View Full Version : Trans Dept Phone calls

28-07-2008, 05:29 PM
Has anyone had a phone call from the transport department or the likes lately? the old man got a call asking to speak to my brother, a motorcyclist, for his opinions on how they can save more lives for bike riders!?!

my old man said, "take everyone else off the road!" [:p]

Just wondering if anyone has had that call, must have been a follow up to that cock up of a brochure they handed out with "statistics" a few weeks back.

28-07-2008, 06:29 PM
never heard of it but ive got some crap in the post.

And the motorcycle council and a uni group were at the road warriors on sunday doing a thing on helmets and fitting.

29-07-2008, 01:00 PM
here's my idea on road safety. and f**k me if it wouldn't work:

remove the following from cars:

Park assistance radar thingies
Automatic headlights for when it's dark (if you don't realise you can't see, how exactly did you get your license???)
Automatic windscreen wipers (see above)
remove also:
speed signs
corner advisory signs

then, replace the airbag with a claymore mine.

now, can you imagine ANYONE driving like a cockhead then?

scotty mac
29-07-2008, 01:11 PM
quote:Originally posted by pommybstd

then, replace the airbag with a claymore mine.

now, can you imagine ANYONE driving like a cockhead then?

I like this idea[^][^]

29-07-2008, 01:20 PM
i really should be minister for transport with ideas such as that :D

of course, in such a role, i would have a remote control to set off claymores on cars i dislike, so we'd have things like a "national volvo explosion day" and the like.

29-07-2008, 11:08 PM
You got my vote.

30-07-2008, 01:44 AM
hahahaha claymores, thats fuckin awesome! and would work!

For the record. those auto headlight turneronerers are the definition of lazy. its probably for fat fucks who cant get their fat thumbs off the wheel to turn them on. same as those auto wipers WTF. allthough It cant be that hard to get your fingers off the wheel when they are covered in chicken grease from KFC.