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View Full Version : "Nobody's Fool Run" Details!

Billy Bob
31-08-2008, 05:01 PM
Our meeting today went well so thanks for all who showed and even for those who had to depart early. We seem to have figured out our route. Forget all previous plans.(Sorry Jim) For the Sydney riders: we will meet on Friday at Phesants nest Mobile service station at 6am to look at leaving by 7am. We will then ride to Captain Cook memorial at Lake Burley Griffin to meet up with the Canberra riders ETA 10am looking to leave at 11.30am. We will then travel down the Monaro Highway to Cooma, where we will be staying for the weekend (Friday and Saturday night). On Saturday we will let the fun begin with a trip to Jindabyne via the Alpine Way to Tom Groggin(Ha Ha) and then onto Khancoban then to Kiandra and from there back to Cooma. We will then depart Sunday for an easy ride the same route taken on the way down. Hopefully this way we will all be awake and focused for the fun windy road- the Alpine Way.
If you have any problems with this then you should have turned up today you lazy fu#@s. :D

Jockney Rebel
31-08-2008, 05:32 PM
ok then so Cooma is where we re stayin for the weekend?..and remember what i told ya about bredbo very slow thru there ohterwise half of us will be walking ..lol

31-08-2008, 05:40 PM
eehehehe tom groggin

31-08-2008, 05:57 PM
Good work fellas.
Some of us Mexicans who are going appreciate the hard work your doin :D

31-08-2008, 06:35 PM
ok so where in cooma are we stayin then

31-08-2008, 06:56 PM

Any one want to buy 25 t-shirts with the wrong town on it?

31-08-2008, 07:02 PM
maybe you could take them to the pub and hock them off

31-08-2008, 07:17 PM
quote:Originally posted by rod185651

Any one want to buy 25 t-shirts with the wrong town on it?

That will teach you to leave early...

Billy Bob
31-08-2008, 07:27 PM
you have'nt got them made up have you? Thats what this trip was all about today, the organization of the trip as well as the shirts and patches. what we all decided was to use the same picture but have a different slogan something like "Doin it the Alpine Way"? with the aussie streetfighters web address under it like the shirts we have now and to do the patches the same way. As for the accomadation we are lookin into that hopefully we will have something organized soon. Everybody had ample time to come on this ride and throw your 2 cents worth in, as every body knows it's just to hard to organize over the site. Rod we were thinking of you today and our condolences go out to you and the family.

31-08-2008, 07:30 PM
All Good, as long as Weasel hasn't convinced you lot that sleeping on the side of the road is a good option for accomodation.

31-08-2008, 07:49 PM
quote:Originally posted by BANDITROD

ok so where in cooma are we stayin then

thats my job. does anyone know any good bike friendly places? we figured lots of bike groups would be through there so someone must know someone who has stayed at a decent place. i'll have a look tonight/tomorrow and get back to you all. we are still planning to have accomodation sorted by the 8th (or was it 12th?)

any suggestions welcomed. will have to work out payment. will definitely need a deposit by the date above. i don't have a proper credit card though so we'll have to either put it all in an account or someone else use their CC. in which case everyone HAS TO PAY THE DEPOSIT if they have put their name on the list.

Billy Bob
31-08-2008, 08:26 PM
Pete you have email!

31-08-2008, 09:36 PM

ok fellas a few leads on accomodation, will post up options when i get replies.

31-08-2008, 10:22 PM
Did I miss somthin, what happend to the lake at khancoban nsw???

Jockney Rebel
31-08-2008, 11:12 PM
ok ididnt reload the page before posting this so ..im in your hands ..
btw i didnt trun up because as i said before [last week]im on call this week and cant leave the coast just incase anyone thot i couldnt be bothered
...and ill cancel our pre booked rooms ... pete youll have my dough next week mate ...

01-09-2008, 07:15 AM
quote:Originally posted by oldskool

Did I miss somthin, what happend to the lake at khancoban nsw???

Jim missed the meeting due to work commitments and I had to leave before the planning meeting commenced and our involvement has changed to being participants only. ;)
To make things less confusing and easier to organise, those wishing to be put on the list should now contact Pete (PT).

