View Full Version : iPhone as your speedo.

21-09-2012, 06:50 PM
Just saw a bike in Streetfighters that uses an Iphone in a hard case and an app that uses the GPS as a digital speedo.
I thought it was an awesome idea and would save alot of pissing about with wires and cables.

21-09-2012, 06:53 PM
Sweet yeah it's amazing what iPhones can do today

21-09-2012, 07:04 PM
I used my Galaxy S2 with a GPS speedo app for a couple of weeks while I was waiting for the motogadget to turn up.

It worked but would drop out some times for no reason, it had a heap of lag, so say you gun it get up to whatever speed, look down and the speedo is still only reading 60ks not 100ish.. You have to remember to turn the auto rotate off two, it kept freaking out when I went around corners.

I'd rate it as something to use in a pinch or in conjunction with a speedo. It has some handy add ons, like 1/4 mile times, top speed, distance, route, that kind of stuff.

21-09-2012, 07:07 PM
Some apps are claiming a 'GPS lock' that is ment to eleminate that problem

21-09-2012, 07:10 PM
I don't have a 'smart' phone, but wouldn't something like this chew up a heap of battery life ???

21-09-2012, 07:22 PM
Technically though aren't we supposed to have a odometer?

Using my Galaxy S2 to check speed, it's pretty decent, I haven't used any particular app just the navigon software.
I get a lot of satellite lock ons here though. It also kills the battery.
You can get Tech Mounts to mount through your steering stem, and other areas with a case to fit most phones, gps and whatever else.

21-09-2012, 07:35 PM
you could wire a 12V charger to your battery

22-09-2012, 12:45 AM
I've used my Galaxy and Speed Pro app to set the speedo correctly after I went one tooth down on the front, seems pretty accurate.
Just turned it on, left the phone in my backpack, and checked top speed when I got home, then set the speedo healer.
I made sure I knew the top speed of the trip, and just did the maths to set the healer.
Used bugger all battery.

Tony Nitrous
22-09-2012, 09:03 AM
Wouldn't expect it to be legal.
non-permanent, non-ADR, easily deleted/changed mileage.

Not sure how much use it'd be.

I use the Clem-7 and Airport link tunnels everyday, full of camera's,
I dont get great reception down there. When I use the "Pirelli Diablo Biker"
ap to track my route and speed, it drops out in area's around Mt Glorious
(another police hot-spot)

22-09-2012, 09:56 AM
I've used a car gps for almost 12 months , cops never said a thing . Its obvious thats what I'm doing , set to record at all times. One copper asked me if I was worried about him looking at it, I said its ok as long as I can look at your car log at the same time . He just smiled said the exaust is a bit loud "Have a nice day" and took off lol.

22-09-2012, 04:19 PM
I got one of these http://www.adventurecamshq.com.au/buy/pro-bike-motorcycle-phone-mount/QFHB-499

I (http://www.adventurecamshq.com.au/buy/pro-bike-motorcycle-phone-mount/QFHB-499)t chews the battery up, I didn't bother with the 12v lead but I probably should have.

I'll use the phones GPS function on the bike to make sure I don't miss any twisty roads on the way to Phillip Island this year.