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View Full Version : Christmas Lunch/Dinner post up your menu!

EFE 1230
24-12-2012, 09:16 PM
1 1/2kg King Prawns
2kg Alaskan King Crab claws just like on Deadliest Catch!
1 Roast Chicken
Potato/Egg salad
Pasta/Tuna/3 Bean salad
mum's homemade trifle

repeat with the leftovers on boxing day.

24-12-2012, 09:24 PM
2kg green prawns
1kg rump steak
2.8kg rolled pork roast
heap of garlic sauce
salad and 4 cheeses
scotch and dry
stones beer
and a big sleep

have a good one

24-12-2012, 09:30 PM
having all the in laws over tomorrow i provide protein the softer folk provide greens and sweets so i wont speak for them

3kg yamba prawns
1 x turducken to start cooking in the morning
1 x 9kg double smoked leg ham to be glazed on the bbq

2 cases of peroni, i dont provide drinks for others ;o)

day done

24-12-2012, 09:34 PM
Ham on the bone
QLD green prawns cooked in garlic and chilli
Potato and panchetta salad
Green salad
Pesto pasta salad
Sherry Trifle
Steamed pudding


24-12-2012, 09:47 PM
We have a group effort with "She who must be obeyed's fam"

I have to bring a souped up trifle that would kill most wine-o's
1/2 a leftover pavlova I made for tonights sweets
a macadamia and white choc log (like a choc ripple cake)
Roast 3 birds wrapped, its turkey duck chicken wrapped in bacon

the outlaws will have the usual stuff ham Prawns roast chicken more salad than the chooks could eat in a month etc etc

I'll consume a little of everything and sink half a bottle of American honey.

25-12-2012, 07:38 AM
So me and the girlfriend are going out of the house for a little quiet time somewhere and taking with us

Freshly cooked Silverside
Ham on the bone with a mustard and marmalade glaze
Pigs in blankets with a honey, chili and Bourbon sauce
Homemade potato salad
Duck pate
Some nice brie and vintage cheddar
Fresh bread
Homemade apple slice

Washed down with mixed berry juice, chilled Newcastle Brown,Strongbow cider with a chaser of killer Bourbon (thanks Dylan)

25-12-2012, 07:47 AM
2 doz fresh oysters,
1 kilo tiger prawns
honey glazed ham on the bone
roast pork, and roast beef,with roast vegies
muscato white for the wife ,wild turkey for myself,
followed by the afternoon at shellies beach with family and good friends
merry xmas to all,

25-12-2012, 10:13 AM
A handful of Maltesers and a few Boags premo's ('cause i'm a bit posh)

25-12-2012, 04:23 PM
2 doz oysters Killpatrick or any other irish bastard
Garlic king tiger prawns
Salt and pepper squid
herb butter scallops
Fruit salad.

26-12-2012, 08:25 AM
Christmas eve eve at my place was:
5kg beef and 2.5kg pork on my mini spit with salads and rolls

Christmas eve at the in laws was:
chilli garlic prawn skewers
lamb and veg skewers
roast pork
roast chicken
kangaroo salad
potato salad
rocky road

Christmas day at my aunties was:
roast beef/pork/lamb on the spit
roast chicken
all the roast veggies
peas beans etc.
pumpkin pie
chrissy pudding (home made by my aunty... its well awesome)

then leftovers of that for dinner after the water fight.

fuck i'm feeling wonderful after 3 days of eating and drinking... time for a ride me thinks.

26-12-2012, 09:05 AM
I feel fat

26-12-2012, 09:16 AM
I am fat

26-12-2012, 09:17 AM
I am fat

Me to but I feel fatter than I am , bloated.

26-12-2012, 09:21 AM
Lunch put on for us at work, was shit, ham cheese and dry turkey, cunts..

26-12-2012, 09:34 AM
Boxing day test, almost as boring as work..

26-12-2012, 03:40 PM
Happy x mas kunts


26-12-2012, 04:17 PM
oh dear god!

26-12-2012, 04:35 PM
CHRIST get it off My Eyes My Eyes

26-12-2012, 05:17 PM
what has been seen can not be unseen:eek:

26-12-2012, 05:54 PM

26-12-2012, 08:11 PM
those ginger pubes get me hot

26-12-2012, 08:55 PM

30-12-2012, 10:28 AM
yep, store that one in the same file as rods............

30-12-2012, 11:28 AM
hahahaha in your wank bank no doubt

30-12-2012, 12:04 PM
you know it baby

30-12-2012, 01:16 PM
Not often I get a complement like that, prob safer wanking I'm a dirty boy. Who knows what you'd catch prob honditis .

30-12-2012, 02:33 PM
It's difficult to believe how far off topic this thread has gone (but i'm not saying that is a bad thing)

EFE 1230
30-12-2012, 03:13 PM
I wish I saw that pic after I'd eaten as it would have saved me from a hell of a ring burner the next day...............