View Full Version : Life outside of bikes.........

17-07-2008, 09:47 PM
Right-o, some more post whoring going on;). Sitting here typing up a job application and I've hit a wall, so..

What does others have in their lives outside of bikes?

I work with the disabled, though at the moment I've taken an internal office job, great $$$ but boring as fuck[xx(] so I spend all my time flicking through ASF pages[:p]. Keep reptlies, surf badly, music, camping, fishing, until recently 4WDing etc etc etc

You get the idea.

17-07-2008, 11:03 PM
sex & beer:D

Jockney Rebel
17-07-2008, 11:15 PM
playing drums [that i dont have and havnt touched since 1991,,the dining tables suffering as well as my wifes ears],drawing,exploring ,bit of a movie buff,and old aircraft ,[that i cant afford and dont know how to fly ]

18-07-2008, 01:34 AM
Its hard to think of things to do that dont involve bikes.. damn, i like playstation and anything that involves tequila and handguns..

18-07-2008, 06:41 AM
quote:Originally posted by timbo

sex & beer:D

Wow you can mutlitask:D

Ummm ... Rock Climbing,partying,ripping the house to bits and putting back together,mountain bikes,camping, shooting muzzle loading rifles,hunting,build stuff for people... thats about all i can thunk of now

18-07-2008, 09:20 AM
quote:Originally posted by Lucas
Keep reptlies, surf badly, music, camping, fishing, until recently 4WDing etc etc etc

Shit mate, except for the reptiles thing you are living my life:D. Add going to live music gigs and there you have it.

18-07-2008, 09:27 AM
Im the assistant manager of a plumbing supplies outlet, work 55hrs a week so not too much time left over for anything else other than bikes! Im thinkin about leavin to find a bike mechanic apprenticeship soon but! Dont ask why! I do live right nxt to the beach tho so in summer if im not riding thats where i'l prolly be! Other than that Sex, Drugs & Alcomohol! :D

18-07-2008, 11:09 AM
quote:Originally posted by Fight_fan

Im the assistant manager of a plumbing supplies outlet, work 55hrs a week so not too much time left over for anything else other than bikes! Im thinkin about leavin to find a bike mechanic apprenticeship soon but! Dont ask why! I do live right nxt to the beach tho so in summer if im not riding thats where i'l prolly be! Other than that Sex, Drugs & Alcomohol! :D

And the beaches around your parts are the best in the world IMO, a little chilly at times but fucking pristine. There aren't too many places on the east coast where you can find beaches without a single footprint on it.

18-07-2008, 11:25 AM
'kenoath they are mate! Theres fuck all to do but it sure is pretty down here!

18-07-2008, 11:27 AM
I work for myself and have three kids, so hobbies are a thing of the past :(

I am training to run the 10km bridge to brisbane run though, should be entertaining for the crowd to see a very unfit 32 year old gasping for breath running up the gateway bridge.

18-07-2008, 11:31 AM
There is lots of life outside of bikes, I just prefer to integrate bikes into most things I do:D
Most things come back to bikes for me – learning electronics, fibreglassing etc so I can make things for the bike. Committee’s and stuff I’m on all to do with bikes & road issues. Kids all have their own bikes. Work part time as a bike trainer. Hmm I’m seeing a pattern :D:DComes back to you do what you enjoy
I have a bit of a thirst for adventure so I’m always off trying something new;)

18-07-2008, 11:35 AM
Yell out if you any help with your application. Spend lots of my time sifting through resumes and job applictions deciding who I want to interview, thats is when I'm not surfing the net for a bit of a break;)

18-07-2008, 11:37 AM
quote:Originally posted by Matt

I work for myself and have three kids, so hobbies are a thing of the past :(

I am training to run the 10km bridge to brisbane run though, should be entertaining for the crowd to see a very unfit 32 year old gasping for breath running up the gateway bridge.

You only 32.... lol... good for you for attempting the run...

As for me, Running after 4 kids, working with my dog at work, not much else interests me apart from occasional computer/Wii games and seem to be caning Facebook activities of late.

Do enjoy 4WDing, but kinda look like a dick playing in a standard Playdo with no suspension mods and dont really know where there are play areas here in Perth.


18-07-2008, 12:29 PM
Well, im only new to actually owning a bike. could never afford it.
I grew up with a hankering for anything airforce, so cadets opened up a heap of opportunities, flying, parachuting, gliding, weapons training courses etc.

outside of that its all been v8 holdens, my torana conversion, cruises, willowbank, powercruise, and midnight burnout comps somewhere.
I'v never drunk alcohol (on purpose) smoked, or dabbled in illicit substances so I find other small hobbies to waste my money on.

