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View Full Version : Getting Bar Ends off

20-12-2007, 04:54 PM
Well fuck me if the previous owner (no names Foxy) or an owner previous to him hasn't smashed up the heads of the screws on me bar ends I need to get them off so that I can a. find out what size thread they are and b. put a set of Stu's bar end mirrors on once I find out (a).

The only actual smashed one is the right one but I can understand why it has happened they are that fucking tight, I have broken two screw-drivers trying to get it off and only one of the drivers was a cheap one. No doubt if I keep going the left will be the same as the right.

Any suggestions?

EFE 1230
20-12-2007, 05:20 PM
Buy a cheap impact driver inside the case will be a selection of screwdriver bits choose the fattest flat blade bit then use a hacksaw to cut a slot through the bar end and screw head then use impact driver to remove. WARNING! you only get one chance this way so make sure you can hit the impact driver straight on best to take the bar off and clamp in a vice.I can honestly say that IT IS NOT FUNNY WHEN YOU HIT THE IMPACT DRIVER WITH THE H/BAR ON THE BIKE AND HAVE IT SLIP OUT OF YOUR HAND THEN BOUNCE OFF THE TANK!!!!!

20-12-2007, 05:26 PM
Or just change the bars. :D

20-12-2007, 05:31 PM
ouch efe!! bet that didnt end pretty...

20-12-2007, 05:36 PM
Holy crap EFE sounds like I should probably just take it to a machinist(spelling?).

Sharky wouldn't I have to take the bar ends off to put new bars on anyway?

20-12-2007, 05:42 PM
Drill the heads out. Use an 8mm drill bit , center it and drill into it. That will remove the head of the bolt. You then slide the bar end weight off and use a set of vice grips on the remaining shaft to unscrew it. I used to privately wreck out bikes and that was the common way to do it taking only a few minutes for each side.

20-12-2007, 05:49 PM
quote:Sharky wouldn't I have to take the bar ends off to put new bars on anyway
True, but you could loosen the throttle housing, slide it up a bit and hacksaw straight through the bar.

20-12-2007, 05:58 PM
quote:Originally posted by chopaweeza

Drill the heads out. Use an 8mm drill bit , center it and drill into it. That will remove the head of the bolt. You then slide the bar end weight off and use a set of vice grips on the remaining shaft to unscrew it. I used to privately wreck out bikes and that was the common way to do it taking only a few minutes for each side.

That sounds much easier, thanks Wayne.

21-12-2007, 08:56 AM
and thats why i only buy bar-ends with allen bolts ;)
i replace the mastercylinder cap bolts with allens too, i hate phillips ANYTHING

(good luck!)

21-12-2007, 09:13 AM
yeah is it just me but every single phillips screw used in brake fluid caps are made out of play dough? You so much as look at them holding a screw driver and heads fuck up...

21-12-2007, 09:54 AM
even worse trying to replace them when the bikes 20+ yrs old and hasnt had the top off in years!

21-12-2007, 06:17 PM
Yeh mate. If you aren't re-using the screw why save it.