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View Full Version : Anyone into Kickboxing ?

05-11-2008, 11:04 AM
I been messing around with it for about 7 years now... attended a couple of different schools, one in Darwin with Kyle Bawden, 3 times Territory Tough Man and twice AUS Muahy Thai Cruser Weight Champ.... its a shitload of fun and while I cant fight for shit... I really enjoy it despite having formerly held the opinion that anyone who did martial arts was probably compensating for something... we all have the right to hold crap opinions at least once in our lives :D

Anyway... I have a favorite Aussie fighter who Im sure most of you know even if you dont know it...

Sam Greco is a fucken machine... in the ring he is a text book example of a great kick boxer. All the guy does is take his training routines into the ring and play them out. But that is so much harder than it sounds.... you have to have tried it to appreciate how tough it is to even think straight when someone is pounding you, let alone use strategy and training to overcome them.

This little clip really says it all about Sam... he is just a technician, hard training paying off...


You can also see Sam in Pizza from SBS and the new show about couriers where he plays Mario (Pauly's) brother... and hes fucken funny to top it all off.. Hes the guy with the long socks egging on Mario to dance in the Polar Bear suit ROFL..... but whod give him a hard time about the sox ? :D


05-11-2008, 12:05 PM
yep a great fighter, between him and Stan Longinidis, there weren't too many fighters in the world who wanted to go near an aussie in the world of kickboxing, both great heavyweight champs, and good blokes to boot.
cheers, GK.

05-11-2008, 12:36 PM
Yeah Stan the Man was also a dead set Legend! Your right... when K1 was big Aussies dominated... Im surprised we dont do better in UFC because we still have some awesome talent in MMA rules.

05-11-2008, 03:14 PM
I did Kickboxing for about 2 years but I'm not particularly good at keeping a hobby especially afterschool/work. that involves being off the couch!.
I'd have to say its my fav fighting style aside from Silat (indonesia) Kickboxing got me more comfortable with being up close and in the face of whoever is having a chop at you and Silat was more like a kung fu fighting style, you didn't have to touch them if they couldnt reach you, or, you could just keep being a tricky cunt and always end up behind them if they did.
I hate karate, all that slapping with the feet and hands, Always cracks me up to see a karate guy bound up for a nice big pretty spin kick or some shit and a kickboxer just marches in and lays the fucker out with an elbow to the head lol.

05-11-2008, 04:10 PM
RESPECT...man he can move

05-11-2008, 05:00 PM
Pepper spray, never leave home without it.

05-11-2008, 05:11 PM
I Love kickboxing :-) I did it for two years until i had a bike accident and was smashed lol...... i went to the aussie championships at Castle Hill RSL recently and the title fight was two girls, it was awesome....!! They also fought longer and harder than a lot of the guys too, it was amazing to watch.

When i was in thailand I caught several kickboxing mataches and they are just truly a spectacle to watch, along with the toilets...which were also a spectacle....to avoid LOL.

I used to train with Nick Stone, but occasionally I would go with my freind to his studio out west and train with Paul Grima but I didnt often go there because those guys never hesitated to smack me round with full force and i am a wuss essentially HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. he is a hardcore man with some Hardcore fighters lol.

Sam Greco is a machine as you said, and most of those guys truly are undervalued when it comes to athletes, as they are prime examples of fitness power and stamina. :-)

06-11-2008, 12:05 AM
2 Words, The Carnage..


06-11-2008, 07:10 AM
quote:Originally posted by debaser

Pepper spray, never leave home without it.

ROFL... yeah I always keep in mind that scene from Raider of the Lost Ark where the guy does all the fancy sword stuff then Indy just shoots him :D