. On second thoughts,get fucked i'm staying nakid,bums to the wall. Dont hate the ride, just the rider.

21-12-2007, 05:41 PM
Obviously anyone who goes to a forum proclaiming they hate the very thing it’s based on is looking for a rise and attention …......= NO LIFE, go easy on the poor boy…………….

21-12-2007, 07:04 PM
I'm back and I can feeeel the loooove.

I never said I "hated" the streetfighter look, I just feel you folk are misguided into thinking looking messy equals looking tough.

As an example I present this Frog bloke http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=Ff45P1oeEq8

Now while he's got no fairings on his fancy little bike to keep it looking neat and finished, he obviously takes pride in his appearance, a lesson to be learnt I think.

21-12-2007, 08:32 PM
What a fucking knob.

21-12-2007, 09:07 PM
Ill second that your a KNOB Streetraper go have a latte ,and thank ya mum for the lift home last night.

21-12-2007, 09:46 PM
well this is going nowhere quick just like your ducati u fucking homo ok fess up who is it this time[?]

Jockney Rebel
21-12-2007, 10:37 PM
hello damo

22-12-2007, 07:31 AM
quote:Originally posted by Jockney Rebel

hello damo

Who's this "damo" chap?

Sorry chaps but I should have introduced myself before giving you all the benifit of my opinion. My name is Tarquin Filliburt II

I'm just about to go for a run on the white Ducati 848 in my new white leathers which really need a good stretch in the groinage area. My friend Cedric thinks I look like a Stormtrooper or something, so I'm going on my special route past all the glass fronted shops so I can check out my style as I flash by.

Anyway, If I see you on the roads, It's my shout for the half caffe soy mocha lattes

Jockney Rebel
22-12-2007, 07:59 AM
fukin lmfao damien u crack me up mate .....[the man with 1000 personalities ] u should be on the stage...
sweepin it

but like turbo said tarquin yer right mate in fact ive just this morning ordered me a full vetter fairing for the triumph [ ye can stick yer bloody italin shite]

EFE 1230
22-12-2007, 08:17 AM
Hoi hoi old chap! May I suggest to bring out the best in your white leathers during a "glass fronted sortie" that you have your personal manservant/houseboy give them a very energetic buffing with a product called MR SHEEN. This will bring out a very nice shine that will give a turd burglar such as yourself great satisfaction. Have your manservant/houseboy use MR SHEEN on your seat as well as this will make the transition from sitting to knee down at the end of your street much quicker, also have him do your tire's as well to keep them looking brand new.In fact MR SHEEN will work wonders on all of your leather/rubber "toy's" !!

22-12-2007, 10:01 AM
G I wish I still had my old T500 suzuki racer I would have put it up against your white pukati, No I seem to recall a ride and let me see and paint the picture if you will, Me on my 1988 GSXR750 racebike (with fairings) at a certain ride day, Ok now the picture gets better 2 I say again 2 2007 model pukatis with their oh so sexy red fairings but hey after lapping them twice I thought wow I must get me one of these so I can keep my license.
Now Streetracer I know of your Mums fantasy with us OBNOXIUOS and NASTY fighter bikie types because I have lived it.;)[:0]:D
Now don't get me wrong I actually like a person that speaks their mind so keep it coming and you do fit in well here Mate so hello and welcome to the world of the Streetfighter, oh and by the way I know why your here :D you want to streetfighter your bikes and your scooter [8D] come on you know you want to.
And I do mean to keep those comments coming you obnoxious and nasty person you [:p]:):D[8D]
P.S Streetracer I love you [:p][:p][:p]

22-12-2007, 02:33 PM
My curiousitivelyness is killing me.
So Tarquin, (If I may be so forward as to call you by your Christian name without having met you) tell us all about your prior experience on Motorcycles... bet you've got some swashbuckling adventures to recount eh Old Boy?

22-12-2007, 04:29 PM
Ok I'm back from my ride and didn't I look good reflected in the windows of the cafes and waxing shops!

It appears that my comments have stirred up a bit of a hornets nest with some of you. This is only natural and to be expected. My other good friend Roger (Aprilia Factory R)is a bit of an amatuer psychiatrist and reckons you chaps can see that I'm right but are going through the denial stage. Next comes anger (a stage which some of you appear to have reached) then acceptance.

Well that's enough of your problems. I had a smashing ride carving up through the christmas shoppers and with Cedric on his Blue Bennelli and matching leathers and Roger on his Red Mv, it looked like the crusades were starting again!

