View Full Version : CONDOMS ??

11-09-2008, 09:59 AM
Fuck me the missus has gone off the pill for some woman problem and im back on/in the connies for the first time in a long time.

The amount of different types is mind blowing

Thick ones ,thin ones, ribbed, studded, and even gurth is cated for now holy shit how things have changed since i was younger (Fuck i sound like some old fucker now dont i)And one size fits all and you got something that felt like a rubber tube for your tonk protection.

So any way im thinking i need something for maximum feel so im reaching for the "ansell super thins" thinking that this is the best thing ill get to flesh on flesh.

How wrong i was its absolutly disgraceful not to be able to have the feeling your used to maybe ive been spoilt over the years now im paying for it.[xx(]

So my question is this to all the young bucks that like to fuck out there what is your favorite dom and why?????:D

11-09-2008, 10:17 AM
Pull Out!

11-09-2008, 10:20 AM
my missus had a special thing put in her that stops her from getting knocked up for 4 years!!!!

i dont know what it does exactly but it works

scotty mac
11-09-2008, 10:32 AM
its a implant in there arm i think. my ex mife had one in for about six months. it was all good no period but the farkin mood swings were unbearable, worse that normal.
quote:Originally posted by Weaselman

my missus had a special thing put in her that stops her from getting knocked up for 4 years!!!!

i dont know what it does exactly but it works

11-09-2008, 10:47 AM
quote:Originally posted by Weaselman

my missus had a special thing put in her that stops her from getting knocked up for 4 years!!!!

i dont know what it does exactly but it works

never heard of it but it sounds good...we need more info on this

as far as doms go, man they're all shit and they're always breakin...sureley theres a better way

11-09-2008, 10:57 AM
Nah my missus has the bar implant n its awesome hey! She still gets her rags every now n then but no mood swings, it did make her tits bigger tho! HOORAH! I still wear a rubber but, coz Im only 20 n thers no way Im riskin havin kids anytime soon! It sux a bit, but I think its worth the peace of mind...

11-09-2008, 11:02 AM
There is also an injection that they can get I think it last 3 months or maybe even 12, but both the implant and the injection can affect your chances when you actually do want to have kids.

Yeah agreed slick all Domies are shite!

Or you could look at it from another angle!? Greek?

11-09-2008, 11:11 AM
Don't let her get the implant mate, some chicks are okay with it but some have shit side effects like putting on weight and low sex drive my missus had it and never wanted a root which kinda defeats the purpose yeah?

11-09-2008, 11:46 AM
yeah i agree.. just take a trip down the Hershey Highway ! ! that way no probs with any un wanted fines coming back to bite you in the pocket

11-09-2008, 01:17 PM
HAHAHA theres a far bit of opinion going here but the one thing that is coming out of it is that its not just me doms are crap.

And its only short term so ill be back to flesh on flesh soon.[^]

And already have two kids so no more for me.

HERSHY HWY fuck me you know what they say about blokes wanting to fuck there missus in the arse[:0]

11-09-2008, 01:26 PM
Damo I don't know what they say. Why don't you go and splurge a bit and buy you and the Mrs a pack of those vibrating Ansell's. You do know when using rubbers you're still meant to use lube right? Doesn't matter how long you've been down drinking the nectar of the Gods or how wet she is, the Rubber dry up the natural lubrication. That's why a bottle of motion lotion or similar will see you in good stead. It will also stop your frangers from busting and letting houdini out of the bag.

Oh and try putting some lube inside the rubber too to recreate the natural feel. It's still not the same but its not as bad as a Jiffy bag without it.

Just a couple of tips mate the only other option is finding a mob that bulk bill the snip...

11-09-2008, 02:50 PM
Oh yeah... Im getting a good re-introduction too... New Girlfriend and she isnt on anything so its back to the rubbers.

Best part was she brought some over first night we got down to it and they wouldnt fit HAHAHAHAH!! Im no fucken horse... but normal sized ones just would not go on... so we made do with "alternative activities" and she scored some magnums.... pretty fucken good ego booster for me LOL...

But on topic....yes they suck a fat one... the difference is stark... its not that you dont feel enough with them on... its still pretty intense... but its a different feeling and I hate having to get off and get out quickly afterwards before shrinkage leads to leakage.... and shes paranoid about it.

Condoms = teh suck...

But better than not fucking at all I guess...

11-09-2008, 03:20 PM
fuk the lube, just vasaline it up.. $3(<<or watever it is) goes a long way..
and yes, frangers are NO good...

oh yeh.. and dont ever use the ribbed ones without lube...
sorta locks you in

11-09-2008, 03:32 PM
If in doubt stick in her Crout!