01-09-2008, 12:34 PM
Err, am I farkin' blind or what?!? I saw the timings for the first day, but no exact date and no costs for accomodation?

01-09-2008, 12:40 PM
14-15-16 of November, Pt is onto accom options

01-09-2008, 12:59 PM
Sounds Good to me [:p]

01-09-2008, 04:20 PM
quote:Originally posted by qickdraw

Err, am I farkin' blind or what?!? I saw the timings for the first day, but no exact date and no costs for accomodation?

exact dates are up.

14th and 15th of november. leave friday morning, ride back sunday.
accomodation is in the works.


^^this place looks promising, but they reckon theres another group looking to book the same weekend and can only hold one.$25 a night is the price they gave me. chasing up a camping ground also but haven't heard back. will need either all the money in my account, or someone with a credit card to make the deposit.

details (including bank details emailed to those concerned) will be posted once the place is finalised.

01-09-2008, 05:44 PM
Hey jim ol son can you use your CC to book and we'll pay you back like the kincohban plan.

And for all those not in the know the staging area was changed from khancobain (or whatever the fuck the spelling) to cooma because cooma is a more centralized location and reduces the traveling time on the way down and back leaving all you people fresh for a solid day of flat out stupidity.

01-09-2008, 06:25 PM
You'se cunts are alright

Jockney Rebel
01-09-2008, 07:06 PM
quote:Originally posted by pt

quote:Originally posted by qickdraw

Err, am I farkin' blind or what?!? I saw the timings for the first day, but no exact date and no costs for accomodation?

exact dates are up.

14th and 15th of november. leave friday morning, ride back sunday.
accomodation is in the works.


^^this place looks promising, but they reckon theres another group looking to book the same weekend and can only hold one.$25 a night is the price they gave me. chasing up a camping ground also but haven't heard back. will need either all the money in my account, or someone with a credit card to make the deposit.

details (including bank details emailed to those concerned) will be posted once the place is finalised.
..erm that aint one of the the quotes i went for isit ? cos before i knew you were doing it ,i kinda got stuck into finding a place btw..did you get the e mail i sent you pete?
my cards maxed but i was gonna use my debit visa anyway ..for the deposit and sort the rest out later in one lump

01-09-2008, 08:20 PM
i dunno jim? i havent got an email from ya yet...

i sent them an email yesterday and got the reply today. deposit shouldn't be too bad since it'll only be $25 a night for around 25 people. will post up the quote from the other place when i get it.


alright, just got another quote from the alpine hotel. $25 a head per night.
Lock up garage which the bloke reckons he can fit 30 bikes in.
Rooms will be the old residence which has 18 beds plus a few other rooms to make up the difference. the seperate room for kato and stelf is included in that at the same price.

they may book up though as there are heaps of bikes the week before apparently. no deposit required, but definite numbers needed.

let me know what you think. i'm leaning towards the alpine, but i want to hear what everyone thinks.

01-09-2008, 08:33 PM
i say whatever you can get and book firm

if the alpine places says that they can handle us then its a go

Jockney Rebel
01-09-2008, 09:52 PM
ill have that too pete

01-09-2008, 11:21 PM
So what happend to kincohban?
If I ride too far north Ill get shot at by cowboys and my poncho will shawly get wrecked .

02-09-2008, 07:35 AM
quote:Originally posted by pt

let me know what you think. i'm leaning towards the alpine, but i want to hear what everyone thinks.

Is there a pub close by? As in stumbling distance close? Im down for whatever hey Pete! Just work ur magic mate! ;)

02-09-2008, 08:04 AM
The PCRA 1 Hour will be on that weekend at Wakefield if anyone wants to call in on the way home.


02-09-2008, 07:35 PM
quote:Originally posted by Fight_fan

quote:Originally posted by pt

let me know what you think. i'm leaning towards the alpine, but i want to hear what everyone thinks.

Is there a pub close by? As in stumbling distance close? Im down for whatever hey Pete! Just work ur magic mate! ;)

it is bloody pub! you just have to make sure you can get up the stairs.

