View Full Version : Show us your vest

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14-02-2012, 03:07 PM
The guy's i know that are MC affiliated carry there uncle dugs in there vest cos apparently the johns wont touch there "colours"

14-02-2012, 03:20 PM
I heard that your only gay if you take it ?

You know what the best thing about fucking a bloke is, when you reach around it feels like you pushed it all the way through.

14-02-2012, 03:57 PM
you know what the best thing about fucking a bloke is, when you reach around it feels like you pushed it all the way through.

14-02-2012, 04:52 PM
Same mate.

Some of these guys should try spending time with MC members and might learn more about them rather than dissin them.

Two wheels are good, anything else doesnt matter. ;)

Given that being in the Navy pretty much precludes me from doing any drugs, I have no real need to hang out with these clubs as let's face it this is why they are so protective and paranoid because they are conducting ilegal activities.

I'll be the first to admit that I'm no saint and have broken the law quite a few times but I can put my hand on my heart and say that I haven't provided drugs to teenagers occasionaly causing death to said teenagers. Don't care how many toy runs you do or how much money you raise for kids hospitals, if you are supplying illicit drugs to those same kids as soon as they have the cash to buy them you're the scum of the earth and in my opinion only slightly higher in the respect chain than child molesters.

14-02-2012, 05:14 PM
2nd that^^^^

14-02-2012, 05:17 PM
Wonder how many people on this site consume 'illegal' drugs?....Wonder where they come from....Not dealers surely....
A top cop on tv stated that..shock horror 10% of all Gold Coast drugs come from bikie gangs....
So the other 90% some from who ? nice church going people or gangs that dont ride bikes ??
Its not all paranoia either mate....due to the blinked and media biased attitude of most people they just keep themselves to themselves

14-02-2012, 06:51 PM
I went to school with children of 1%ers and got to know a few of the parents along the way , later in early life I worked along side several higher up in local group.. I also worked in areas where I witnessed some of the ruffer indeviduals and what was "normal business tactics " .

There are good and bad in every group , some deal drugs , some steal etc etc . I have found almost every 1%er I've had any dealings (Spoken with in conversation over a few days to know for years) with to be generally of average to good intellagence and more trustworthy (to do what I would consider the right thing) than the general person on the street.

I have seen and had to deal with real fuckwit behaviour, from a very small minority of 1%ers. All turned out without anybody being stabbed shot or otherwise hurt asside of a smack in the mouth at most.

Most (if not all) of what I have said above can also be corrolated with the local police , only problem is I trust them alot less. To the point that I make a concious choice before I ring them in an emergency (as I have had several issues with them in the past getting involved in matters and right royally fucking the show, being proved to have done so and covering it up to save there own asses, Including people ending up shot not once but 3 times on one occasion and others dead!) Yet I havent had the same issue with the 1%ers.

Because of 1%ers ideals, they are singled out by "law abbiders and coppers mostly" and branded as scum. There not interested in people knowing there rules etc and dont really give a flying fuck what we (us here) or others think , its not in there interest. They get involved in charitys to help people they know (they have kids that die of cancer just like us etc), not to make themselves look all warm and fuzzy to the sheep that watch the news each night.

I admire there ideals (the real core values not the "club rules") and tend to follow a similar path, but do I need or want a patch or to associate ? Not in my interest I dont need a club to do what I like. Would I be involved if asked no , But I do attend a function on occasion (every few years). Seeing both sides cops vers Bikers I think I'd trust a local biker before a cop, and no I dont have a grudge against cops eather. Just What I have witnessed in the last 40 years directly (best mate is a copper and a coppers son) another mate is a 1%ers son involved in a club but not a member. Lived next to coppers for over 10 years and bikers with patches for 7.

Working in a nite club for 10 years never once had an issue with a biker in the bar that wasnt sorted with words, coppers on the other hand capsicum spray fists and guns drawn, and all over nothing.


EFE 1230
14-02-2012, 07:03 PM
Given that being in the Navy I'll be the first to admit that I know what the best thing about fucking a bloke is, when you reach around it feels like you pushed it all the way through. I'm no saint and have broken quite a few teenagers.

sorry for plagiarizing latheboy's post but ...........................