Anyhow, must be off, there,s Pimms and watercress sanwiches to be had and I'm starving.

22-12-2007, 04:38 PM
All you need is someone on a pink bike and a black bike both with matching leathersn and then you can call yourself....

The Power Ranger.....:D


22-12-2007, 06:57 PM
I can just imagine you and your Streetracer friends sitting out the front of the local cafe looking like this......


22-12-2007, 07:14 PM
can you delete this fairy Si ???

22-12-2007, 08:56 PM
Definately a Pom.

Aren't Ducati's (or is that Ducatii?) the 2 wheel equivelant of a Volvo?

22-12-2007, 09:02 PM
No Appo can't delete him yet the fun has only just started , when I was talking to his mum last night she said to take it easy on him as he has just started to become pubesent and that the Pukati thing is just a phase, besides the Dude is Fun and he is entitled to his opinion :D:D:D

22-12-2007, 10:33 PM
I was out doing my Christmas shopping today & I saw you, Roger & Cedric cruising around, you're right, you do look a real... err... sight [:X]
Your most impressive trick was when you parked your bikes outside the Cafe & you didn't need to use the stands. [:o)]

22-12-2007, 10:34 PM
So devo .. got any pics of his mum[:0][:X];) ...

Jockney Rebel
22-12-2007, 11:50 PM
quote:Originally posted by Bear

Definately a Pom.

Aren't Ducati's (or is that Ducatii?) the 2 wheel equivelant of a Volvo?
oi oi mate ..nah need to get personal we aint all irons like this geezah nah wot ah meen..
obviously the geezahs a bit tom dick in the 'ead,, reckon 'ees stickin 'is gregory aht a bit wif the noncy comments..
as fir dukes ok in the right 'ands ahll give the ponce a bag o sand fir his duke:D

Jockney Rebel
22-12-2007, 11:57 PM
anyway ...oi streetdickhead...i reckon u talk like u got a maf full o marbles nah wot ah meen guv?
u wanna keep them minces open fir us on the frog aht there,u an yer mate are right iron hoofs by the sound of it. me free yr old dustbin lid could do the pair of ya,ya nonce.

23-12-2007, 03:52 PM
I,m havin a good o'l laugh thanks for the entertainment streetracer. You've done your mum proud

23-12-2007, 03:58 PM
Evening boys! Just in from our annual SAS oldboys hunting day, and I have to say all the rabbit baiting has driven the poor foxes away so we were left with nothing to shoot at except some turtles and a platypus. Not nearly as much fun as shooting ragheads in the middle east (NO PRISONERS!!! NO PRISONERS!!) but the Service taught us to make do with what's available so make do we did. I would have taken pictures for some of the more bloodthirsty of you, but as you could imagine there isn't much left when reptiles and monotremes get shot with a .600 H&H Nitro Express. Those of you who know your firearms may think the 600 is overkill, but it was good enough for grandad ( Major Filliburt) to hunt elephant with the Maharani of Jodpur so it's good enough for me.

Anyway, enough about me, I thought I'd pop in and see how you chaps are handling the changes I've instigated and it looks like I've stirred up a right old hornets nest. You Aussies are well known as fair chaps so perhaps it's my plummy upperclass accent (easily mistaken with a peter puffer's words) that's confusing and annoying the simpler colonials and expatriots hereabouts?

So in the spirit of inclusion I shall try to be more like you blokes and sheilas- fair suck of the sav crikey bonza show us your pink bits! strewth!

As for the cockney rebels, Ay guv alright? How's the trouble? Me plates are killing me and me Dukes aren't any be'er. I'm going to have a Horse an trap, a cousin frank, a rosie lea and a nice lie down.

Cheerio/Catchya/apple pie

23-12-2007, 04:22 PM
quote:Originally posted by devo

No Appo can't delete him yet the fun has only just started , when I was talking to his mum last night she said to take it easy on him as he has just started to become pubesent and that the Pukati thing is just a phase, besides the Dude is Fun and he is entitled to his opinion :D:D:D

Actually mum reckons she said she was taking it easy on you, and if you can't get it up again next week you're not getting your $10 back this time.

23-12-2007, 04:35 PM
quote:Originally posted by turbokat

My curiousitivelyness is killing me.
So Tarquin, (If I may be so forward as to call you by your Christian name without having met you) tell us all about your prior experience on Motorcycles... bet you've got some swashbuckling adventures to recount eh Old Boy?

