View Full Version : How much do you put yourself out to see ya kids ?

22-10-2012, 07:28 PM
Just wondered how much effort you dads put in to see ya kids when you're separated.

Would an hour journey to pick them up be too much ?

Not going into details.....just curious as to what responsible dads do.

22-10-2012, 07:42 PM
Your missus old partner is a knob if he won't drive that far to see his kid

22-10-2012, 07:47 PM
I drive ten to twelve hours every second weekend because my ex wife is a fat lazy cunt who won't drive five minutes my way to help.

22-10-2012, 07:58 PM
That's because your an exceptional person blowie and obviously a great dad.

22-10-2012, 08:07 PM
18 hours one way 5 times now. Acually had a win this time someone the ex knew died, so she came down for 5 days and brought my son (got to see him for 2 whole days and nights). She lives at the goldie I'm in central vic.

Tony Nitrous
22-10-2012, 08:37 PM
I've always been careful enough not to have kids !

just curious as to what responsible dads do.

My future step kids real Dad made sure he lives in the same area.
He has them every Thursday and every other weekend. Step daughter
is there the rest of this week. He took them both to Bali on Hol's.
Mrs and he take it in turns to take them to all their sporting games,
he pay's towards some of their clothes / computers / school trips etc.

22-10-2012, 08:39 PM
Me too mate ;-)

22-10-2012, 08:41 PM

22-10-2012, 09:47 PM
Yeah mate, an hour is easy. Luckily I only have to go about a half hour but well worth it.

23-10-2012, 12:20 AM
look at it this way , when my parents split no one come to see me and it shat me to tears , the old man was a hour away but i understood as at the time as he worked odd hours being a foundry worker ,but the old lady was half an hour away still was to far for her to come at the time ,sure I could have put more effort but it felt like it was only me doing it , so ten years on nothings changed except we are even more disconnected phone calls arent the same as being there ,sure im older now and got my own life but that early stage it would have been nice to see them more , a hour drive is fark all to make it last in the long run

Jockney Rebel
24-10-2012, 12:26 AM
i fly to the central coast NSW every month from Gladstone QLD and talk to him every night ..i also pay the ex s rent as child support.....to my former in laws !!

24-10-2012, 07:26 AM
well im still married so i cant help on that but ??

im 42, my old man fucked off when he found out i was comming.
im the eldest of 4 brothers
me 42
paul 42 "5 months younger" yes the old fucker was poking an other at the same time"
nigel 38 same mother as paul ^^^ her name is maggie and so is my mums name maggie ???
peter 31?? i think

i didnt know who my old man was till paul called me on my 16th and asked if dad called ?? he told me his dad is my dad WTF
called mum ,yes he is sorry ?? moved in with him to get to know him nice bloke but now an old man that lived in dapto and now west dapto "well horsley now" never fucking calls ,never gave mum money at all,never get a card or a call i do al the running around to see him and since we had our third kid "chris he is 2 1/2 yrs old and the cunt hasnt even come to see,call his so called third groand child let alone call me,
im over the prick but he still is my dad and i make sure i always go see him when im in the gong.
so if you want your kid to think you hate him.
make every effot to see,call or write to them!!!!!

24-10-2012, 07:36 AM
Fuck, some of you blokes have it a bit rough.

24-10-2012, 07:49 AM
My dad was always a **** never lifted a finger for me (he lived 10, 15 minutes away), step Dad did everything for me, paid for everything.
One time I asked the other prick for something he came up with some bs excuse.
One of my mates used to have his kids every 2nd weekend, only thing was it was almost always me or his brother looking after them while he went out and got on it.
So you guys seem to be doing a good job :)

24-10-2012, 08:40 AM
Second that.
I couldn't imagine being away from my little girls and if I did find myself in that situation would like to think I would do anything for them.

24-10-2012, 08:50 AM
im lucky my ex only moved 5 mins up road and that i kept 50\50 week on ad week off with my 5yr son
but still cost me my pride to do things like go to her place for the 1st week and feed bath and put to sleep the little man so it was easier on him
and not droping my lollies when i turn up the 1st time and her new boy friend that she started seeing 2 weeks after she left had been sleeping in her bed next door to my son and they playing xbox together happen to be there on his birthday and i wasnt......
but looks like most you blokes have it a lot worse than me and that we do the best we can and hope its enough to do the best for our kids

24-10-2012, 11:47 AM
Second that.
I couldn't imagine being away from my little girls and if I did find myself in that situation would like to think I would do anything for them.

Reading these stories shows how many arseholes don't know what family means. Any idiot can make a baby, it takes a man to be a father.

24-10-2012, 12:40 PM
I hear ya Chris
In the last 3 months she says I have spent more one on one time with her kids (model making homework etc) than their dad has all their lives

Jockney Rebel
25-10-2012, 09:42 PM
well ive been both sides of this fence ....russ all i can say is
dont let those kids love you then fuck off ...it ll fuck them up.
my veiw is that i order to support my son i have to be here ..and yup i know that when hes a teenager hell probably hate me ..i hated my old man back then mainly becuase he stood for everything i detested in the world..
but then he became my best mate as i got older and understood the world better

ill probably die before he gets to that stage [one of the drawbacks of starting late i guess]
point is though im a survivor..and ill do all i can to let him know i love him ..its not about money ..its about doing stuff with him
i miss him a lot but being with his mum just to keep a facade of a family was driving us both nuts and thats not good for him
there ill shut up now

25-10-2012, 09:44 PM
well said jimmy on many levels.

26-10-2012, 05:57 PM
My old man was a champ, saw him 3 or 4 times till I was seven, then apparently I ceased to exist. Up til I was four my Da was my hero then he burnt the house down and fucked off back to England (fair enough my gran left him, but fuck what did I do ?).

I was just an annoyance to the cunt my old girl married.

Thing didn't work out with the wife and I, young fellas don't marry ya best mate, but damned if I'm gunna desert my young bloke. I can't think of anything worse than him crying himself to sleep at night cos his dad doesn't\wont see him.

Yep ya spot on about keeping up a facade, kids aren't stupid they know.

I'll have to shut it now.

26-10-2012, 09:11 PM
Reading these stories shows how many arseholes don't know what family means. Any idiot can make a baby, it takes a man to be a father.

What the fuck are you saying?

26-10-2012, 10:51 PM
I know this thread is in regard to split relationships but the same can be said in a "normal" family.

We decided that to provide our four children with the upbringing and education they deserved I had/have to work away to finance this.

i'm sure they'll say in the future Fuck You Dad you were never there for us but I/we know different!

Just gotta try and be there when they really need you.

But don't knock yorself out because you can't or haven't, its their Video (Life) to play it as best they see fit!

Don't forget its up to them to toughen the fuck up as well as life aint always easy, as we can all atest to!!!!!

By the way sitting in a shitty hotel in Karratha 1600 k's away from my family not for my health I can assure you!

27-10-2012, 08:25 PM
What the fuck are you saying?

I was saying i agree with you. I couldn't imagine being without my girls either.

27-10-2012, 09:06 PM
Things her ex is gonna miss....
Dublin's first ever ride on a pushbike...no stabilisers.....one hour and he had it sussed......should've seen his face when I told him about a track in the back paddock ....and later a mini bike......

28-10-2012, 09:25 AM
Good on you Sharky for taking on the little fella.

Tony Nitrous
07-11-2012, 08:27 AM
Got Kid's ?