14-02-2012, 07:04 PM
At last Red...an opinion from someone that actually has experience of as opposed to reading google or the Courier Mail

14-02-2012, 07:34 PM
At last Red...an opinion from someone that actually has experience of as opposed to reading google or the Courier Mail

My source is better than your over watched easy rider movies mate.

14-02-2012, 07:35 PM
Mate if there is 10 percent of drugs coming from bikie gangs that is pretty fucking huge per capita as opposed to the rest of the nation.

Efe good to see you could stop whacking off over black chicks and thinking about how awesome it would be if you were aboriginal long enough to make a post.

14-02-2012, 07:46 PM
Given that being in the Navy pretty much precludes me from doing any drugs, I have no real need to hang out with these clubs as let's face it this is why they are so protective and paranoid because they are conducting ilegal activities.

I'll be the first to admit that I'm no saint and have broken the law quite a few times but I can put my hand on my heart and say that I haven't provided drugs to teenagers occasionaly causing death to said teenagers. Don't care how many toy runs you do or how much money you raise for kids hospitals, if you are supplying illicit drugs to those same kids as soon as they have the cash to buy them you're the scum of the earth and in my opinion only slightly higher in the respect chain than child molesters.

Drugs are endemic throughout society mate. How few people don't at the very least smoke weed? Never mind all the other illegal shit that people injest. The majority support those who supply. People say they only smoke weed, but dont consider what their dealer is selling around the corner. Taking a big step back and looking at the global drug supply, using Afghanistan as a classis example? Herion production has gone up since the UK and US military took over. 95% of that heroin comes to the UK, who controls the global drugs supply? Not the CIA then?

Tbh every element of society is corrupt, governments just as much, if not more than any other criminal organisation.

14-02-2012, 07:55 PM
Doesn't change the fact that vests are Gay :p

14-02-2012, 08:01 PM
Would you guys trust the CIA or the US military?



I would wager that the Russian FSB (KGB) are as complicit as fuck.
Drugs are the biggest "off grid" money spinning industry in the world, you know governments would have a hand in that kind of money.

Street level drugs are not the issue.

14-02-2012, 08:24 PM
Rod...my source is me....first hand experience as a 10yr member

14-02-2012, 08:31 PM
Efe good to see you could stop whacking off over black chicks and thinking about how awesome it would be if you were aboriginal long enough to make a post.


14-02-2012, 08:38 PM
So Vests are gay then?

I got my white denim bedazzled number on right now if ya want to video call Blowie?

Three way call Ivan?

14-02-2012, 08:43 PM
I respect that Russ, and maybe in England or in some parts of QLD the 1% patch clubs still have the old values of what I know you value.

But unfortunately down here things have changed dramatically.

Mate, some patch members in Sydney don't even ride or own a bike.

14-02-2012, 08:46 PM
So Vests are gay then?

I got my white denim bedazzled number on right now if ya want to video call Blowie?

Three way call Ivan?

Bedazzlers! Now we are talking, Post up pics, you've got my attention

14-02-2012, 09:05 PM
Given that being in the Navy pretty much precludes me from doing any drugs

I've worked and partyed along side people from fly boys, wanabees, grunts , drop shorts, tankies, and even a few tin can boatmen . Being in the armed forces doesnt mean there not taking/using/selling drugs I can be drug tested due to my work, and my internet banter is monitored. Granted most of the career armed forces people I have known are clean, its more the blow ins looking for qualls and quick cash that are more party orentated. I'm sure you have seen behaviour that indicates illicid drug use is far from uncommon in the armed services Blowie. As the brass know also hence the work they are doing with harm reduction etc.

What you see on TV in relation to bikers is so twisted, sure there is an element in some groups that is in a serious flux and people are being killed drugs etc. But int he same club there are mothers kids and patch riders that know fuck all about all the shit maybe a gleam at best. You don't see shit plastered all over tv when a Navy boy fills another full of drugs and booze beats him half to death , but I've seen what it looks like blowie.

I've got a vest , it was given to me by a now dead friend. But I've only worn it once when I was given it, IT FELT GAY so I didnt put it on again.

17-02-2012, 03:59 PM
You don't see shit plastered all over tv when a Navy boy fills another full of drugs and booze beats him half to death , but I've seen what it looks like blowie.

