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View Full Version : Front axle material

03-10-2007, 12:52 PM
Does anyone have any recommendations for the material to make a new front axle for an R1? I have a different front wheel and need to make a new axle from the 22mm R1 to a 19mm. The standard R1 axle is hollow and I don't think it could take machining down. Some friends turned me up one, which I've used as a mock up but the thread was a bit "how ya going" and not square.

Thanks 8^)

03-10-2007, 01:03 PM
I know Ivan (Latheboy) turned one up for his gsxr, don't know what material it was but I'm sure he'll turn up here at some stage with some answers.

03-10-2007, 01:10 PM
Go to hell ... thats my information and im not telling ;)

03-10-2007, 01:19 PM
Hey barkn... i used 4140 ... its a tool steel .. great stuff .. i think other names for it are P20 and E200 depends on where it comes from .. :D

If your going from Ø22 down to Ø19 wont there be an issue where the axle goes though the fork bottoms .. youll need sleeves or somfin to make up the 3 mm

03-10-2007, 02:45 PM
Thanks for the replies.
The actual threaded end is 18mm and the other end gets clamped with a pinch bolt. The mocked up unit has sort of proven the design, it's just I'm not sure of what it's made of and am not willing to chance it, although it feels more solid than the "light weight" original.

03-10-2007, 03:19 PM
I drill a hole down the guts of mine then got it zinced black .. Make sure you coat it with something or it'll rust and you wont get it out .. and thats gay