11-09-2008, 03:52 PM
Best contraceptive ever...........Wedding cake :(

11-09-2008, 04:02 PM
just pull out, and make a thickshake with it ! will be a lil salty at first, but once you get use to it, its alrite [:p]

11-09-2008, 05:42 PM
Pull Out
1. You feel like a pornstar
2. They don't quite look so dignified covered in cock snot, and
3. Less chance of pregnancy, also
4. No need for them to get up and huck their box out, simply wipe off the said man glue

11-09-2008, 06:17 PM
I got the snip last year, don't have tarp up or pull out. Even had some sperm frozen incase we want more kids later.

Pommy Chopper
11-09-2008, 06:25 PM
quote:Originally posted by sharky

Best contraceptive ever...........Wedding cake :(

Wot he said!!![}:)]

11-09-2008, 06:55 PM
quote:Originally posted by scotty mac

its a implant in there arm i think. my ex mife had one in for about six months. it was all good no period but the farkin mood swings were unbearable, worse that normal.
quote:Originally posted by Weaselman

my missus had a special thing put in her that stops her from getting knocked up for 4 years!!!!

i dont know what it does exactly but it works

Its actually in my uterus :) and its actually 5 years... slow release hormones... called a Mirena, i seriously recommend it to all women... Ive had no side effects from the second one ive had put in, and i dont recommend the arm one, called implanon, because they can and do fail... trust me i work with the consequences...

Also just for the record, when it comes to birth control *I* believe its totally up to the woman. Its her body, how can it be a mans responsibility!

AND! I absolutely hate condoms.

11-09-2008, 07:16 PM
quote:Originally posted by Pommy Chopper

quote:Originally posted by sharky

Best contraceptive ever...........Wedding cake :(

Wot he said!!![}:)]

You say you dont want more kids get snipped mate, it only hurts a little (yeah right) and you never have to worry about it again. I had it done over 10 years ago I cant imagine using frangas for ten years. I had a freind get done a few years ago anyway after you get done you still have about 20 or so shots left in you, poor bugger got his wife pregnant with one of the spares, loves the kid heaps though so all is cool.

Z Power
11-09-2008, 07:24 PM
buy some rubbers ribbed for her pleasure and turn it in side out

Jockney Rebel
11-09-2008, 08:00 PM
quote:Originally posted by Pommy Chopper

quote:Originally posted by sharky

Best contraceptive ever...........Wedding cake :(

Wot he said!!![}:)]
..or have kids
..my missus was all over me till we had mini me.... now its'' shake hands with the unemployed ''time still ...shes getting sorte4d by some woman quack now "who understands " they reckion the contraceptive injection she had after the baby fucked her libido,so what our doc do / stuck her on anti depressants which fucked it more and turned her into a zombie ....apparently the effects last for up to 18months after ..so my advice is ...
get the snip ,chocolate tunnel time or tit wanks ..lol

11-09-2008, 08:15 PM
You can re-use condoms as well! Just hold the end and shake the "fuck" out of it. Those of you worried about the pull out method, punch yourself real hard in the face if you feel your self getting over aroused. The shock gives you a few more minutes, for a twist get her to punch you in the face.........http://www.cinestatic.com/infinitethought/uploaded_images/sex1-798681.jpg

11-09-2008, 10:31 PM
quote:Originally posted by Iceman

I got the snip last year, don't have tarp up or pull out. Even had some sperm frozen incase we want more kids later.

I've asked the doc about the snip too. How was it and how much did it cost?

11-09-2008, 10:53 PM
quote:Originally posted by ashcook

quote:Originally posted by Iceman

I got the snip last year, don't have tarp up or pull out. Even had some sperm frozen incase we want more kids later.

I've asked the doc about the snip too. How was it and how much did it cost?

In Sydney at the clinic where i work, it costs around $300 - $400 with a medicare rebate of about 50 - 60%

11-09-2008, 10:59 PM
Docs in the middle of Townsville Bulk Bill the whole thing.

Worth the ride up just to drink Clive's free beers and Rumbos while recovering...

11-09-2008, 11:56 PM
definition of macho.

Jogging home from you're vascectomy

been rootin since I was 15, only used frangers for the first 2 times with my current missus, 2nd one broke. thought fuck it. on the pill havn't looked back..

oh she's pregnant now.... but she went off for a bit after 6 years. and I'm the type who tries to make something come out her nose, rather than pull out so that explains that one.

