View Full Version : Air Powered Motorcycles

11-01-2012, 08:01 AM

11-01-2012, 08:38 AM
That's actually pretty cool...

11-01-2012, 05:54 PM
Feed it with 100% hydrogen peroxide with a silver catalist plate and you have what is commonly used as a torpedo motor ! Very high output as it will be fed 800 to 1200 psi and stored as a liquid you have lots more range, Just don't get it on your skin or you wont have any !

12-01-2012, 01:58 AM
never heard h2o2 bein so active its used as anti septic and also it was used as an oxidizer in fau1 missiles me reckons

12-01-2012, 05:03 AM
Its very reactive at 100% silver acts as a catalyst the H2O2 dis associtates releasing large quantiys of heat with water and oxygen as steam. Rocket powered cars have reached 400mph down the quater using this lovely stuff. The shit people use to bleach there hair or steralise cuts etc is at most about 5% by volume the rest is water. Mil have been using it for years for various toys like torpedos etc where very high powered motors in a compact form are needed. Under water and space are two common places mostly underwater now days. Maned flights into space by "Home rocket builders" Are mostly planned to use this as a fuel as its alot safer than other rocket fuels, the only tricky bit is getting the 100% stuff (can be distilled from alot of hair product)

12-01-2012, 07:59 AM
that kind of defeats the purpose of it though.

That being the fact that you have a pump with solar panel to generate air to put in it, therefore not using any finite resources to power it (obviously still have consumables like tyres and whatnot)

12-01-2012, 09:04 PM
True but it is possable to produce H2O2 with electricity and the waste's are usable for other things (not really to effecient converting electricity to H2O2 though) , but the masive power potential (same motor would have a tripple power output over air at 400 psi min) much greater range and the fuel is essentially green and infinitly renewable.

And it would do wicked skids too !

12-01-2012, 09:09 PM
isn't catalysing H2O2 also very dangerous? i seem to remember something about it in a doco i watched about jet packs.

12-01-2012, 09:57 PM
Yep jet packs the nutters in america used to shoot some wanker over the local football field etc etc for pr stunts , Not really to unsafe . Simple process pump H2O2 through a screen made of silver and woompf it turns to water oxygen and Alot of heat (exothrmic reaction) the water leaves as super heated steam. Only an issue if you pump in more H2O2 into the system than the restricer orifice will allow to leave once expanded.

Think super steam engine with no boiler. The air powered motor isnt anywhere new , its really a rip off of several different previously patented motors. The design is almost a carbon copy of sarachs petrol motor (was an Aussie designer from Adelaide) his motor was to hard to make or sell to large motor companys due to its vastly different design from piston type motors. It was alost identical to the "Air motor" there flogging except powered with petrol. The injection system was unique as well super high pressure air over timed fuel injectors creating a ultra fine atomised direct injection system. This made A/f ratios of 20 to 1 and higher possable for cruze on highway. (this was the basis for holdens new sidi injection system I belive)

The motor is basicly just a new version of an old Radial air plane motor , several pistons aranged around a revolving crank. Only in the new version there are less moving parts/friction/ better expantion ratio/ and lighter weight.

rock hard
13-01-2012, 07:54 AM
Sounds like fun..just look what the exothermic reaction did for "the Kursk"

13-01-2012, 02:40 PM
Thats it "Relitivley safe" as I said lol Mind you when your using rusty old torpedos for practice target shooting you got to expect a few exciting ones .