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View Full Version : Happy Carbon Tax

01-07-2012, 09:55 AM
And the Government can get fucked.

01-07-2012, 10:05 AM
.... Look into it a bit more ;)

01-07-2012, 10:28 AM
i wonder how much a day my workshop has gone up by ,
i was paying $1.37kw a day for electricity before it went up twice last year
now im paying $6.45kw a day for power,wil it jump to $10 a day

my electricity bills for 3x months were $229 to $330
then with the increase it is now $790 to $900 for the same period,
and i havent changed anything i do at work ,
oh i know why they upped my bill i put in 2x sky lights to let natural light in and dont use the fluros anymore

and petrol up here is $1.43 for E10, premo is $1.63 ,i wonder if it went up today ,fuckers

and all that is constantly running in my workshop is the new beer fridge,:cool:

01-07-2012, 11:21 AM
Yer obviosly openin up that fridge door too many times...

01-07-2012, 11:37 AM
and petrol up here is $1.43 for E10, premo is $1.63 ,i wonder if it went up today ,fuckers
Pete,all rural areas get fucked over with fuel prices....i was working in sydney last week, Gas was 57c,and Unleaded was $1.22.
The said on the news it was down to $1.15 in some parts of Sydney!! Here in Nowra its 81c for gas and i think it was $1.44 for Unleaded!! That's a big difference to Sydney.....surely cartage wouldn't add 30% on Gas,and nearly 20% on Unleaded!!

01-07-2012, 04:16 PM
I worked out last night that the tax concession (I assume) I'll get will roughly counter the 9% forecast increase in electricity.....so if anything other than my power bill go up in the next twelve months it is simply an additional cost to me and a reduction in my standard of living. $1.44 / ltr for ULP.....I can only dream.

01-07-2012, 04:59 PM
i have calculated that as a pair of hardworking aussies who ask for no handouts
that the tax concession will be fuck-all :(

01-07-2012, 05:23 PM
i was wrong, its far worse than that
average impact to household per year = $833
(which would be best-case, we all know it will b more)

0 dollars of assistance to offset the impacts...
$31 between us of tax savings (about 0.01% of the tax we currently pay...)

what u cant put a dollar figure on is the extra stress in our lives thanks to the carbon tax!
we both work for companies that supply oem equipment to mining and in recent contract negotiations with my boss ive noticed that he is unsure if we will have jobs in a years time


01-07-2012, 05:30 PM
I'm sick of giving all my money to poor cunts. Fuck the poor, they're poor for a reason they can all suck my skinny white arse fucking parasitical scumbags.

01-07-2012, 05:42 PM
all the whinging about this cracks me up

"farrrrk yoo carnts, yoo carnt tell mwe how ta spend MY money!1!!"
no actually, its 30% of MY money! fkn earn your own money if u want independance

01-07-2012, 07:03 PM
the ugly fucking redhead said no carbon tax under here rule!! popint blank

well she lied and we have it!!

i didnt vote the cow in!!!

wat she has done is more or less killed her chance of a ellection victory and abbot the puppet will get his strings pulled whilst going in front door to take a win!!!

who on gods earth voted labour in ??

01-07-2012, 07:23 PM
no its not labour ,who shot Rudd ,these are the fuckers that need there nuts cut off ,doesnt matter whom we vote for bc no one in Australia has the balls to take on big business the banks let alone the government ,bunch of cunts

01-07-2012, 08:58 PM
dont move to wa then just because we are a mining state they must think we all work in the mines , fuel in northam has been floating about and below the 1.50 for a year or more , elect is up food is up , house prices down , wages unmoved , and more boats landing here than you can poke a stick at , 800 of the fuckers just moved in to there new multi million dollar complex out my front window , and the now the new carbon tax is here it seems gillard has just stuck another fist up my ass

02-07-2012, 07:47 AM
all the whinging about this cracks me up

"farrrrk yoo carnts, yoo carnt tell mwe how ta spend MY money!1!!"
no actually, its 30% of MY money! fkn earn your own money if u want independance

Does that BasicsCard exsist?
It mustn't exsist down on the south coast,i've never seen/heard of it,and you know when it's pay day for the dole fkn bludgers,the BWS in the shit part of town is full of cunts buying up grog with their weekly windfall!!!

02-07-2012, 11:25 AM
Bitch ranga cant be trusted, off with her head!

02-07-2012, 12:34 PM
Does that BasicsCard exsist?
It mustn't exsist down on the south coast,i've never seen/heard of it,and you know when it's pay day for the dole fkn bludgers,the BWS in the shit part of town is full of cunts buying up grog with their weekly windfall!!!

currently being trialed in parts of sydney

wish i could have an option where if i spend 40% of my earnings at particular stores (that i go to anyway)
on essential items (that i buy anyway) and then not have to pay any tax ever again (like these fuckers who dont pay a cent)

that'd be fuckin schweet (borderline communism, but still better than the shit deal i get now :))

its a better deal then
"ok, now we a sending you off to work underground in WA cos we cant get workers and you owe us 10yrs of taxes to make up for how long you've been unemployed"

02-07-2012, 06:15 PM
i hate dole bludging arse holes,i left my job at a dealership with 4 weeks holiday pay,and started my own business 4 years ago ,yup it gets bloody tight , when work is slow but fuck,these arse wipes must be forced to go mining.

i get tyre kickers in the door ,oh man my cars got some many things wrong with it ,of course it has you fuckwit, you havent done any maintenance onit for yrs, and you blow all your cash on booze and drugs ,losers.

02-07-2012, 09:32 PM
i get tyre kickers in the door ,oh man my cars got some many things wrong with it ,of course it has you fuckwit, you havent done any maintenance onit for yrs, and you blow all your cash on booze and drugs ,losers.

then its usually followed by a "how much" then a "can i pay ya off 20 bucks a week mate"

02-07-2012, 11:20 PM
then its usually followed by a "how much" then a "can i pay ya off 20 bucks a week mate"

Mate i hear that every 2nd day i got 1 response "fuck no".

the funny thing is you get the same arse holes doing the rounds of all the mechanics in the valley, it took one women 12 months to pay me $80 ,i kept her car till she paid,lol fuck em,that was over 1yr ago, she came back and said can you do more for me ,i said ,no and could you leave im really bz,,and i never knock work.

03-07-2012, 08:36 AM

03-07-2012, 05:37 PM
geez there a bunch of fuckheads!

03-07-2012, 06:32 PM
If and when the other fucked up bunch of lying cunts gets into power, they will just say " sorry we can't stop it"

Poly's are all souless wastes of oxygen and they should all be stood up in a row, then get 1 bullet for every lie they've said.

We don't have enough bullets tho....

03-07-2012, 06:45 PM
i have a heap of 308 full metal jackets here that should fuck a few of em up

03-07-2012, 07:14 PM
That old blackpowder blunderbus should be good for 13 or so at a time lol

04-07-2012, 07:21 PM
They will be flat out getting a repeal through the senate until two years after they are elected because they will still have a minority in the senate. It's imperative the current opposition get put in with a mandate, so don't waste your vote on a minor party or independent unless you want to see the carbon tax hand around for along, long time.