Jockney Rebel
02-09-2008, 10:09 PM
lol that means we wont be going to bed real early ...as long as theyve got decent scotch im happy..nice one pete

03-09-2008, 05:54 PM
alright well i think i'm going to ring up and confirm the people i have on my list. then i will do one final addition of people on the 8th as planned earlier. anyone after that will need to ring up themselves and organise. will post the people i have on the list in the LIST thread

Jockney Rebel
03-09-2008, 09:15 PM
how do i get yer bank details pete sos i can pay you ?

05-09-2008, 11:16 PM
ok i have booked for 18 on friday and 22 on saturday as the melb people are only coming saturday. no payment required, but there are 18 spots booked and if 18 aren't there it'll look a bit funny. the alpine hotel cooma is the place.

06-09-2008, 08:18 AM

im buying ya a beer

06-09-2008, 08:54 AM
Thats fuckin ace Pete! I think u'l be gettin pissed for free @ Cooma mate! Thanx for doin that!

Jockney Rebel
06-09-2008, 05:22 PM
good onya pete yer a star ..[btw i cant envisage anyone doin a runner owin you money tho ]lol

08-09-2008, 05:41 PM
quote:Originally posted by pt

ok i have booked for 18 on friday and 22 on saturday as the melb people are only coming saturday. no payment required, but there are 18 spots booked and if 18 aren't there it'll look a bit funny. the alpine hotel cooma is the place.
Stelf and i will be there Friday mate.
We'l be there for two nights.
Is this going to be ok??

08-09-2008, 05:53 PM
Sweet .. Sounds good.. thanks for hooking that up

08-09-2008, 08:56 PM
quote:Originally posted by KATO ZX7

quote:Originally posted by pt

ok i have booked for 18 on friday and 22 on saturday as the melb people are only coming saturday. no payment required, but there are 18 spots booked and if 18 aren't there it'll look a bit funny. the alpine hotel cooma is the place.
Stelf and i will be there Friday mate.
We'l be there for two nights.
Is this going to be ok??

fo sho, sent you an email i think?

09-09-2008, 10:24 AM
you have mail :D

12-09-2008, 12:08 PM
Sorry for not gettig back earlier, (the shit kinda hit the fan) but managed to get on line, to see the venue has changed, but i'm in, kinda changes the route a bit, but the Cann river rd to Cooma has always been one of my top 10 runs in Oz.;)

Having said that with shit still flying in all directions and the net not exactly at my finger tips, no more. [u]I will be there</u>. And if I miss out out on a place to crash, I'll just have to make do, with what I can find.

See ya there:D

12-09-2008, 12:11 PM
you not the only one mate!

im currently broke and missing a finger but i'll be there

13-09-2008, 02:50 PM
quote:Originally posted by zrxmick

Sorry for not gettig back earlier, (the shit kinda hit the fan) but managed to get on line, to see the venue has changed, but i'm in, kinda changes the route a bit, but the Cann river rd to Cooma has always been one of my top 10 runs in Oz.;)

Having said that with shit still flying in all directions and the net not exactly at my finger tips, no more. [u]I will be there</u>. And if I miss out out on a place to crash, I'll just have to make do, with what I can find.

See ya there:D

alright i'll be generous and see if we can squeeze another bed in on monday. i'll send you and email and let you know. 25 dollars a night. hopefully shouldn't be a problem. any other inners speak now or forever hold your peace.

14-09-2008, 07:15 PM
yeah pete,if theres any space left il be in to,sorry for the late call but i was watin on the ok from work.thanx mate

14-09-2008, 07:32 PM
I'll have a +1 too mate [:I]

02-11-2008, 01:53 PM
Any Spots left??

09-11-2008, 08:32 PM
ok proposing a later meet time of 7am at pheasants nest southbound servo (mobil) leave by 8 am. then onto canberra where we will stop at the big sprayer before the bridge (everyone knows the thig im talking about?). then through to cooma. will send an email round sos the full itinerary is not available for all to see.

greg mulligan please send me an email so i can send through emails/cofirm you are coming!

