View Full Version : engine numbers......

kiwi kdx
13-12-2012, 09:52 AM
thsi is gonna sound real dodgy, but i may have some spare cases for my GPZ 1100 and they are in better condition than the ones i have now,

Problem being some dirty fucker slipped with a file and the engine numbers dissapeared.............!
Apparantly "coz they were drag bike cases and diddnt need the engine I.D" i call bullshit!

has anyone re stamped there own engine cases before?

EFE 1230
13-12-2012, 10:05 AM
don't touch, walk away and don't look back.

you will lose the bike at the first rego inspection if there is any factory numbers removed in that way.

I wouldn't even touch them as a dummy set for mocking shit up

kiwi kdx
13-12-2012, 10:07 AM
dam it!!! thats my gut feeling.... (more so coz it means some poor guy has had his bike nicked at some stage!)

i was hoping everyone was going to say "yeah ive done that before, go for it"

EFE 1230
13-12-2012, 10:26 AM
to add, if you purchased a replacement frame or cases back in the day (in SA) from kawasaki they would date stamp it before you got them.

I have a Z1 replacement frame that got stamped GBF */*/1976 (George Bolton (Kawasaki) Frame)

my mechanic has a set of (unstamped) cases he bought new stamped GBC */*/1976 (George Bolton Crankcase)

would make an interesting "matching numbers" bike if you put them together

SA rego brings out the acid solution if they think there's anything dodgy about your numbers and don't give a fuck about what it does to the surrounding areas as a mate found out with his car.

they will issue numbers for unstamped engine/frames to repair a vehicle only if you have the factory paperwork but they won't stamp them with the same numbers as your old one.

kiwi kdx
13-12-2012, 10:49 AM
oh maybe these are just unstamped cases to then??? ( i may have been to quick to judge )
they are in imaculate condition and where the numbers should be, looked machined or very nicley filed off!

13-12-2012, 11:10 AM
can the not rego it and issue a number to you for it , ive seen this for rebodied cars with no body number

EFE 1230
13-12-2012, 01:31 PM
not 100% sure on the later cases but the top of the little block where the factory no is should have a raised edge cast into it, there should be no machining marks on top.

I'd lay money on the fact if your rego mob thinks the engine number was removed because the cases originate from a stolen bike they would impound your vehicle until you could prove otherwise.

tell the bloke to put his money where his mouth is and take them and have them inspected by the relevant "authorities" to see if they will issue a number for them and you'll pay any fees for it.

if he refuses to do it or won't let you take the cases to get them checked before any money changes hands it's because he knows he's gunna lose the cases and the money your willing to pay.

*why I wont touch dodgy no's

a mate took his 393 4V cleveland XB coupe for a rego inspection after being defected, car passed the roadworthy part then inspector goes to check the no's on the newly fitted big $$$ stroker comes out the office tells mate his block was from a car stolen in 1985 and his car is now impounded.

took 6 weeks to sort all the paperwork out as the engine was "owned" by the insurance company who paid the claim out, mate had to pay the ins co for the block before they released it to him so he could get his car back.

lucky they just viewed it as paperwork and not a way to be financially compensated on the policy they payed out on in 1985 as his mota cost big $$$

lucky they never saw a picture of it.