View Full Version : This is what I call entrapment

28-11-2012, 08:50 AM
Well, I apparently got a defect notice on the bike without actually even been handed a notice!!!! How's that for underhanded. If I were to have been pulled over by a cop I would have copped a $600 fine too for riding as the rego got suspended. That's what I call entrapment.

i had gotten pulled over by a cop about a month or so ago and he said my front indicators weren't bright enough and made a note of my details in a notebook. I told him that this is the first time something like this has happened and that I have no idea what I need to do. He advised that i would recieve something in the mail and I never did, so never really thought about it as all he did was put a note in his notebook.

28-11-2012, 09:14 AM
That absolutely sucks Jules. As Australian traffic law is all still a bit new to me I can't really offer any constructive advice, but

Do you know that the two things are connected or are they two seperate issues although I assume that they are interconnected.
Do you remember the date and location you wert pulled to try and help narrow down who the officer was that spoke to you about your indicators.

I'm sure somebody knowledgeable will offer some good advice soon but I hope you're ab;le to fight this and yes it does appear to be entrapment on the face of it. Fuckers!!

28-11-2012, 09:19 AM
Can't remeber the dat, all i know is it was before NFR, so if I would have been pulled over at all on the weekend i would have been screwed.

i confirmed with Vic roads that that was the issue as it is a defect notice on my front indicators and that is the only occasion that it has happened. Problem is that I never got given a notice of any sort from the copper or Vic roads. Had I not done a change of address I would have been none the wiser. And if a cop would have pulled me over it would have meant a $600 fine as the rego on the bike got suspended (with no written warning to me)

28-11-2012, 12:01 PM
No wicky carbone lawyers here you come.

29-11-2012, 07:05 AM
Since I was lucky enough not to get fined, it's not worth doing anything Dylan. I'm still contemplating whether to report the copper or else send an email to one of the TV stations to explain how nicely the system works trying to trap people.

29-11-2012, 01:27 PM
$600? That's cheaper than rego and CTP, hmmmmm.