Fuck off Red do you even own a TV mate, every time a sailor,soldier or airman does anything at all which is mildly outside the norm for what is expected of us it is in every fucking bulletin/current affairs show aired.

As for the families of these fuckers not knowing BULLSHIT!

17-02-2012, 04:15 PM
So do you tar all MC club bikies with the same brush Mr blowie ?
Are all back patch wearers lowlife as far as you're concerned ?

17-02-2012, 06:17 PM
If there are any clubs that are not involved with either drugs or arms then no Russ, otherwise yes.

17-02-2012, 06:56 PM
I think I might be the one without blinkers on here. Tv is for fools and people with limited brain span unless you can see through the shit.

17-02-2012, 07:06 PM
As in all large groups some do things the others aren't involved in...was the same in the UK club I was with....even one of the Presidents didn't drink or do drugs......So does that make me lowlife or not Jt ??

Not all bikies do all the crap that the public greedily swallow up like sheep.....never seen any hanging around schools selling drugs to kids...

So following your logic, all muslims are terrorists, all abo's are petrol drinkers, all navy boys are gay or rape wrens.....

Yeah, Bullshit...I know.....but not by your reasoning...

Oh and yes, plenty of Au clubs not into the guns and drugs....Tribe of Judah MM for example..and not forgetting of course that long running MC with one of the most recognised back patches in the country........the Vietnam Vets MC.

Any way this bullshit has gone on long enough...You and many others need to wake up...not everything the media tell you is true....I know, shocking, but true.

Now, I'm off to put the first of my new patches on my new cut-off.....:cool:

17-02-2012, 07:09 PM
and not forgetting of course that long running MC with one of the most recognised back patches in the country........the Vietnam Vets MC.

Any truth to the rumor they stole the back patch design from another club ??????

17-02-2012, 07:27 PM
You're obviously offering to to Stone and the Grave Diggers
Check out the VVMC Qld website under the History tab...all the info you need

17-02-2012, 08:01 PM
not everything the media tell you is true....I know, shocking, but true.

So TV tell lies :p

17-02-2012, 08:14 PM
If there are any clubs that are not involved with either drugs or arms then no Russ, otherwise yes.

Its a shame they are all viewed this way, i have even considered removing mates in known gangs from failbook so as to avoid being harrassed for being associated, albeit mostly with men who wear vests but also because theyre naughty cunts.

On another note, no pun intended, I played in a band many years ago and the singer wore a vest once, i kid you not, i quit.. He still wears it.. I renamed them gayforce and heckled them when they played support for obituary

17-02-2012, 08:20 PM
Theres only one Donald Tardy da da da daaa dada one Donald Tardy, Daa daa daa One Donald taaaaarrdyyyyy theres only one Donald Taaaaarrdyyyy..

I am not mad

17-02-2012, 09:03 PM
Farrk! Talk about bullshit! How did a post about vests end up in seven pages of steaming turd? If you wear one, who gives a fuck. If you don't wear one, who gives a fuck? I think some of you need to go work for woman's day in the who wears it best column. In the meantime grab a beverage and hit the shed. I think the next person that comments on how gay something is, must be the biggest one there is. He who doth protest to fucking much. Next thing we'll all be riding the same bike in the same gear. Doesn't sound like the free expression of fightering to me. Wake up to yourselves.

17-02-2012, 09:25 PM
well said brendan

17-02-2012, 10:18 PM
Farrk! Talk about bullshit! How did a post about vests end up in seven pages of steaming turd? If you wear one, who gives a fuck. If you don't wear one, who gives a fuck? I think some of you need to go work for woman's day in the who wears it best column. In the meantime grab a beverage and hit the shed. I think the next person that comments on how gay something is, must be the biggest one there is. He who doth protest to fucking much. Next thing we'll all be riding the same bike in the same gear. Doesn't sound like the free expression of fightering to me. Wake up to yourselves.

If you don't give a fuck don't come into this thread, the grownups are having a conversation either join in or fuck off.

17-02-2012, 10:22 PM
Well i got a few more patched sewed on today ,While reading all these pages ,excellent read.
Its amazing the various opinions,on bikies ,bikers and how we judge these different groups.
I have my opinions on different brands of motor bikes,
But if were all riding 2 wheels who really fucking cares more power the the motor cycle rider ,

EFE 1230
17-02-2012, 10:27 PM
all muslims are terrorists, all abo's are petrol drinkers, all navy boys are gay......
..................I know, shocking, but true......:cool:

Your a wise man sharky!