How the fuck do people afford to buy frangers for years on end? whats a fuck without the feel. (The good feel, not the rash you might get from our local girls.)

12-09-2008, 12:01 AM
I have a mate who after being told to wear tight underwear or bike pants and relax for a few days with an icepack on his cods

following his vasectomy immediately proceeded to go home ride his mrs, spend the after noon mowing the lawn freeballing

followed by another 3 rounds of riding the mrs. He knocked her up that afternoon.

He likes pain too though. Weirdo.

12-09-2008, 11:55 AM
my missus went off pill and is using a diaphram its been working for over a year. only problem is if she hasnt got it in when your in the mood she gotta stop and put it in but it a small price
to pay to not use rubbers and not get her knocked up

Pommy Chopper
12-09-2008, 01:20 PM
Absafuckinlutely no way will i ever let some cunt near the twins with a blade!!!
That....is the law!!!

Cheers all

12-09-2008, 01:41 PM
quote:Originally posted by Jockney Rebel

quote:Originally posted by Pommy Chopper

quote:Originally posted by sharky

Best contraceptive ever...........Wedding cake :(

Wot he said!!![}:)]
..or have kids
..my missus was all over me till we had mini me.... now its'' shake hands with the unemployed ''time still ...shes getting sorte4d by some woman quack now "who understands " they reckion the contraceptive injection she had after the baby fucked her libido,so what our doc do / stuck her on anti depressants which fucked it more and turned her into a zombie ....apparently the effects last for up to 18months after ..so my advice is ...
get the snip ,chocolate tunnel time or tit wanks ..lol

Ive already got two and it aint stopping the rooting just need a quick fix for the time being.

12-09-2008, 02:18 PM
HEY HEY HEY SETTLE DOWN THERE BOYS...ONE (this is RED ZX's gf here :P) pulling out when your girl's not on the pill/bar/IUD etc there is a 99.9% chance that she will get pregnant if it's the right time of month, and by the sounds of it, you're all excruciatingly male-minded about sex (duh), and if you're worried about diseases, big no no!!! (i'm angry) mainly because there is live sperm in your natural lube anyway, not just the finale; TWO many girls who go on any form of hormonal contraception i.e. pills, bars, injections, patches, HRT etc can experience worsened periods/cramping, acne, weight gain, decreased libido, heavier bleeding, bleeding between periods and many more nasties![xx(] The only way to stop getting pregnant 100% without using contraception is get her body fat percentage below 14%, the female body stops creating the right conditions for pregnancy beyond this point, as the body uses body fat to buffer for pregnancy and use for fuel during taxing times such as periods and pregnancy. Once at or below 14% (depending on overall build of the girl) her body will start to produce more testosterone and less estrogen/progestoren as it starts to think it's a MAN, and also stops ovulating and menstruation!!! well, there is another way...no sex, but that's not really anyone's cup of tea (i'll say)... you really can't win.
DEAL WITH WEARING A CONDOM!!! or take her to the doctor to find the right form of contraceptive for her, hey she'll think you care more.

on a lighter note:
Good ones are Four Seasons Naked if you must know.

12-09-2008, 03:40 PM
I guarantee u ms Red ZX's GF thats not fool proof! I friend of my mrs who has an eating disorder & is DEFINATELY below 14% body fat got knocked up by her boy friend about 2 months ago! She was almost positive she couldnt get preggaz so she didnt worry bout it n them BAM!

12-09-2008, 05:43 PM
My vasectomy was free! From memory it was 3 or 4 days before I was game enough to get a shot off.

12-09-2008, 06:14 PM
I remeber asking the doc after my vasectomy if it was a volume metric thing, as he had said you still had up to 18 good shots left in you after the knife, my intention was to shag like a madman with frangas for a few days and get them out of me system, he just sneared at me and said "make it two weeks and at least 18 times, its a healing process too".

12-09-2008, 07:32 PM
Dude, ive gone the snip!!
Let me tell you

BEST 1 hr sleep i ever had (general anastetic (sp?) and a free shave
most amount of blowies / hand / tit jobs ever afterwards (cause the Doc said so)
most amount of sympathy (cause i tried to soak it up)


no excuses, no reasons just hop on and go!

YES it hurt for a day, yes i read the stories, yes ive heard all the bullshit about not being a "whole" man.
fuckem all, BEST THING I EVER DID.
you get the picture.

OH and by the way ive got three great kids already.

