View Full Version : Anyone on Reddit

18-02-2012, 11:29 AM
Ok Sen might hate me for this but he is planning a bbq for reddit members to meet and greet in march in sydney and i thought id post it up here and see if any of the lads would come along could be a good time to bring the missus's and have a laugh and a banger.

I'll let Sen fill in the blanks. But its jubilee park in glebe on the 3rd of march.

19-02-2012, 04:34 PM
Nah mate I don't hate you for it :p

It's just a small social thing-a-me for me to get out of the house. Anyone is welcome.

It's an eclectic mix of people, riders and non-riders, just to meet up and have an old-school park BBQ/drinks. We've done it a few times. You get a few weirdos, of course, but I've also made some good friends from it.

It's at the BBQs at the very end of Johnston Street, Annandale, down by the water.

19-02-2012, 10:18 PM
Excuse my ignorance, what is reddit? Book club?

20-02-2012, 09:36 AM
Pretty much. :p

It's another online community/forum/socialsite like FB or ASF or whatever.

20-02-2012, 04:22 PM
Is there a common interest?

20-02-2012, 05:14 PM
im confused how does weasel know about reditt ? he cant read hes iggorat truckie LMFAO i hope this gets a reaction from him :)

20-02-2012, 07:39 PM
Is there a common interest?

It's more a site where you can make your own mini-site, then you can subscribe to multiple of the mini-sites depending on your hobbies.

Just think of it like Facebook, but no user profiles (so none of your personal info is spread, it's all done under nicknames, there's no friends/walls/etc just posts/links/comments).

There's bike stuff hidden in there too... http://reddit.com/r/motorcycles and http://reddit.com/r/streetfighters etc.

23-02-2012, 12:25 PM
im confused how does weasel know about reditt ? he cant read hes iggorat truckie LMFAO i hope this gets a reaction from him :)
I have a wife that does the internet stuff... I therefore can focus all my energy on porn