Not as much as your murdering our Queen's English is killing me old boy.

I'd love to regale you with my tales of derring do on the Armstrong MT500 but most of them are still covered by the official secrets act. Suffice to say motorcycles don't have a reverse gear so it was "onward and upward" and no quarter given when I was in action.

23-12-2007, 04:37 PM
:D:D:D:D:D:D:D I promise I will try harder next time and tell your mum thanks for the discount :D:D:D:D.
Hip Hip Ol Chap, Please if you may keep some kippers in the fridge so when i awake I can have a yummy breakfast that is so befitting of the obnoxious person that I am.
I can feel those Fairings coming off that Pukati and you will journey to the darkside for streetracer I am your father ;)
If I don't hear from you before hand have a pleasant Christmas
and look forward to you posting your opinions again [:0]

Z Power
23-12-2007, 06:21 PM
I think this is the guy i seen walking backwards down the street with his cock out trawling for fagots

23-12-2007, 07:53 PM
Hey you ol'streetracer? Are you related to Bad boy Bubby?
Is your girlfriends name Flo and does your mum wear Princess Pink Lippy?
Your a weirdo!

23-12-2007, 09:24 PM
quote:Originally posted by Jockney Rebel

quote:Originally posted by Bear

Definately a Pom.

Aren't Ducati's (or is that Ducatii?) the 2 wheel equivelant of a Volvo?
oi oi mate ..nah need to get personal we aint all irons like this geezah nah wot ah meen..
obviously the geezahs a bit tom dick in the 'ead,, reckon 'ees stickin 'is gregory aht a bit wif the noncy comments..
as fir dukes ok in the right 'ands ahll give the ponce a bag o sand fir his duke:D

Heheh. No offence intended to expat Brits. Just an observation and a poke back. :D
Spent 2 and a half years in 'ol blighty a few years back - now there's a bike scene! The annual bike show they have in Peterburough each year just blew me away. I had to park my car a good 5 minute walk away from the showground entrance because of the amount of bike parking they accomodate primarily. Never seen so many bikes in one spot! It was an awesome show.

Anyway, back to the obvioulsy legendary alleyracer....

25-12-2007, 11:58 PM
holy crap is this guy from seria, does he eat cerial, is he serious?!?! I bet he has a Motec System exhaust, twin turbochargers with nos and a $10,000 stand alone fuel management system on his presious lil duke. wonder if he has a massive airbrushed cock that seems to go into his breathing vents on his helmet. by the way i think i herd cedrick askin your mum wheather she'd enjoy a 3some with him, her and you....

26-12-2007, 12:10 AM
haha just linking to another topic,
You know your a fighter when your name is anything but Tarquin Filliburt II

26-12-2007, 08:36 PM
Hey you ol'streetracer? Are you related to Bad boy Bubby?
Is your girlfriends name Flo and does your mum wear Princess Pink Lippy?
Your a weirdo!
Go to Top of Page
what astranger Rodger had a RSV then a MV keep the story straight

Jockney Rebel
26-12-2007, 10:11 PM
so tarquin u obviously know ur military
u should also know that its the NCOs like my old man that mske the army work not officer material like urself . I think ur a paper tiger my old son..... no one in the death or glory regiment ever admits to actually serving in it due to the fact that it jeapardises the families of / and serving soldiers on black ops.
So if u were indeed a soldier[especially an officer] in the British S.A.S.yur service papers would show u as being attached to another regiment unless of course u were a wages clerk or a cook or some other support role so carry on mate im intriuged

26-12-2007, 10:17 PM
Ooo thats a bit harsh..;)....even the SAS need their toilets cleaned Jim.....And I'm finkin he's spent a fair bit of time in public ones wiv his 'mates' [:o)]

Jockney Rebel
27-12-2007, 04:00 AM
tru russ tru .......bit of a seasoned cottager u mean ....do you remember that duke we saw in dubbo covered in frangipanis ?

27-12-2007, 05:56 AM
I do indeed mate, must have been where he first saw us....