12-09-2008, 08:08 PM
[quote]HEY HEY HEY SETTLE DOWN THERE BOYS...ONE (this is RED ZX's gf here :P) pulling out when your girl's not on the pill/bar/IUD etc there is a 99.9% chance that she will get pregnant if it's the right time of month, and by the sounds of it, you're all excruciatingly male-minded about sex (duh), and if you're worried about diseases, big no no!!! (i'm angry) mainly because there is live sperm in your natural lube anyway, not just the finale; TWO many girls who go on any form of hormonal contraception i.e. pills, bars, injections, patches, HRT etc can experience worsened periods/cramping, acne, weight gain, decreased libido, heavier bleeding, bleeding between periods and many more nasties! The only way to stop getting pregnant 100% without using contraception is get her body fat percentage below 14%, the female body stops creating the right conditions for pregnancy beyond this point, as the body uses body fat to buffer for pregnancy and use for fuel during taxing times such as periods and pregnancy. Once at or below 14% (depending on overall build of the girl) her body will start to produce more testosterone and less estrogen/progestoren as it starts to think it's a MAN, and also stops ovulating and menstruation!!! well, there is another way...no sex, but that's not really anyone's cup of tea (i'll say)... you really can't win.
DEAL WITH WEARING A CONDOM!!! or take her to the doctor to find the right form of contraceptive for her, hey she'll think you care more.

on a lighter note:
Good ones are Four Seasons Naked if you must know.[quote]

Um using ones body weight as an indicator of fertility is in no way fool proof or proof of anything else........... I dont want to be rude just to say that maybe its not a very wise thing to be puttting up advice to guys who essentially are asking an important question, even if the conversation has deviated somehwat........ when the advice your giving is like saying you cant get pregant cause this is the first time you have had sex.....lol. In other words ridiculous. Im sorry again dont mean to be rude, but your seriously wrong. And putting that kind of infromation out there with a HUNDERED PERCENT guarantee next to it, is just well...silly.

12-09-2008, 08:55 PM
Why or how could you screw a chic with higher than 14% body fat anyway? Unless you were pissed and it was part of a bet or a dare. Anyway back to my earlier advice.

12-09-2008, 10:19 PM
Puppet just for the record the average female healthy weight bodyfat percentage is actually 17 - 22 %

And I don't mean the average now as Oz is the most obese country in the world per capita @ 26% obesity.

I mean thats the healthy percentage when their trim and healthy.

13-09-2008, 12:25 AM
quote:Originally posted by RED ZX


*sighs* youre one of those ones...

on a spelling note it should be *too not two...
Im one of those girls with contraception aside from a condom, and i also work at a clinic where we provide all sorts of contraception, including the more drastic ends such as a Vas. Ive had no side affects from my Mirena, and all my periods, if i get them are so light i dont notice. If you could show me where you got your information on contraceptions and side affects i would be interested in reading it.

Again, I reckon it should be the girls who must DEAL WITH HIM NOT WEARING A COMDOM... dont wanna get pregnant, look after yourself... and if you do get pregnant its not his responsibility, you deal with the baby or you have a termination. Our bodies don't belong to anyone else so why should we expect someone else to safeguard us? Its selfish and its not 1900.

13-09-2008, 02:19 AM
quote:Originally posted by Merlyn

on a spelling note it should be *too not two...

Merlyn: She was giving the number two (2) as her second point, notice it is in bold, same as "ONE" at the start of the paragraph.

The information about side effects comes from our collective research, as well as first hand experiences from friends and relatives.

Brodie: I agree she should not have said about the body fat %, I have never heard that myself, and I would not trust it one tiny bit, let alone say it is 100% safe.

And to puppet:
One day your taste in women might mature, instead of liking things that you cannot pick its gender from a distance of more than 10m.

13-09-2008, 12:26 PM
quote:Originally posted by puppet

Why or how could you screw a chic with higher than 14% body fat anyway? Unless you were pissed and it was part of a bet or a dare. Anyway back to my earlier advice.

You do know that female physiology is different to a dudes right?

14% BF does not make a fat chick.

13-09-2008, 12:54 PM
Holy fuck this has got interesting.[:p]

All i wanted to know about was the best dom for max feeling and its turned into facts and figures from those in the know.:D

Not agreeing with all of it but its interesting to see other peoples side/spin on things.[^]

13-09-2008, 03:56 PM
quote:Originally posted by Merlyn

quote:Originally posted by RED ZX


*sighs* youre one of those ones...

on a spelling note it should be *too not two...
Im one of those girls with contraception aside from a condom, and i also work at a clinic where we provide all sorts of contraception, including the more drastic ends such as a Vas. Ive had no side affects from my Mirena, and all my periods, if i get them are so light i dont notice. If you could show me where you got your information on contraceptions and side affects i would be interested in reading it.

