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27-07-2012, 07:41 PM
You guy's will like this, especially you Pete.

My surprise in the mail


their response
WTF is the last paragraph supposed to mean, they always leave a door open.

27-07-2012, 07:56 PM
Thats pretty ghey, its all good then WTF them last 2 lines:eek:

27-07-2012, 09:08 PM
I guess you were lucky it was a fairly painless withdrawal of the fine.....and it didn't turn into a Today Tonight/A Current Affair story...

27-07-2012, 09:17 PM
I shot archery with about 40 people that day 600ks away from Mt Nebo, they were on a hiding to nowhere if they pushed it. Usually you would need to take it to court so yeah I'm happy I didn't have to go that far.

27-07-2012, 10:28 PM
time to rego your bike ,in n.s.w hey,

28-07-2012, 10:05 AM
hey that works out perfect if you ever lost your licence, blue electrcal tape and F goes to E and your someone else who has rego and a licence lol & if your in a hurry F to E and who cares if you get caught on camera, the other dude gets your fines :)

31-07-2012, 05:18 PM
I looked at that and saw an "E" to begin with. Typical lazy Queensland Constabulary..

31-07-2012, 05:45 PM
i didn't scroll down, so i was sitting there looking thinking "that isn't a Tuono tail... maybe a first gen... maybe he had a first gen? nooo he has a second gen..." then i scrolled down.

That's a pissa.

02-08-2012, 08:43 PM
That happens often I reckon.

i've had it twice for my bikes (one of those times may or may not have been me) and have also had fines come through work for work cars that are completely different make and model to whats in the photo's.

With the second bike one, I just took photo's of my bike and sent them with the letter saying it wasnt me. It was not even close to mine.

The first one, I didnt take any photo's of my bike, instead, I sent a Barrister in with the letter and he fucken TOLD them it wasnt me :)

Who'd have thought a guy that makes coffee for a living could get you off a license losing infringement !