View Full Version : Excrement Exploits!

31-07-2008, 03:37 PM
Bout '98 when I were a nipper! My good mate Bill and I were out on the Razz in Nottingham @ Rock City. Bill hooked up with a chick and I hooked up with her mate, the night went on and we all got pissed as cunts.

2am when the club shut we all went back to Bill's chicks house he went upstairs and my chick and I were given the run of the ground floor......off we both rooted

Bout 4:30am bill taps me on the shoulder quietly and tells me were off, I snook out with him and the girls were left to wake up lonely.

Turns out Bill had this girl spooned up to him from behind and woke up needing to fart realy bad so he rached over and pulled one arse cheek up so as to let out a quiet one.......Phhhhrp!.....BLAM! shit all over this chick!! Bill immediately braced for impact, waited, then heard snoring. The bird was comatosed so taking his chances he left her to roll around in it, snook out, grabbed his clothes and cleaned himself up in the bathroom (he had shit all up his back!)

On the way out; before waking me, he left a post-it note on the kitchen table reading:-

"You FILTHY BITCH stay out of my life!"

To this day she thinks she shat herself!

31-07-2008, 03:45 PM
thats farken funny

31-07-2008, 05:00 PM
AAARGH! Thats a fuckin classic! Good one lads!

01-08-2008, 01:35 AM
I was wondering when a "shit yaself" incident thread would pop up.
my younger bro lost his glove on the way home the other night.

Had to take an emergency After Grog Bog and didnt quite make it to the servo. pitch black, one glove off, helmet off goes to jump onto a grass embankment. THUD,

it was tall grass hiding about 1m drop off, still taking his pants off as he fell down.

feircly shitting in the squat/duck position to avoid detection by passing cars. (thus breathing in the rancid fumes) receipt in pocket for TP (either that or group certificate)then realised fuck, where did my glove go.. starts looking/feeling around.. FUCK where did I shit! left it at that. now has no gloves for morning rides hahah.

Anyone wants a free glove, tread carefully under the [Nudgee Service Center 1km ahead] sign on the gateway.