View Full Version : The Soap Box

10-10-2007, 08:24 PM
*Cue sounds of dragging and swearing*

Eh hem
Ladies and germs i have posted a thread to help answer a question that has plagued decent riders since god bought a harley and everything went to shit.
Some of you may know that i have a broken neck and have been laid up recently.
Today i got on my trusty steed for a motor around the block (Kind of) to see how i went.
Now in the space of 10 min's NOT EVEN A FUCKING KILOMETER i was almost taken out by 3 riders.

Now i have got nothing against learners and the like, even people on scooters... though when im driving a semi and there in front it gets annoying but fuck me... These pimped out singlet wearing slaves to the everlast gods on there fucked out tricked up every cheap ebay bolt on you can find square tired pieces of hire purchase shit keep stuffing it up for other people.

Every good rider can spot other good riders but when these people deliberatly carve you up in traffic thinking your going to race makes me sick.
As a full time slave to the leather gods riding is my one satisfaction above all else, and god knows the ribbing you get from the police on a streetfighter at times.
But i think its motorcycles renewed fad status thats killing it for the rest of us.
People busted speeding/ racing/ riding unlicenced... its out of control.
And because of that us reality riders get the shaft...

Feel free to add...


10-10-2007, 10:11 PM
Agreed, See it everyday on my 100KM commute to work and back. I put it down to the Old WRX whooshbang Jnr executive type wankers. Its now "trendy" or "hardcore" to go and buy a new R1 or Cibby. I watch them cut other riders off and accelerate hard in peak hour traffic while looking in the mirror to see if the Courier biker is chasing them, then they wonder why they smash up the arse of a bus or a car. I just stay clear of them. Let them go ahead cause there going to fuk ur commute up in someway. I dont bother racing them or what ever as it only encourges the fukker. Though I usually lose them just by splitting up traffic as there own <s>confidence</s>skill lets them down there.

10-10-2007, 10:28 PM
True to a degree, 'uhem let me be the first to cop the roth of some ppls'. The only wheels I own are me bike. I do drive the company car during working hours, on several occations I have come accross those fucking hair dryers {scoothores} 'they' of all people should be made to do mandatory defensive riding courses! they are a danger to themselves and other drivers, and riders around them not all granted, but a bloody lot of them, I on the other hand are probably one of those whom on a hot day ("Hervey bay does get quite warm")on the weekends only dont wear my leathers, I wear a t-shirt and jeans and yes I speed MOST DAYS why, well because my brain goes out to lunch when I'm on my bike and as much as I tell myself not to I still do.....I do feel, that when my adreniline is pumping I am more alert. So when I put the boot into it for some strange reason I feel more in control, (not sure whether that is my brain just telling me that, or not!!!). Am I bad? or is this behavour normal?

10-10-2007, 10:41 PM
I my short time that I have been riding in Australia I have destroyed three car door mirrors the fuckers dont use them anyway.
I cant believe how fucking blind the majority of car drivers are here I was riding beside a car level with the driver and the fucker still tried to come across the lane as if I wasn't there he recieved a thump on the side window right next to his face that woke the twat up.
Yeah I see a lot of fresh riders making plenty of fuck ups too.

10-10-2007, 10:47 PM

Doesnt fill me with confidence that you ride in shirts... If its 40 degrees i still wear a jacket.
You might be alert but that car thats just cut you off from nowhere or the patch of oil on the road aint.

And after being dragged down the road with my leg trapped under the bike in trousers i can tell you that skin grafts are no fun.
You come off at any speed no matter your skill your just rubber on a belt sander in light clothes.

Hot or not i can tell you from experence it aint worth it.

11-10-2007, 12:53 AM
after getting a spot of roadrash on my elbow i can say thank fuck for leather coz my arm would be a ground down mess still without it, even a armoured mesh/textile jacket is better than nothing (t-shirt)

Edit: dropped jacket of for repair n ASF patch sewn on shoulder (to replace munted original patch)

11-10-2007, 01:00 PM
Hmmm... I aint the biggest saint on a bike but I've been riding long enough to know there is a time and place for everything. I cut traffic yes - sometimes with a bit too much enthusiasm but I always pull the reigns in when its starting to get a bit stupid... I do give all my fellow riders a nice wide berth and more often then not the right of way just so they get out of my riding space.

My mates and I have names for the type of wanker you guys are talking about...

Bloody R1 riders... proove me wrong but 90% of them saw them on the shop floor and thought shit thats going to look nice with my girlfriend on the back wearing a mini skirt...

My apologies to any fightered R1's out there ;)

As for leathers... I wear them 90% of the time... I also wear a mesh jacket with armour for around town. But I am guilty of going bareback (always gloves, jeans, boots, no matter what tho - i like my digits.) - Yeah I know I'm a dickhead for it - I dont do it very often - but I figure its like screwing your hot cousin... I know its wrong but fuck it feels good. :D

11-10-2007, 01:25 PM
hehehehe i'll let you off there... Is your cousin good looking?:D

11-10-2007, 06:13 PM
If people ride stupid cutting through traffic, let them be. If they dont come unstuck good for them, but if they do then they'll live with the consiquences of having to practise chewing solid food again. Its kinda harsh to bash of mirrors or dent doors to cars imo. I mean its not asif they saw u and said hmmm i feel like running over a biker. Ive never cut one of, but thats mainly because when ever i see a single headlight coming from behind. I usually want to see what it is so im aware.

11-10-2007, 06:36 PM
Im just tired of being tarred with the same brush... You never noticed when some rider gets pinched doing somthing stupid the police come down on you hard?
I do and thats what my rant was about.
Lane splitting is legal in NSW as long as it under 15km/h and not 'Lane filtering' which is carving the lanes up on the run.

As i said streetfighter riders tend to get the worst of it because of our modified bikes but it the nike bikers and the people in on the fad that fuck it up for the rest of us.
And it was the incident i mentioned in my opening that re affermed that for me.

13-10-2007, 12:24 AM
Weekend Warriors.
Executive bikers.
Credit Card bikers.
Power Rangers.
Lager louts on bikes.
Wannabee road racers.

The list goes on and on and on..... can I just say I FUCKING HATE ROOKIE BIKERS AND WANNABEE BIKERS OF ALL CREEDS.

We have way too many hit and run biker on biker here in the UK now.
Or biker taking down another biker and then saying it was their fault and trying to claim off the guy hey just took down.... lying c****s !!!

Thankfully most of the above creed of bikers do`nt stay alive long or stay on bikes long over here.