17-02-2012, 10:34 PM
You should be a journalist mate....Thats how they get their stories...
A piece from here and a piece from there

17-02-2012, 10:43 PM
Having spent years in the company of 'patch' members I know that some members take the whole 'noteriety' thing and play on it.... Others just do what the club expects and thats it .....

17-02-2012, 10:53 PM
i work on a fellas Harley he,s a 1 %, ive know him and his twin brother for 20 yrs,they both ride with the same MC group up here and ive been to the club house for friday night drinks ,just a bunch of blokes having a good time ,like when we get our heads together for our rides ,i dont want to know the politics of there clubs ,i just enjoy the harassment of them telling me to buy a Buell ,thatl never happen ,no matter what you believe,thats what you believe,im not going to push my opinion onto any one

17-02-2012, 11:16 PM
Farrk! Talk about bullshit! How did a post about vests end up in seven pages of steaming turd? If you wear one, who gives a fuck. If you don't wear one, who gives a fuck? I think some of you need to go work for woman's day in the who wears it best column. In the meantime grab a beverage and hit the shed. I think the next person that comments on how gay something is, must be the biggest one there is. He who doth protest to fucking much. Next thing we'll all be riding the same bike in the same gear. Doesn't sound like the free expression of fightering to me. Wake up to yourselves.

Blow me faghag

17-02-2012, 11:36 PM
Not all bikies do all the crap that the public greedily swallow up like sheep.....never seen any hanging around schools selling drugs to kids...

So following your logic, all muslims are terrorists, all abo's are petrol drinkers, all navy boys are gay or rape wrens.....

umm sorry no, a nigger is born a nigger he doesnt paint himself black, a sand nigger is born a sand nigger he doesnt choose to be a bomb carrying man kissing sand nigger and a navy boy is ... umm ... well possibly gagging on boyfriends cock but thats different 'apparently'

A (insert club) isnt born a (insert club), rather he chooses to be. If you sit with shit long enough eventually some gets on your shirt

Contrary to your beliefs the bigger clubs, rebels angels comancheros banditos finks etc etc are criminal organisations, you might want to perceive or pose something different but they are, and well you choose to be part of that and therefor get tainted with that brush.

Im with the pole smoking navy boy on this one

18-02-2012, 12:03 AM
If you don't give a fuck don't come into this thread, the grownups are having a conversation either join in or fuck off.

I did join in, hence the post. I'm telling you to fuck off... to the shed. Did you even read the post?

No wonder you're always getting blamed for shit dude.

18-02-2012, 12:04 AM
Blow me faghag

And we have a biggest gaybo winner!!!

18-02-2012, 12:05 AM
Well that's enough from me. Enjoy yourselves gents, and after all, can't we all just get along?

18-02-2012, 12:09 AM
And we have a biggest gaybo winner!!!

Vest ????

18-02-2012, 08:01 AM
Fuuuckin hell. Ok i'll admit this thred was stupid to start with and that im gay because I wear a vest... (But i'll be the man of the relationship) But why does everything turn into a whinge fest on here lately.

If about fighters and fucking about not all out mud slinging and arguments!

EFE 1230
18-02-2012, 08:24 AM
Fuuuckin hell. Ok i'll admit this thred was stupid to start with and that im gay because I wear a vest... (But i'll be the man of the relationship) But why does everything turn into a whinge fest on here lately.

If about fighters and fucking about not all out mud slinging and arguments!

bit grumpy this morning mate, did you hafta sleep in the wet spot last night?

18-02-2012, 10:54 AM
bit grumpy this morning mate, did you hafta sleep in the wet spot last night?

18-02-2012, 11:00 AM

Weasel likes to dance ,hes never unhappy.

18-02-2012, 11:21 AM
Cant argue with the video ref

18-02-2012, 07:01 PM
Who's angry? I'm just fuckin around :D

18-02-2012, 07:02 PM
Im not angry at you... Your the special kind of special:p

19-02-2012, 08:50 AM
Now you guys are getting gay. After a few beers it'll be"I LUV YA MATE"

19-02-2012, 10:35 AM
Fuuuckin hell. Ok i'll admit this thred was stupid to start with and that im gay because I wear a vest... (But i'll be the man of the relationship) But why does everything turn into a whinge fest on here lately.

