View Full Version : zxr ratfighter sss

10-10-2007, 03:01 AM
well it begun, i bought a couple of triumph single sided swing arms off ebay, with the hope i could slide one into my frame, little did i know at the time, that the triumph is a cm or 2 wider than the zxr,
cue swearing,
any way i took one of them to my mate with a milling machine with strict instructions to slim it down.

then i get the call, ummm logan, yeah well umm, the wall of the swing arm is to thin and ive cut through it.

wtf! bloody triumph and their cost cutting measures,
is there a way we can reinforce it? yeah i think so,
come round and we'll see what can be done.
so off i poodle around to see him,
and with a little bit of kiwi ingenuity and some scottish skill, the swing arm was as good as i was going to get it :D

so now came the time to try and fit the bugger,
1st attempt
doesnt look too bad except i couldnt get the swing arm far enough back to get the pivot bolt through,
try as i might it just wasn't gunna happen,
then i spyed a little nob type thing on the back of the engine, i guess it was there to bolt the bottom to the top :D
time for the handy angle grinder to rescue the situation, and with a bit of grinding i was now able to slide the swing arm far enough back to get the pivot bolt through.... oh joy,
shes rubbing a little on the back of the left rear set mount, and a little on the right on the inside of the frame, so ive been giving it the what for, again with the grinder trying to slim off a few mm's to get it to move up and down with out rubbing.

and that s how she stands at the moment, a little more grinding to the inside of the frame, a couple of bearings to fit, a couple dog bones to make, a new wheel to get and a 520 sprocket and she'll be on the road :D

12-10-2007, 07:09 AM
well i pickedup the new wheel tonight, and will get tyre fitted tomorrow,
all the bearings are in place,swing arm has been touched up and painted,
just need to make up dog bones, and make a new rear set for the gear change side as it will rub the arm,
and it'll be done :D
ill post some pics this afternoon

12-10-2007, 07:27 AM
Good work hmmmnz .... love that shed .. I hope you've kept all your drawings and measurements ... I think you should just space out your rear sets ( both sides) to clear the swinger .. much easier than making a new one ..

12-10-2007, 07:40 AM
i would space them out but they curve inwards at the back so i would have to space them out about an inch, and then they would wobble all about the place,
drawings and measurements??? lol, i just used the highly technical eyeometer and a peice of string :D
and then when it didnt work i pulled out the grinder and relied on the eyeometer :D
ive still got all the dimensions of the swing arm and bearings ect, but thats it, :D

12-10-2007, 08:10 AM
Mate I think your roofs leaking! I spent 4 years in Auckland and had almost forgot how much it rains till I saw yopur pics. It'll be good see the finished product. Do bikes have to go through a WOF?

12-10-2007, 08:39 AM
i just used the highly technical eyeometer and a peice of string

BAHAHAHAHHAA ... no really , do you have a optical CNC :D;)

12-10-2007, 09:03 AM
no really, just my eye mate :D
why do it right when you can do it the hard way :D
most of the work has been done with a angle grinder :D
except for the 2 edges of the swing arm, which are perfectly flat which were done on the mill,
ill take a few more pics so you get the idea :D

12-10-2007, 09:11 AM
oh yeah im in scotland at the moment, on my o.e. hence why its raining :D no one over here has garages, its mental,
they have wof's over here but you can modify your bike as much as you want as long as it looks safe, it doesn't have to have an engineers report or anything like that, and the wof is only once a year, compared to twice a year in nz,
which is surprising considering how rusty the cars are over here, they salt the roads, so cars don't last long,
bodys are usually rusted away in less that 10 years

12-10-2007, 08:59 PM
heres some more pics with the wheel on :D
inside where i had to grind away to gain clearance :D
from the side
from the back
from the other side

right thats all for now,
ive gotta go and see if i can get some dog bones made up :D

13-10-2007, 10:12 PM
here are the dog bones i got made up to fit the triumph arm :D
had i thought about it a bit more i think i would have gone for rose joints so then i could have had adjustable ride height :D
not to worry :D

14-10-2007, 05:35 AM
You don't fuck around do you? Thats coming on great.

What do you do if you need to work on your bike in winter?

14-10-2007, 05:58 AM
you get cold :D and wet, or drag you bike inside and work on it in the spare bedroom, and hope the girlfriend doesnt find out :D