View Full Version : New the the site !! 2011 gsr750

19-01-2012, 12:20 PM

ASF Members,

Obviously new to the site, Im 20yo (young, dumb & full of it) love my bikes and into the streetfighter look of the, hoping to learn abit more and keen for a ride days!

I own the 2011 GSR750,..nd have couple more plans for it !


19-01-2012, 12:27 PM
welcome mate

19-01-2012, 12:47 PM

19-01-2012, 12:54 PM
another melbournite to ride with!!! YAY!!!

Welcome mate.

Where abouts in Melbourne are ya?

19-01-2012, 12:55 PM
Welcome mate! What r ur plans for the GSR?

19-01-2012, 01:19 PM

Im from Craigieburn bud.., you? even if you live on the otherside of town man, yell ahola nd i'll be there..i'll ride anywhere

looking @ exhausts (dunno weather the GPR, TWO BROS or the AKROPOVIC), & certainly have to get rid of those mirrors(stands out like balls) haha...for now

19-01-2012, 01:23 PM
Cool man.

I'm just down the road in Hadfield, and Jules (wackyrider) is just over in reservoir.

We went for a ride last night and i think i might make it a regular thing to go riding on Wednesday evenings... at least until the days start getting shorter.

19-01-2012, 01:55 PM
Awesome, I know Hadfield..

Count me In

where'd you go to?

19-01-2012, 02:08 PM
we went St Andrews - Kinglake - Healesville - yarra glen - then home

19-01-2012, 03:11 PM
thats awesome, how long did that take you?

you plan to ride this weekend?

19-01-2012, 03:21 PM
if we didn't take a detour cause i'm a retard it would have taken us about 2 hours i think... maybe less. with a break in healesville for a coffee.

I'm going to Adelaide for a mates wedding this weekend (leaving early tomorrow morning getting back sunday arvo) so probably not... unless... maybe Sunday evening?

19-01-2012, 03:56 PM
well you welcome to drop in here for a break Trav

19-01-2012, 03:56 PM

no worries man, let me know if your up for it !

19-01-2012, 05:02 PM
well you welcome to drop in here for a break Trav

Was thinking about doing that Rod, but noone would ride or drive with me cause everyone had already booked flights... so i booked flights too.

19-01-2012, 08:00 PM
ahh fair enough mate well next time your more than welcome

19-01-2012, 08:03 PM
welcome to tha nut house mate

Jockney Rebel
20-01-2012, 12:58 AM
welcome mate im test rode that bike for rapid a few months ago and was well impressed ..good basis..cant wait to see waht yer gonna do with it

20-01-2012, 05:05 AM
Welcome aboard, I'm keen to see what you can come up with using the GSR as a base for a fighter. I do quite like them and would be looking at something like that for my next bike.

20-01-2012, 08:29 AM

As the they say bud "If you beat em, Join em"

I will certainly have a play with the GSR and see what happens,..! :confused:

I recommend anyone to buy the GSR, they certainly have power also mate.. 111km/h out of first ;)

20-01-2012, 03:55 PM
Welcome aboard mate. As Trav said, I live in Reservoir so not to far. Make sure you tag along for a few rides mate. I might not the fastest around the corners, but I love to try to ride on 1 wheel :)

Tony Nitrous
20-01-2012, 03:59 PM

I recon they'd have sold shit-loads of
B-Kings if they looked like the new GSR.

Interesting project.
Needs a full-Monty GSXR750 motor !

20-01-2012, 08:28 PM
Im certainly in for a ride on the Back wheel Wacky, something i cant help myself from doing either..

I reckon the B-King is a good looking Bike Tony, they could have Improved the massive exhaust from under the seat in saying that i think they could have re-located the 02Sensor on the GSR, we have have our opinions tho who are we to say!

couldnt explain the GSR with GSXR750 motor... :D

21-01-2012, 12:00 AM
Welcome mate, I think on the list of "things-to-do" would be to change the forks and upgrade the brakes. GSXR units may fit in your triples if ya lucky enough. They are a very nice looking bike. Have a mate in Sydney with one, and I keep egging him on to mod the fuck outta it.

Tony Nitrous
21-01-2012, 07:51 AM
Motor is an old de-tuned 2005 GSXR750,
it'd be interesting to see if the missing ponys are from
bolt-on's (cam's, pipe, ECU, throttle bodies etc) or if
it has a different head / pistons ?

21-01-2012, 08:22 AM
I would have thought the difference would be in the cams ecu etc Tony. Seems like a pain in the arse to make a whole new head/diff pistons. I have been wrong once before tho! lol

Tony Nitrous
21-01-2012, 08:28 AM
Yeah, B-King is 100% pure Busa motor with different externals,
but some bikes like the CB1000R that claim a Fireblade heritage
actualy use a different head, valves and other internals.
A bit like the Bandit/GSXR11 cross-over.

22-01-2012, 10:05 AM
id say just different cams, they did similar with the tl engine for sv