I'd rather be out in the sticks blowing shit up and shooting things, makin as much noise as possible.
grew up in the surf, and I'm keen to tie up the loose ends around here and move back up maybe to the sunny coast one day. or just find somewhere else to live and work, and as far away from this shit hole as possible.

Currently working avo shift for the coles DC, sleeping, and trying to get my latest shitbox on the road so i can start on the 9.
Im only recently doing all the things I wanted to do but havnt had the money to do it. next on the cards is a gun licence
:D pilots licence is too damn expensive.

oh yeah, and ps3 online gaming (used to go to lan days with my pc haha ) and anything else nerdy cause it saves me money!

18-07-2008, 05:43 PM
i go shooting alot, camping alot, i drink alot of carlton too. and work as a salesman at a hospitality supplier.

18-07-2008, 05:49 PM
quote:Originally posted by chopiesel

i go shooting alot, camping alot, i drink alot of carlton too. and work as a salesman at a hospitality supplier.

I thought you drove those green skip trucks.

If you go shooting alot, get up into Namadgi and knock off some of those dogs. I was up at Corrin Dam a few weeks back and you could hear all the fuckers in the hills. 1080 obviously isn't working too well.

18-07-2008, 05:56 PM
Im a linehaul driver but when im not doing that I love my 4WD and i build hotrods and chops. Also am into photography and do some freelance work for some underground mags.

18-07-2008, 06:00 PM
as you can see this is another one of my hobbys along with 4x4,camping you know the usual stuff like kicking midgets

18-07-2008, 06:02 PM
Chunky scope

18-07-2008, 06:04 PM
quote:Originally posted by chopiesel

i go shooting alot, camping alot, i drink alot of carlton too. and work as a salesman at a hospitality supplier.
are they still doing the bounty on vermin up that way or not

18-07-2008, 06:06 PM
quote:Originally posted by Lucas

Chunky scope
its a bushnell elite its only that long so you dont get light directly on to the lens this is one of my all time favourite guns it took me ages to find one in this condition its a Ruger 220 swift with a varmit barrel in other words it got a target barrel on it which makes it alot more accurate

18-07-2008, 06:07 PM
quote:Originally posted by BANDITROD

quote:Originally posted by Lucas

Chunky scope
its a bushnell elite its only that long so you dont get light directly on to the lens

K, see what you mean now, mostly shroud

18-07-2008, 06:10 PM
yep thats right mate

18-07-2008, 06:15 PM
Mauser 6.5 would have to be my favorite gun to play with, purely for the 'fuck me, what the fuck was that!!!' factor

18-07-2008, 06:21 PM
yeah they are good machine i also have a single shot rossi pumba 308 whatever you hit doesnt get up its fucking sweet as

18-07-2008, 06:27 PM
quote:Originally posted by BANDITROD

yeah they are good machine i also have a single shot rossi pumba 308 whatever you hit doesnt get up its fucking sweet as

Had a scary moment with a 308 a few years back. I almost didn't get back up[:p]

18-07-2008, 06:29 PM
you gotta hang onto the fuckers thats for damn sure

18-07-2008, 06:44 PM
quote:Originally posted by BANDITROD

you gotta hang onto the fuckers thats for damn sure

It wasn't in my hands, a mate was getting it off the rack in the ute, I was sitting in the passenger seat. He grabbed it by the trigger guard and as he got it off the rack I ended up with the pointy end pressed up against my ear. It turned out it was loaded and the safety was off[xx(]

18-07-2008, 07:08 PM
as an ex cav man... I gotta say i love my .50cal

18-07-2008, 09:41 PM
i could only wish i had one weasel i love 50cal's they fucking kick arse

18-07-2008, 09:47 PM
yeah right till you have a hot jamb and you need to break the feed belt while its firing...
Or you have a round jamb in the chamber and it 'cooks off' (Fires) while your lifting the flash cover to clear it.

18-07-2008, 09:54 PM
this is what im talking about

19-07-2008, 02:11 AM
mmmm cook offs. like that show on tv at 2pm..


probably sucks as much as this (.50cal)


fuckit.. I gotta get my gun licence been meaning to do it since I did the steyr course. might start with something like this.. :D -not

uncle pervy
19-07-2008, 08:55 AM
love my 7.62, but now the cops have taken my guns.
i have now found rockets forfill the void
scary to think i have developed the technology to put a cardboard cylinder 1100 and have it detonate with enough impact to destroy a car

19-07-2008, 10:28 AM
Rick are you a member of PARC. You can do some wicked shit now and they have a site in Toodyay. Sept 26,7,8 they have an 8000ft ceiling allowed by CASA definitely worth getting involved with. I was a member years ago but business has put a stop to that.