27-12-2007, 07:59 PM
quote:Originally posted by oldskool

Hey you ol'streetracer? Are you related to Bad boy Bubby?
Is your girlfriends name Flo and does your mum wear Princess Pink Lippy?
Your a weirdo!
Go to Top of Page
what astranger Rodger had a RSV then a MV keep the story straight

We change our bikes more often than you change your bog catchers old boy so it's hard to keep up.:D

27-12-2007, 08:11 PM
quote:Originally posted by Jockney Rebel

so tarquin u obviously know ur military
u should also know that its the NCOs like my old man that mske the army work not officer material like urself . I think ur a paper tiger my old son..... no one in the death or glory regiment ever admits to actually serving in it due to the fact that it jeapardises the families of / and serving soldiers on black ops.
So if u were indeed a soldier[especially an officer] in the British S.A.S.yur service papers would show u as being attached to another regiment unless of course u were a wages clerk or a cook or some other support role so carry on mate im intriuged

Never heard of Andy McNab, Chris Ryan or Johnny "Two Combs" Howard old boy? All of them are making good livings from writing about their experiences in the Service. If you must know I took my commision in the Life Guards but got sick of sitting still on a fucking horse all day, so volunteered for the Regiment.

Anyway that's enough about me. How's everyone getting on with replacing their fairings and getting matching leathers?

Still not sure about doing it? Then ask yourself when was the last world champion in any motorcycle class, that looked like a hobo?


27-12-2007, 08:39 PM
Carl Fogarty :)

Jockney Rebel
27-12-2007, 11:28 PM
joey dunlop,sammy miller,etc etc
btw Andy mc nab is genrally accepted as a bit of a twat,
..when were u in mate ? and where were u stationed its usually accepted u have to have seen some active service to get a transfer.
little pop quiz
and serial no
wheres the guards museum in london?
and where would you have normally got "sick of sitting on ur best friend "during normal duties?
lastly give me the sequence and number of buttons on ur tunic [every guardsman knows this one]

my old man was a W.O.1 in the 1st Batt, Royal Scots 59-74 Dusseldorf,Muchen Gladbach[ attached to the 17/21st lancers ] Cyprus,Pirbright ,2 tours in N.Ireland ..i was brought up BFPO.Spent a hell of a lot of time married quarters when i was a kid.especially around the Guards regiments.

28-12-2007, 09:39 AM
He's not a soldier, he's just a very naughty boy.

Hello boys, Mrs Filliburt here - Tarquin's mother.

Looks like young Tarquin has been a very naughty boy with the pc we bought him for Christmas, joining up on lots of forums and making up stories everywhere. We've been swamped with electronic mail from all sorts of places welcoming him to bike clubs, leather clubs like thegimp.com and even something called the 14"tockleyownersclub.com.

Problem is, Tarquin is only a 12 year old boy with a rather vivid imagination and he doesn't own a motorbike, leather gimp suit and even though I don't know what it is, I'm sure he doesn't have a "14" tockley". He still rides a mountain bike with football cards in the spokes to make broom broom noises, and the only uniform he has is his scouts uniform.

Tarquin will be along soon to apologise himself, once he's finished reading the magazines he received when he signed up to gapinggashes.com

Gladys Filliburt

28-12-2007, 12:31 PM
:D Pleased to meet you Mrs Filliburt. You seem to have the situation under control.
Could you tell your limpwristed son to go easy, or he'll tear the damned thing off..........[:0]

28-12-2007, 01:07 PM
Mrs Filliburt, can you please provide us with some nude photo's of yourself to make this thread a little more interesting.

EFE 1230
28-12-2007, 02:06 PM
Just check her out on her website!!!!

Jockney Rebel
28-12-2007, 10:29 PM

30-12-2007, 10:35 PM
This just gets better and better....

01-01-2008, 04:50 PM
Hello chaps,

I've just got back from a week of pleasant pheasant plucking and boisterous hilarity with the lads and it appears that liberties have been taken in my name!

I'd like it to be known that:

I have no idea who that person is who is pertending to be me old mumsy!.

I am not 12 years old.

I own three motorbicyles of Italian heritage and the leathers to match

I never joined the gimp or tockley sites, but the member lists indicate that some of you are lifetime members.

Though I walk into the valley of evil, I fear not because I ride a Ducati with ten (10) hours left before its first major service so it'll probably run as good as it ever will run ... then I'll fuck it off for the new 09 model.

The gaping gashes site is a bit of an eye opener :D


01-01-2008, 06:06 PM
Best way to deal with the dickracer...just ignore whatever he/she posts.
No replies of any sort however lame he/she gets.

EFE 1230
01-01-2008, 06:19 PM
Go on tell us the truth, which one are you Scootracer????