Again, I reckon it should be the girls who must DEAL WITH HIM NOT WEARING A CONDOM... dont wanna get pregnant, look after yourself... and if you do get pregnant its not his responsibility, you deal with the baby or you have a termination. Our bodies don't belong to anyone else so why should we expect someone else to safeguard us? Its selfish and its not 1900.

I'd go as far as to suggest the information supplied here in terms of the side effects of the pill were from the brochure in the pack. Basic warning which is generic and given to everyone.

In terms of your reply stating it's your responsibility to safeguard yourself? This is true. However, I would contend that any bloke who creates the beast with two backs with a woman without protection and whinges when she gets knocked up is an idiot and deserves to pay for that child. Simply put if you can't take the time out to tarp your load you deserve the end result. There is no excuse for laziness in this day and age when condoms are available FREE to everyone of us male or female regardless. Nope I believe it's up to both parties to make the effort to cover themselves, and if neither can be bothered then both should wear the consequences.

Still this is way off the original topic. Damo how'd you go finding some frangers which do the job? Did you manage to come up with something worth noting or mentioning?

13-09-2008, 07:29 PM
quote:Originally posted by damo1

Holy fuck this has got interesting.[:p]

All i wanted to know about was the best dom for max feeling and its turned into facts and figures from those in the know.:D

Not agreeing with all of it but its interesting to see other peoples side/spin on things.[^]

I was thinking the same thing, Damo.

I've used some (I think made by ansell) that are larger around the head (like flares for your knob), so the condom moves around the tip, giving a better feeling of movement. On the packs, some of them have diagrams of what it looks like (again, like a pair of jeans).

And don't forget, sex with a condom is better than no sex without one.

14-09-2008, 08:02 AM
quote:Originally posted by hooligan

quote:Originally posted by damo1

Holy fuck this has got interesting.[:p]

All i wanted to know about was the best dom for max feeling and its turned into facts and figures from those in the know.:D

Not agreeing with all of it but its interesting to see other peoples side/spin on things.[^]

And don't forget, sex with a condom is better than no sex without one.

How true this is ;)

14-09-2008, 09:43 PM
The body fat issue comes from the medical side of thigs. Once a woman gets down to a certain percentage, an average of 14-13% and below they're bodies start to shut down, reproductive organs may go dormant so the body can focus on more vital organs etc. Its by no means a contraceptive option though, they are dying.

The average, healthy, fit woman is around 20% body fat.

I've been using condoms most of the time lately, we've got a 1 yr old and we don't want another just yet.

You're right Hooli, Ansell make a flared rubber and they are getting thinner all the time. Tey're not like they were 15 years ago when they were like an bicycle inner tube.

14-09-2008, 09:54 PM
quote:Originally posted by Phill

Dude, ive gone the snip!!
Let me tell you

BEST 1 hr sleep i ever had (general anastetic (sp?) and a free shave
most amount of blowies / hand / tit jobs ever afterwards (cause the Doc said so)
most amount of sympathy (cause i tried to soak it up)


no excuses, no reasons just hop on and go!

YES it hurt for a day, yes i read the stories, yes ive heard all the bullshit about not being a "whole" man.
fuckem all, BEST THING I EVER DID.
you get the picture.

OH and by the way ive got three great kids already.

Thanks Dr Phill, thats the best info about the snip I've got so far

14-09-2008, 09:55 PM
fuck, now I'm getting in trouble for talking about getting the snip. she doesn't like that idea.

now my pants have been stolen

10-10-2008, 09:15 PM
What would Jesus do?

10-10-2008, 09:25 PM
The clever cunt walked on water and drowned the jews when he parted the sea, clever cunt J.C.
He'd probably nail his cock to a tree or somthing very clever.

10-10-2008, 10:25 PM
Oldskool JC didn't part the Red Sea that was Moses. And he drowned the Egyptians not the Jews.

But you were close.

10-10-2008, 10:34 PM
The Jews came from Egypt and J.C. would have parted the red sea if Moses wasent such a show off and did it first [^]

10-10-2008, 10:54 PM
quote:Originally posted by ashcook

fuck, now I'm getting in trouble for talking about getting the snip. she doesn't like that idea.

now my pants have been stolen
LOL, stolen pants http://images.teamsugar.com/modules/smileys/examples/lol.png

10-10-2008, 11:17 PM
Close enough for me mate. I'll give you a passing mark just cause I'm tired and need sleep.

11-10-2008, 02:19 AM
Somebody walked on water? big fucken deal..