09-11-2008, 09:54 PM
quote:Originally posted by pt

ok proposing a later meet time of 7am at pheasants nest southbound servo (mobil) leave by 8 am. then onto canberra where we will stop at the big sprayer before the bridge (everyone knows the thig im talking about?). then through to cooma. will send an email round sos the full itinerary is not available for all to see.

greg mulligan please send me an email so i can send through emails/cofirm you are coming!

have just sent an email to all those who have confirmed with meet times and hoepfully all relevant info. Please email me if you didnt get it!

and gregmulligan i need an email address or phone number to give you details!!!

10-11-2008, 11:38 AM
got the email

safety vests, come on mate... [:P]

10-11-2008, 01:17 PM
Lol! Iv still got the hi-viz "TOOL" vest from MotoGp! I can bring that along if u wish! :D [^]


10-11-2008, 01:36 PM
perhaps something less ghey?

like the lead rider to have green electrical tape on the right upper arm
and the rear to have red tape

something less obvious

plus i would hate to have the shitty velcro of a safety vest ripping open while negotiating corners (something that i struggle with at the best of times!)

10-11-2008, 02:22 PM
meh i'll ride lead if you cant recognise me in a crowd there is somthing wrong with you

10-11-2008, 02:56 PM
thats what i meant when i replied to the email weasel

"um, safety vests??

i dont think that'll be necessary, we arent a bunch of middle aged accountants on identical h*rleys
im sure we can recogize who's who"

how does everyone go with fuel range?
i dont have a gauge but cruising on the freeway im good for 250km at least

10-11-2008, 03:00 PM
^^^Yeh if only cruizin i'l get 250-300k's to a tank at least, im sure there will be enough sevo's close by not to get stuck!

10-11-2008, 03:04 PM
im about 280 to 300
Benifit of a big lazy engine

But if you run out of gas between sydney and the ACT your a twat

10-11-2008, 03:30 PM
im looking for a servo round 200ks...Afer about 220 - 230 Ill be running on thin air [:p]

10-11-2008, 05:42 PM
well at least the safety vests thing is sorted. only a bloody suggestion ladies, maybe someone is visually impaired?[8D][8D]

as for fuel, same here 200 is what i work on. top up at pheasants nest then at goulbourn or summat and we'll be sweet. i will be taking a little jerry for saturday cause consumption goes through the floor when cranking. should be sweet with that.

10-11-2008, 06:16 PM
It's late notice, but i'm in. Rang the Alpine today and got a room (a single because I snore, fart and stink). Dunno if I can make the meet up at Pheasants Nest, but i'll be there Fri night regardless.
I wanted in on this since I first read about it, but work is a bit up and down so it's hard to say what's what until closer to the date.
Looking forward to it!!


10-11-2008, 06:38 PM
see you there mate
thanks for booking on your own too. Any more adjustments and poor ol PT's head would explode.

We all owe him drinks lads

10-11-2008, 08:43 PM
quote:Originally posted by Fight_fan

Lol! Iv still got the hi-viz "TOOL" vest from MotoGp! I can bring that along if u wish! :D [^]


If you don't get done for speeding you'll fucking get done for wearing that Lance!!! Fo' Shizzle.

10-11-2008, 08:48 PM
I'm looking at 280-300km cruising 200ish if I'm running full noise.

I'll be easy to recognise, I'll probably be the only fucker on a Red bike...I'll lead out of Canberra if youse would like, run youse past a servo on the way out too-everyone happy with Caltex?? I only like to use Vortex

don't really want to lead on the highway though

11-11-2008, 06:18 AM
quote:Originally posted by Lucas

[quote]Originally posted by Fight_fan

Lol! Iv still got the hi-viz "TOOL" vest from MotoGp! I can bring that along if u wish! :D [^]

If you don't get done for speeding you'll fucking get done for wearing that Lance!!! Fo' Shizzle.

Lol! Yeh alcohol makes us do awesome stuff hey! :D

11-11-2008, 10:48 AM
quote:Originally posted by Lucas

don't really want to lead on the highway though


11-11-2008, 10:52 AM

11-11-2008, 01:10 PM
Oh, Attention Deficit Disorder?!? I get jokes[B)]

No fear there Dan, its only ADD if you take dex to slow it down, I'd rather speed it up;)

I just don't want to lead cause I don't wanna be the first bike the coppers see.