01-01-2008, 09:35 PM
ok whoever is doing this shouldn't you be in the SHED modifying your bike

04-01-2008, 08:50 PM
I cannot see what those colour challenged chappies on scooters have to do with my thoroughbred sense of style...

Even the black and white chequered neckerchief I received at Christmas matches perfectly

Jockney Rebel
04-01-2008, 09:00 PM
ere does ur neighbour mind u taking pics of his bike then ?

05-01-2008, 03:12 PM
ere does your neighbour mind u taking pics of his mother in the shower?

05-01-2008, 03:35 PM

05-01-2008, 04:02 PM
quote:Originally posted by Streetracer

I cannot see what those colour challenged chappies on scooters have to do with my thoroughbred sense of style...

Even the black and white chequered neckerchief I received at Christmas matches perfectly

This photo seems to be missing something.........you! I dont mind if you made up the chequered neckerchief[:0]

EFE 1230
05-01-2008, 04:23 PM
Dear Mr STREETRACER, I (and my fellow STREETFIGHTER owners I'm sure)are at a loss to understand why an educated person such as yourself, with your obvious "old school tie" upbringing would lower his standards and participate in an activity (STREETFIGHTERS) that they believe is "beneath them"??? If your love of Italian motorcycles is so great then why not join a forum that shares your enthusiasm of over priced, mechanically fragile European time bombs???? Is it because..... (A) you are a computer nerd who has no life? (B) you are a very naughty 12 year old boy like your mumsy said. (C) you are impotent and it's the only way your little todger gets hard. So unless you are going to strip down the "Italian stallion" pictured and build a STREETFIGHTER then I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of my fellow forum members and suggest you FUCK OFF !!!!!

05-01-2008, 04:34 PM
At first I thought give him a go and use his freedom of speech but now I strongly second what you just said EFE :D

05-01-2008, 07:53 PM
and fuck off is in that direction --&gt;

aint it devo

05-01-2008, 08:06 PM
:D:D:D:DYep ;)

05-01-2008, 08:30 PM
quote:Originally posted by EFE 1230

Dear Mr STREETRACER, I (and my fellow STREETFIGHTER owners I'm sure)are at a loss to understand why an educated person such as yourself, with your obvious "old school tie" upbringing would lower his standards and participate in an activity (STREETFIGHTERS) that they believe is "beneath them"??? If your love of Italian motorcycles is so great then why not join a forum that shares your enthusiasm of over priced, mechanically fragile European time bombs???? Is it because..... (A) you are a computer nerd who has no life? (B) you are a very naughty 12 year old boy like your mumsy said. (C) you are impotent and it's the only way your little todger gets hard. So unless you are going to strip down the "Italian stallion" pictured and build a STREETFIGHTER then I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of my fellow forum members and suggest you FUCK OFF !!!!!


How about none of the above?

What's the fun in hanging around on a forum where everybody pisses in everybody elses pocket? I like to get out of my comfort zone and try and improve the lives of others (like you) by showing them (you) the way the truth and the light.


EFE 1230
05-01-2008, 09:18 PM
Mate you have shown me (and all forum members) the truth!.... by losing your "uppercrust" attitude in your reply, this shows you are in fact an imposter!!! No well bred gentleman would ever communicate with the masses without keeping a stiff upper lip!!! This slip shows you are no more of a noble man than any other limp dicked tosser who likes to make up fantasy lifestyles. If you would really like to help me out how about this ... when you run up the arse of the car in front of you while looking at yourself in the shop windows while riding your 848 can I have the rear end???? I reckon it would look super trick on my Z900 STREETFIGHTER PROJECT!!!!!

06-01-2009, 11:48 PM
where has this fuckin twit run too then

07-01-2009, 04:31 PM
He's in Sydney as normal.

07-01-2009, 04:40 PM
hehehe cmon out ya come

07-01-2009, 05:52 PM

07-01-2009, 06:04 PM
quote:Originally posted by BANDITROD

where has this fuckin twit run too then

Halloooo Rodger/Rodney, or should I say "Sir Rodney". "Holder of the Most Ancient and Glorious Order of the Glory Hole"?

I don't run, I ride old chap.

You should ask your mother about that some time junior.

07-01-2009, 07:28 PM
hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha i just rang her and she said next time you jump out of the wardrobe make sure you are in the right room cos last time you were in my grandmas and she wasnt that impressed with your stamina

07-01-2009, 08:49 PM
Hey Streetracer, it's been a while.
You have impeccable taste in your motorcycles I must say, what are you riding nowdays old boy? 1098? Desmosedici? Moto Morini? Bimota? ZX9?