If about fighters and fucking about not all out mud slinging and arguments!

maybee we are all to eger to get to AFR this and have fun lol
and we are all starting the love fest early ??

19-02-2012, 01:43 PM
I wont be there actually so ive got no idea

20-02-2012, 11:34 PM
I wear a vest most of the time i'm on a bike. Don't really give a fuk wot anyone thinks but more happy to listen to anyone who want's to vent.

21-02-2012, 01:50 PM
Fuuuckin hell. Ok i'll admit this thred was stupid to start with and that im gay because I wear a vest... (But i'll be the man of the relationship) But why does everything turn into a whinge fest on here lately.

If about fighters and fucking about not all out mud slinging and arguments!

this has been going on since i joined up mate it will never change its the nature of the beast ,

21-02-2012, 02:47 PM
Here's a useful vest for the sports minded..


21-02-2012, 04:30 PM
The only whinging is from the people defending vests...
Everyone else is taking the piss, leaving a few people crying over a mild dose of butthurt.

If you feel the need to defend your subjective opinion, fuck off and grow a vagina.

22-02-2012, 06:01 PM
"The only whinging is from the people defending vests..."

Personally thought I was doing alright

22-02-2012, 07:53 PM
Well Andy, You do have a nice mangina.

22-02-2012, 07:54 PM
Always thought that was why you wear a vest ;)

Tony Nitrous
22-02-2012, 08:36 PM


22-02-2012, 10:05 PM
Now that is gay....

22-02-2012, 10:10 PM
"Whatever you ride Harley-Davidson,Honda or Yamaha you will Look and Feel Great with this vest"

That's GOLD :D

22-02-2012, 10:45 PM
What he means is even a vest like that can't make a kwak or a zooki look cool :rolleyes:

yuma bizl
23-02-2012, 10:18 AM
wouldnt mind this vest...


23-02-2012, 11:21 AM
I'm honestly surprised that none of the English ex-pats have not mentioned this. This is actually a "vest" and far more stylish than the above wrongly names item:


You lot are on about "waist coats". Unless you are lead by the yanks of course, and then you call them vests.


23-02-2012, 11:46 AM
"waist coats"
that's a gay name for a vest

23-02-2012, 07:25 PM
Yeah but Si..the aussie men wear thongs....(g-string in England)

And not waistcoats ....'cut-offs'

23-02-2012, 07:27 PM
i thought in England they called them G bangers Russ ,i may be mistaken

24-02-2012, 01:14 PM
Good point Si.
I was brought up wearing vests, just not that kind of hooker fish-net looing thing that you posted ;)

24-02-2012, 02:28 PM
Yeah but Si..the aussie men wear thongs....(g-string in England)

And not waistcoats ....'cut-offs'

Sorry mate, you're right about the cut-off, I was more about in general rather than the punk/metal/biker version.

24-02-2012, 08:57 PM
Good point Si.
I was brought up wearing vests, just not that kind of hooker fish-net looing thing that you posted ;)

Then what fucking kind were they Lance you weird cunt?

24-02-2012, 09:29 PM
ah " a string simet " as rab c nessbit says!!!

I'm honestly surprised that none of the English ex-pats have not mentioned this. This is actually a "vest" and far more stylish than the above wrongly names item:


You lot are on about "waist coats". Unless you are lead by the yanks of course, and then you call them vests.


25-02-2012, 08:54 AM
Then what fucking kind were they Lance you weird cunt?


Blowie, go take your meds. Lol :D :D :D

25-02-2012, 08:59 AM

Blowie, go take your meds. Lol :D :D :D

Agreed! Dont bring me into this u bunch of shitcunts! :rolleyes:

26-02-2012, 09:02 AM

Blowie, go take your meds. Lol :D :D :D

Lance Jules whatever ya fucken name is :D

27-02-2012, 05:08 PM

rock hard
27-02-2012, 08:37 PM
fuck in cant stop laughing at the gayness produced here
Thats why you fucked your back again !!