11-11-2008, 06:24 PM
its the last one they catch

11-11-2008, 08:04 PM
quote:Originally posted by Weaselman

its the last one they catch

hopefully they wont be catching anyone!

booking has been finalised.

11-11-2008, 08:04 PM
fuk.. hate to say this but just checked the wheather and it aint looking to good at this stage.. hopefully it will work out ok

11-11-2008, 08:45 PM
meh canberra and cooma aint looking to bad...

12-11-2008, 08:40 AM
Possible late storm on friday and clearing showers on Saturday in Canberra.

12-11-2008, 11:33 AM
Hope everyone has their wet weathers jst in case! I went out n bought a set after gettin drenched on the way back from Gp! Never again I hope!

12-11-2008, 05:52 PM
rain pants and a dryazabone baby!

12-11-2008, 06:05 PM
Good luck with the ride, fellas. Hope you all have a safe and phat time. :D

12-11-2008, 09:09 PM
Yeah, and take lots and lots o' pics!!!
Have fun for us what can't come!

13-11-2008, 06:20 AM

13-11-2008, 06:52 AM
Fuk yeah [:p]

13-11-2008, 07:24 AM
missus is getting me some fresh (i.e. without a big hole in the crotch like my old ones)
rain pants in her lunch break

still fitting my speedo tonight then might even treat the ol' girl with a wash, but i'll def be seeing y'all at 7am ;)

13-11-2008, 07:32 AM
wait a minute...

is this the right "pheasants nest"?

13-11-2008, 07:51 AM
Thats about where it is Fimp, its a Mobile Servo, its the first one you come to once you get on the Hume and leave Sydney.

13-11-2008, 08:03 AM
fuck, thats 3 hours from my place :S

factored in 2 hours
oh well, i hear sleeps over-rated anyways LOL

13-11-2008, 08:19 AM
Mate bt 10pm tomorrow night I'm sure there'll be be more than enough sleep inducing toxins running through your system (Lance is planning on spiking ya and making sweet love to you in your sleep) :)

13-11-2008, 09:59 AM

i guess i'll find out why they call him "lance" eh?

13-11-2008, 10:05 AM
quote:Originally posted by Lucas

Mate bt 10pm tomorrow night I'm sure there'll be be more than enough sleep inducing toxins running through your system (Lance is planning on spiking ya and making sweet love to you in your sleep) :)

Hey it worked on u didnt it Lacas? U dont remember anythin after that long neck draught in Stanwell do ya?
Dont worry Fimpy, I dont leave bruises where others can see em! ;)

13-11-2008, 10:26 AM
So is this Mobil servo actually in pheasants nest or is it on the Hume Highway before you turn off?

13-11-2008, 10:47 AM
The servo is on the Highway.

Lancey, you were sleeping well before I was;)

13-11-2008, 11:10 AM
Yeah dave its on the hwy... cant miss it

13-11-2008, 11:22 AM
Champion - see you there

13-11-2008, 11:36 AM
quote:Originally posted by Lucas

Lancey, you were sleeping well before I was;)

What r u tryin to say mate? Was it I that was spiked & violated? [xx(]

13-11-2008, 01:06 PM
coulda been :)

13-11-2008, 03:03 PM


13-11-2008, 05:26 PM
See you fuckers tomorrow :D:D:D

I mean that in the nicest way possible ;)

13-11-2008, 07:39 PM
I couldn't get time off work to come down to Cooma, but I will be having an extended Morno's see you at the memorial at 10.


13-11-2008, 08:03 PM

Paul, Fightfan, Ryder and myself will be there shortly after 10ish providing FF gets up from Ulladulla on time.

13-11-2008, 08:10 PM
meh if hes lagging a tad we'll wait

Billy Bob
13-11-2008, 08:40 PM
Have a good ride boys and girls i will be thinking of ya's when im on the roof sweating my arse off.

14-11-2008, 12:13 AM
ok, im happy with the bike now :)

shall get some "zzzz"'s then see you blokes down at the pheasants thingo at 7!