07-01-2009, 09:05 PM
quote:Originally posted by EFE 1230

.... Italian motorcycles..... over priced, mechanically fragile European time bombs????

Gee, why didn't somebody tell me that BEFORE I bought a bloody Ducattledog? I'm STILL fixin' mine after one little prang... I'd have been better off buying a Hyosung! Or one of those Chinese things[xx(]

07-01-2009, 09:12 PM
quote:Originally posted by BANDITROD

hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha i just rang her and she said next time you jump out of the wardrobe make sure you are in the right room cos last time you were in my grandmas and she wasnt that impressed with your stamina

Is that so old chap...?

I'm not trying to pick a fight here...but if your granny was a balloon....she'd be flat from all the holes in her. Or if she was a side of beef..She would look like she'd have died of a Hamas rocket in the kidneys. Or if a band was named after her..it would be headed by Courtney Love.


07-01-2009, 09:14 PM
quote:Originally posted by TurboKat

Hey Streetracer, it's been a while.
You have impeccable taste in your motorcycles I must say, what are you riding nowdays old boy? 1098? Desmosedici? Moto Morini? Bimota? ZX9?


You know it's a Desmo RR lover boy.;)

07-01-2009, 09:24 PM
ok you win this round

07-01-2009, 09:49 PM
Hell yeah!!! this is so funny...he is getting great satisfaction taunting us..He is the kind man or boy that you would bitch slap if you met at i pub..Mybeee?
he is getting off in the whole s&m thing? streetracer more like nothing if you ask me o jeah your Momma is caling you to go home!!!!!!!

07-01-2009, 09:51 PM
quote:Originally posted by BANDITROD

ok you win this round

takes big man to admit that.:)

07-01-2009, 10:07 PM
have you seen me before lol

07-01-2009, 10:14 PM
takes big man to admit that.

quote: have you seen me before lolROFL

07-01-2009, 10:18 PM

07-01-2009, 10:39 PM
does that mean i have my honour back ;)

07-01-2009, 10:54 PM
I wouldn't go as far as to say that

07-01-2009, 10:57 PM
quote:Originally posted by BANDITROD

does that mean i have my honour back ;)

Nah mate.. if i get him on i bend some were il put stick in his wheel how that? then il have garage sale would that help??:D

08-01-2009, 08:20 AM
ok ill get my coat :(

08-01-2009, 08:23 AM
and then ill shove it up streetracers mums arse and then twirl it around just the way she likes it

08-01-2009, 08:53 AM
Im sorry but good call Devo!!! :)

The Mad One
14-01-2009, 07:14 AM
This is so gold:D if this is one of his bikes (the white one) have a look at the tyre`s[8D] I bet he is after a particular award at AFR knobracer keep up the good work.I too love italian bikes[^]however i can use one properly;)

22-01-2009, 06:17 PM
fuggin streetracer,i dont know how many of you pretty boys iv rounded up on a cb13s...most of the time on the out side....
which one on the fag float is you ???????? [}:)]

22-01-2009, 08:20 PM
So streetracer nice to see you are enjoying yourself!

Will you be gracing us with your prescense at the April Fools Run this year? Take that Ducati of your down the 1/4 mile?

22-01-2009, 08:29 PM
Because I'm new to this forum I haven't had the pleasure, until now, of having to read through the crap that has come from this "Streetracer's" obviously delusional world he thinks we are also a part of. Holy shit, does this guy get out on day release every now & then from a mental institute. If Streetracer's mum is reading this - take his access to the computer away, before someone hurts this fucking wanker.


22-01-2009, 08:45 PM
quote:Originally posted by BANDITROD

and then ill shove it up streetracers mums arse and then twirl it around just the way she likes it

You'd be quite the catch.......If only you had a decent penis to go with your whorish mouth young lad

22-01-2009, 08:48 PM
quote:Originally posted by BANDITROD

hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha i just rang her and she said next time you jump out of the wardrobe make sure you are in the right room cos last time you were in my grandmas and she wasnt that impressed with your stamina

Actually she said (and I quote)

"Mmmmmmmhhhghhh mmgggurrrghmmm lick likc lick ssssllluuuurrrp


But only cause she was tongue deep in my massive old flange

22-01-2009, 09:09 PM
you sure are one dirty old bitch thats for sure